Справка. Тула – потрясающе красивый и очень гостеприимный город с мног перевод - Справка. Тула – потрясающе красивый и очень гостеприимный город с мног английский как сказать

Справка. Тула – потрясающе красивый

Справка. Тула – потрясающе красивый и очень гостеприимный город с многовековой историей, основанный в 1146 году. Сегодня является областным центром Тульской области, имеет статус Города-Героя. Сейчас там проживает около полумиллиона человек.(1мемориал города героя)
(2вокзалы)От столицы России город отделяют 193 км. Поезда прибывают в Тулу на два вокзала: Ряжский и Московский.
(3все три на фото- кремля, Музея оружия и музея-усадьбы "Ясная Поляна". )
Сейчас мы представим вам главные, парадные достопримечательности, без которых немыслимо знакомство с Тулой
Самые красивые и интересные места для прогулок в Туле расположены в основном в Центральном районе - кремль, Кремлевский сад, площадь Ленина, улицы Ленина, Советская.
(4слайд)1. Тульский кремль и Кремлевский сад
Тульский кремль - главная достопримечательность Тулы, ее исторический центр. Одновременно это и музей, и место для прогулок.
(5слайд соборы)На территории Тульского кремля стоят 2 собора: Успенский и Богоявленский . В наши дни в Богоявленском храме находится Музей оружия.
(6слайд богоявленский соор и здание-щлем)2. Музей оружия
Музей оружия располагается в Туле в двух зданиях - в Богоявленском соборе Тульского кремля и новом здании-шлеме. Первый музей - это такая "классика жанра". Второй - большой, современный, интерактивный. Оба интересны.
(7 самовары)3. Музей самоваров
Второй по популярности музей Тулы - Музей самоваров. Стоит перед главным входом в кремль. Очень интересная коллекция самоваров. Однозначно стоит побывать хотя бы один раз.
С первых дней своего создания музей стал одним из самых посещаемых музеев города; основное направление его деятельности - экскурсионное обслуживание. Его научно-исследовательская, собирательская и просветительская работа способствует тому, что наряду с Тульским музеем оружия он является своеобразной "визитной карточкой г. Тулы.
(8 пряник)4. Музей пряников
Небольшой музей, в котором можно узнать всю историю пряников..
Музей "Тульский пряник" - один из самых молодых музеев города Тулы. В музее представлена история уникального старинного лакомства, пришедшего к нам их глубины веков, пережившего взлеты и падения, потери и возрождение. Здесь можно услышать о старинных традициях и обрядах и увидеть, как его делают в современных условиях. Там же( представлены пряники, изготовленные на старинных формах.(9 гигантский и маленкий) В экспозиции представлен и самый маленький, чуть больше полтинника, пряник и гигантский - пудовый, единственный в стране.Кроме того, туристам предлагается дегустация пряника с чаем и возможность приобрести вкусные сувениры.
5. Памятники и скульптуры Тулы(10памятник левше,пряник,площадь ленина)
(11сл)В Туле очень много интересных памятников и скульптур.
Невозможно обойти памятник "Тульский пряник" на площади Ленина. Красавец!
(12 сл)Памятник Никите Демидову привлекает к себе внимание всех, кто приехал в здание-шлем (Музей Оружия). Памятник располагается на улице Октябрьской, рядом с Николо-Зарецким храмом и Некрополем Демидовых. Обязательно здесь побывайте!
Прекрасен памятник-мемориал героическим защитникам г. Тулы на площади Победы.

(13сл)Кроме вышеперечисленных памятников в Туле есть памятники Петру I, Левше, князю Владимиру, Катюше и т.д.
А еще очень мне понравились скульптурные композиции "Тульское чаепитие" (установлена в сквере рядом с Октябрьской улицей)
(ясная поляна)
Отдельного внимания во время посещения достопримечательностей Тулы заслуживает Усадьба Льва Николаевича Толстого «Ясная поляна»
6. Музей-усадьба "Ясная Поляна" (ж/д станция "Козлова Засека")
Ясная поляна, усадьба Л.Н. Толстого, место не нуждающееся в рекламе. Приехать в Тулу и не побывать здесь - это что-то запредельное. Ясная Поляна - место, где жил и творил Лев Толстой и где он похоронен.
