Я в будние дни обычно встаю почти в шесть часов. Я не люблю вставать р перевод - Я в будние дни обычно встаю почти в шесть часов. Я не люблю вставать р английский как сказать

Я в будние дни обычно встаю почти в

Я в будние дни обычно встаю почти в шесть часов. Я не люблю вставать рано,но вынуждена, так как нужно ехать в институт.
Я заправляю кровать, умываюсь, делаю зарядку,делаю прическу, делаю макияж
,одеваю свою одежду и иду на кухню. Я готовлю завтрак на всех,так как мама не успевает, еще не много помогаю родителям по хозяйству. Я не очень люблю большие завтраки, я предпочитаю чашечку кофе и бутерброд.
Потом я собираюсь и проверяю все ли я взяла,а после еду в институт. Обычно меня отвозят родители, но иногда я езжу на автобусе.
Пары начинаются в половине девятого. В целом у меня три пары, но иногда и четыре,это зависит от дня недели. После учебы иду на спортивные секции: волейбол и тренажерный зал, на выходных хожу на гимнастику. После секции иду за продуктами пока есть свободное время. После еду на автостанцию и еду домой на автобусе и уже почти через час я уже дома.
Приезжая домой я сперва делаю свои обязанности по дому, иногда готовлю ужин, гуляю с братом, потом кушаю
с моей семьей и иду делать пары. После того как сделала пары иду помогать брату с уроками, а после я либо читаю книгу,делаю зарядку, либо смотрю телевизор.
Я очень люблю вечера, когда все члены моей семьи собираются после работы и учебы, и у меня есть возможность поговорить и обсудить наши семейные дела.
Я обычно ложусь спать приблизительно в одиннадцать часов, иногда в двенадцать.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I usually get up on weekdays almost six hours. I don't like to get up early, but was forced to, because you need to go to the Institute.I bed I fill, wash my face, doing exercises, doing her hair, doing your makeup, put your clothes and go to the kitchen. I cook breakfast at all, because my mother doesn't have time, even without a lot of help to parents with household chores. I don't really like big breakfasts, I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.Then I'm going to check all I took, and after the meal. I usually taken parents, but sometimes I travel by bus.Couples start at half of the ninth. In general I have three pairs, but sometimes four, it depends on the day of the week. After studying go at the sports section: volleyball and gym on the weekends go to gymnastics. After the section go for groceries until there is free time. After a meal at the bus station and the bus going home and already almost an hour later I was already at home.Coming home I first do their household chores, sometimes cook dinner, walking with his brother, then eat with my family and am going to do a couple. Once made the couples going to help brother with lessons, and after I either read a book, make a charge, or watch tv.I really love the evening when all my family members gather after work or school, and I have a chance to talk and discuss our family business.I usually go to bed at about eleven o'clock, sometimes in twelve.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I usually get up on weekdays in nearly six hours. I do not like to get up early, but had, as you need to go to college.
I fill the bed, I wash my face, do exercises, do her hair, make-up
, put on his clothes and go to the kitchen. I cook breakfast for all, as my mother did not have time, still not much help parents with the housework. I do not like a big breakfast, I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.
Then I'm going to check everything and I took it, and after going to college. Usually I bused parents, but sometimes I go by bus.
Couples begin in half the ninth. In general, I have three pairs, but sometimes four, depending on day of week. After studying go to sports clubs volleyball and a gym on the weekends I go to the gym. After going to the Food section while there is free time. After going to the bus station and go home on the bus and was almost an hour later I was at home.
Coming home, I first do her chores, sometimes I cook dinner, go out with my brother, then I'm eating
with my family and I go to make a pair. Once made ​​a pair of go help his brother with homework, and then I either read a book, do gymnastics or watch TV.
I love the evening when all my family members gather after work or school, and I have the opportunity to talk and discuss our family business.
I usually go to bed around eleven o'clock, sometimes twelve.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i usually get up on weekdays in nearly six hours. i don't like to get up early, but have to, because you need to go to the institute.
i stock bed, washing, do some exercise, doing hair, doing makeup
.wear your clothes and go to the kitchen. i cook breakfast for everyone, so mother has still not much help parents at home. i don't really like the big city, i prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.then i'm going to check whether i took, and after going to college. i usually take my parents, but sometimes i take the bus. "the pair begin at half past eight. in general, i have three pairs, but sometimes four,it depends on the day of the week. after school sports: volleyball and going to the gym, on the weekend, go to the gym. after the go shopping as long as there is free time.after going to автостанцию and coming home on the bus and for almost an hour, i'm home.
when i first home do their duties to the house, sometimes cooking dinner, walking with my brother, then eat
with my family and go to couples.after made the pair go to your lessons, and then i read a book, do some exercise or watch tv. i love the night, when all the members of my family are going after work and study.and i have the opportunity to talk and discuss our family business.
i usually go to bed around eleven hours, sometimes in the twelve.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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