я закончила среднюю школу в 1996 году. Моя тетя хотела чтобы я училась перевод - я закончила среднюю школу в 1996 году. Моя тетя хотела чтобы я училась английский как сказать

я закончила среднюю школу в 1996 го

я закончила среднюю школу в 1996 году. Моя тетя хотела чтобы я училась на стоматолога или бухгалтера. Так как я не переношу кровь, очевидным выбором стала профессия бухгалтер. Училась я в техникуме и через три года закончила учебу и получила диплом с отличием. Затем тетя сказала поступай в университет. В 1999 году я приехала поступать в днепропетровский аграрный университет на все того же бухгалтера, в то время это была популярная профессия. Чтобы поступить в университет на бесплатную форму обучения одного диплома с отличием мало, нужны были знакомства и деньги. Ни того ни другого у меня не было. После фальшивого собеседования я естественно не поступила. По его итогу мне предложили учить мелиорация земель. Ни я ни тетя не представляли что это такое, но тетя сказала соглашайся, будет дополнительных пять лет молодости.Факультет оказался не самым лучшим в плане отношения к студентам. Поэтому учебу я никогда не вспоминаю. Нормальные воспоминания связаны с жизнью в общежитии, почти все мои друзья оттуда и мы до сих пор общаемся. Вот так случайно я стала инженером. И хоть учеба не приносила удовольствия, работа все компенсировала, мне очень нравится моя случайная профессия
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I graduated from high school in 1996 year. My aunt wanted to I went to the dentist or accountant. Since I don't take blood, the obvious choice was the profession of the accountant. I studied in college and three years later graduated and received a diploma with honors. Then the aunt said, do unto others in the University. In 1999 the year I came to do in Dnepropetrovsk agricultural University on the same accountant, at that time it was a popular profession. To enroll in University in the free form of training one of the diploma with honors, needed little dating and money. None of either I didn't have. After the fake interview, I naturally was not received. On its outcome I was offered to teach land reclamation. Neither I nor my aunt had no idea what it is, but aunt told agree, would an extra five years of youth faculty turned out to be the best in terms of attitudes towards students. So study I never remember. Normal memories associated with life in a dorm, almost all of my friends from there, and we still keep in touch. This is how casually I became an engineer. And though studies do not bring pleasure, work is compensated, I really like my random profession
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I graduated from high school in 1996. My aunt wanted me to study at the dentist or accountant. Since I can not stand blood, the obvious choice was the accounting profession. I studied in college and three years later finished his studies and graduated with honors. Then the aunt told to go to university. In 1999, I came to act in Dnipropetrovsk Agrarian University to all the same accountant, at the time it was a popular profession. To go to university for free form of training a diploma with honors small, acquaintances and needed money. Neither one nor the other I did not have. After a fake interview I naturally was not received. He offered to teach me a total land reclamation. Neither I nor my aunt had no idea what it is, but the aunt said consent will molodosti.Fakultet additional five years was not the best in terms of attitude to the students. Therefore, I am studying I never remember. Normal memories are connected with life in the dorm, almost all my friends are there and we still communicate. That's how I happened to become an engineer. And though the study did not bring pleasure, work is compensated, I really like my random profession
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I graduated from high school in 1996. My aunt would like to ensure that I joined the dentist or accountant. As I do not pass my blood, clear choice has become profession accountant.She i a technical college and at the end of three years had completed their studies and received diploma with honors. Then aunt said do unto in university.In 1999, I came to do in Dnepropetrovsk agrarian university in all the same accountant, at the time, this was a popular profession.To do in the university for a free form of education one university diploma with honors little, need have been exploring and money. Neither the one nor the other i have not been. After fake interviews i naturally had not been received.On the whole I was asked to teach land reclamation. Neither I nor aunt does not represent what that is, but aunt said Benhadad, will be additional five years too young.Faculty of Law has proved to be not the best in the relationship to the students. Therefore, studies i never recall. Normal memories linked to the lives in the dormitory, almost all my friends from there and we still talk.This is so accidentally i became an engineer. And although studies do not produce fun, work all disbursements, and I like my random profession
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