Большая, ухоженная территория усадьбы - замечательное место для семейного отдыха и прогулок. Место, на мой взгляд, сохранившее атмосферу толстовских времен, очень простое и естественное.
Кроме душевного отдыха, в Ясной Поляне однозначно стоит взять экскурсию и побывать в доме, где жил великий русский писатель.
И, как завершающая точка толстовской темы, съездите на железнодорожную старинную станцию "Козлова Засека". Это место, откуда Лев Толстой в ноябре 1910 года отправился в свое последнее путешествие, во время которого умер.
В здании вокзала располагается музей. Вокруг красивая, благоустроенная территория, приятно прогуляться. Есть возможность сфотографироваться в старинных костюмах конца XIX - начала XX века.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
VBulletin. Tula is breathtakingly beautiful and very hospitable city with centuries of history, founded in the year 1146. Today is the regional center of Tula region, has the status of a hero town. Now there are about half a million people. (1memorial city hero) (2vokzaly) From the Russian capital city separate 193 km. Trains arrive in Tula on the two station: Ryazhskiy and Moscow.(three 3vse on the photo-the Museum of weapons and the Kremlin Museum-estate "Yasnaya Polyana". )Now we present you the main attractions, smart is unthinkable without familiarity with TulaThe most beautiful and interesting places for walking in Tula are located mainly in the central area of the Kremlin, the Kremlin grounds, Lenin square, Lenin Street, Sovetskaya.(4slajd) 1. Tula Kremlin and Kremlin gardenTula Kremlin-the main attraction of Tula, its historic center. At the same time it and the Museum, and a place for walks. (5slajd cathedrals) in Tula Kremlin Dormition Cathedral: 2 stand and Epiphany. Nowadays, Epiphany Temple is Museum of arms.(6slajd Epiphany Coop and building-shhlem) 2. Museum of armsMuseum of weapons is housed in two buildings in Tula-Tula Kremlin Cathedral Epiphany and new building-helmet. The first museum-it's such a classic genre. " The second is a large, modern, interactive. Both are interesting. (7 samovars) 3. Museum of samovarsThe second most popular Museum of Tula Samovar Museum. Standing in front of the main entrance to the Kremlin. Very interesting collection of samovars. Definitely worth visiting at least once.From the first days of its establishment, the Museum has become one of the most visited museums in the city; the main direction of its activity is a tour guide. His research, collecting and education contributes to the fact that along with the Tula Museum of weapons it is a hallmark of Tula.(8 gingerbread) 4. Gingerbread MuseumA small museum where you can learn the whole story of gingerbread..Museum "Tula gingerbread"-one of the newest museums in the city of Tula. The Museum presents the history of a unique ancient goodies, come to us with their ages, survived the ups and downs of loss and rebirth. Here you can hear about ancient traditions and rites and see how it is done in a modern context. Ibid. (made on old gingerbread forms ( 9 giant and small) presented in the exposition and the smallest, little more than some statistics, gingerbread and giant-pounds, the only one in the country. In addition, tourists are invited to stick with tea tasting and an opportunity to purchase tasty souvenirs.5. Monuments and sculptures of Tula (10pamjatnik levshe, gingerbread, Ploschad Lenina)(11sl) in Thule, a lot of interesting monuments and sculptures. You cannot bypass the monument "Tula gingerbread" on Lenin square. Handsome!(12 tbsp) Monument Nikita Demidova attracts the attention of all who came into the building-helmet (Museum of weapons). The monument is located on the street October, next to the nikolo-Zarecky Temple and Necropolis Demidovs. Be sure to visit here!Beautiful memorial monument to the heroic defenders of Tula at the victory square.(13sl) in addition to the abovementioned monuments in Tula has monuments to Peter I, Levshe, Prince Vladimir, Katusha, etc..Very I liked the sculptural composition "Tula tea party" (installed in the square next to the Oktyabrskaya Street)(Yasnaya Polyana)Special attention during a day of sightseeing in Tula deserves the farmstead of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana»6. The Museum-estate "Yasnaya Polyana" (railway station "Kozlova Zaseka")Yasnaya Polyana, Leo Tolstoy, the place does not need advertising. Arrive in Tula and not come here is something beyond. Yasnaya Polyana, where Leo Tolstoy lived and worked and where he is buried.Large, well-groomed territory of Manor-a great place for family vacations and trips. Place, in my opinion, preserved atmosphere of tolstovskih times, very simple and natural.In addition to mental relaxation, at Yasnaya Polyana definitely worth a tour and visit the House where lived a great Russian writer.And, as the final point of the tolstovskoj theme, take a trip on an old rail station "Kozlova Zaseka. This is the place where Leo Tolstoy in November 1910 the year went into their last trip, during which he died.The station building is located Museum. Around beautiful landscaped area, a pleasant stroll. There is an opportunity to be photographed in vintage costumes of late 19th-early 20th century.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Help . Tula - stunningly beautiful and very charming town with a long history , founded in 1146 year . Today is the regional center of the Tula region , has the status of a city - the Hero . Now it is home to about half a million people . ( 1 City of Heroes memorial )
( 2 stations ) from the Russian capital city is separated 193 km . Trains arrive in Tula for two station : Ryazhskiy and Moscow .
( 3 , all three in the photo - the Kremlin , the Museum of Weapons and the museum - manor " Yasnaya Polyana .")
Now we introduce you to the main , ceremonial attractions , without which there is familiarity with the Tula
most beautiful and interesting places to walk in Tula are located mainly in the Central area - the Kremlin , the Kremlin garden , Lenin Square , Lenin street , Soviet .
( 4 slide ) 1. Tula Kremlin and the Kremlin Garden
Tula Kremlin - the main attraction of Tula , its historic center . At the same time it is a museum , and a place for walking .
( 5 slide cathedrals ) in the territory of Tula Kremlin are 2 Cathedral : Assumption and Epiphany . Today, in Church of the Epiphany is a weapons museum .
( 6 slide Epiphany COOP and building - schlem ) 2. Museum of Weapons
Museum of Weapons is located in Tula in two buildings - in the Epiphany Cathedral of the Tula Kremlin and the new building - helmet . The first museum - it is such a " classic of the genre ." The second - a large , modern , interactive . Both are interesting .
( 7 samovars ) 3. samovars Museum
The second most popular museum of Tula - Samovar Museum . It should be the main entrance to the Kremlin . Very interesting collection of samovars . Definitely worth visiting at least once .
Since its inception, the museum has become one of the most visited museums in the city ; the main direction of its activities - excursions . His scientific - research , the collecting and education contributes to the fact , that in addition to the Tula Museum of weapons, he is a kind of " calling card g . Tula .
( 8 sticks ) 4. Museum of gingerbread
small museum , where you can find out the whole story gingerbread ..
Museum " Tula gingerbread " - one of the youngest museums in the city of Tula . The museum presents the history of the unique old goodies , come to us of their time immemorial , has experienced ups and downs , loss and rebirth . Here you can hear about the old traditions and customs, and to see , how it is made in modern conditions . There ( presented cakes , made on ancient forms (. 9 giant and Malenko ) The exhibition is presented, and the smallest , a little more than fifty dollars , a carrot and a giant - pood , the only one in the country . in addition , tourists are offered a tasting carrot with tea and delicious opportunity to buy souvenirs .
5. The monuments and sculptures of Tula ( 10 monument left-hander , gingerbread , Lenin Square )
( 11 cl ) in Tula so many interesting monuments and sculptures .
It is impossible to get around the monument " Tula gingerbread " on Lenin Square . Beauty !
( 12 cl ) Monument Nikita Demidov has attracted the attention of all , who came into the building - a helmet ( Museum of Arms ). The monument is located on the street October , close to St. Nicholas - Zaretsky Temple and Necropolis Demidov . Be sure to visit here !
Beautiful is a monument - a memorial to the heroic defenders of g . Tula in Victory Square .

( 13 cl ) In addition to these monuments of Tula there are monuments to Peter I, Lefty , Prince Vladimir , Katusha, and so on . d .
And still very much I liked the sculptural composition " Tula Tea Party " ( installed in the square next to the October street )
( Yasnaya Polyana )
Special attention during a visit to Tula attractions worthy of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy Farmstead " Yasnaya Polyana "
6. The museum - manor " Yasnaya Polyana " ( w / d station " Kozlov Zaseka ")
Yasnaya Polyana , manor L . H . Tolstoy , the place does not require advertising . To come to Tula, and not to come here - it's - something beyond . Yasnaya Polyana - a place , where he lived and worked, Leo Tolstoy, and where he is buried .
Large , well-groomed territory of the estate - a great place for family vacations and trips . Place , in my opinion , to preserve the atmosphere of Tolstoy's time , very simple and natural .
In addition to mental relaxation , at Yasnaya Polyana definitely worth taking a tour and visit the house , where the great Russian writer lived .
And , as a final point of Tolstoy's theme , take a trip on the old railway station " Kozlov Zaseka ". This place , where Leo Tolstoy, in November 1910 he headed to his last trip , during which he died .
Museum is located in the station building . Around the beautiful , landscaped area , a pleasant stroll . There is an opportunity to be photographed in period costume end of the XIX - beginning of XX century .

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the certificate. tula is gorgeous and very friendly city with centuries of history, founded in 1146,. today is the regional centre of tula oblast has the status of a hero. now there are nearly half a million people. (1мемориал town hero)(2вокзалы) from the capital of russia city and 193 km. the train arrive in tulu two station: ryazhsky and moscow.(3все three photo - the kremlin museum - the museum of arms and "yasnaya polyana".)now we will introduce the main, front sights, which is making тулойthe most beautiful and interesting places to stroll in the tula are located mainly in the central area of the kremlin, the kremlin gardens, the streets lenin, lenin, soviet.(4слайд) 1. tula kremlin and kremlin gardentula kremlin - the main attraction of tula, its historic center. at the same time, it is a museum and a place for walking.(5слайд cathedrals) on the territory of the kremlin's assumption cathedral тульского stand 2, and epiphany. nowadays, in the богоявленском temple houses a museum of arms.(6слайд epiphany соор and building щлем) 2. museum of weaponsthe museum is housed in two buildings in tula arms in богоявленском тульского kremlin cathedral and the new building - helmet. a museum is a "classic". the second is a large, modern, interactive. both are interesting.(7 don) 3. the museum самоваровthe second most popular museum of tula - the museum самоваров. in front of the main entrance to the kremlin. a very interesting collection of самоваров. definitely should go at least once.since its inception, the museum has become one of the most visited museums in the city; the main line - desk. his research, собирательская and education contributes, along with the тульским museum of weapons, he is a "business card. tula.8 (gingerbread) 4. the gingerbread museuma small museum, where you can learn the history of gingerbread.museum "tula gingerbread" - one of the youngest museums tula. the museum presents the history of the unique historical tidbits, comes to us their depth of centuries, have experienced ups and downs, loss and recovery. here, you can hear the ancient traditions and rituals, and see how you do it in a modern context. there are (presented to the sticks are ancient forms. (9 giant and small) in the exposition presented and the little, little more than a $50 should do, cake and a giant - lb, the only one in the стране.кроме, tourists are tasting the tea sticks and the opportunity to buy good souvenirs.5. monuments and sculptures of tula (10памятник левше, gingerbread, lenin square)(11сл) in tula very many interesting monuments and sculptures.impossible to circumvent the monument "tula gingerbread n
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