Жили-были муж с женой, и была у них дочка. Заболела жена и умерла. Пог перевод - Жили-были муж с женой, и была у них дочка. Заболела жена и умерла. Пог английский как сказать

Жили-были муж с женой, и была у них

Жили-были муж с женой, и была у них дочка. Заболела жена и умерла. Погоревал-погоревал мужик да и женился на другой.

Невзлюбила злая баба девочку, била ее, ругала, только и думала, как бы совсем извести, погубить.

Вот раз уехал отец куда-то, а мачеха и говорит девочке:

- Поди к моей сестре, твоей тетке, попроси у нее иголку да нитку - тебе рубашку сшить.

А тетка эта была баба-яга, костяная нога. Не посмела девочка отказаться, пошла, да прежде зашла к своей родной тетке.

- Здравствуй, тетушка!

- Здравствуй, родимая! Зачем пришла?

- Послала меня мачеха к своей сестре попросить иголку и нитку - хочет мне рубашку сшить.

- Хорошо, племянница, что ты прежде ко мне зашла, - говорит тетка. - Вот тебе ленточка, масло, хлебец да мяса кусок. Будет там тебя березка в глаза стегать - ты ее ленточкой перевяжи; будут ворота скрипеть да хлопать, тебя удерживать - ты подлей им под пяточки маслица; будут тебя собаки рвать - ты им хлебца брось; будет тебе кот глаза драть - ты ему мясца дай.

Поблагодарила девочка свою тетку и пошла.

Шла она, шла и пришла в лес. Стоит в лесу за высоким тыном избушка на курьих ножках, на бараньих рожках, а в избушке сидит баба-яга, костяная нога - холст ткет.

- Здравствуй, тетушка! - говорит девочка.

- Здравствуй, племянница! - говорит баба-яга. - Что тебе надобно?

- Меня мачеха послала попросить у тебя иголочку и ниточку - мне рубашку сшить.

- Хорошо, племяннушка, дам тебе иголочку да ниточку, а ты садись покуда поработай!

Вот девочка села у окна и стала ткать.

А баба-яга вышла из избушки и говорит своей работнице:

- Я сейчас спать лягу, а ты ступай, истопи баню и вымой племянницу. Да смотри, хорошенько вымой: проснусь - съем ее!

Девочка услыхала эти слова - сидит ни жива, ни мертва. Как ушла баба-яга, она стала просить работницу:

- Родимая моя! Ты не столько дрова в печи поджигай, сколько водой заливай, а воду решетом носи! - И ей подарила платочек.

Работница баню топит, а баба-яга проснулась, подошла к окошку и спрашивает:

- Ткешь ли ты, племяннушка, ткешь ли, милая?

- Тку, тетушка, тку, милая!

Баба-яга опять спать легла, а девочка дала коту мясца и спрашивает:

- Котик-братик, научи, как мне убежать отсюда.

Кот говорит:

- Вон на столе лежит полотенце да гребешок, возьми их и беги поскорее: не то баба-яга съест! Будет за тобой гнаться баба-яга - ты приложи ухо к земле. Как услышишь, что она близко, брось гребешок - вырастет густой дремучий лес. Пока она будет сквозь лес продираться, ты далеко убежишь. А опять услышишь погоню - брось полотенце: разольется широкая да глубокая река.

- Спасибо тебе, котик-братик! - говорит девочка.

Поблагодарила она кота, взяла полотенце и гребешок и побежала.

Бросились на нее собаки, хотели ее рвать, кусать, - она им хлеба дала. Собаки ее и пропустили.

Ворота заскрипели, хотели было захлопнуться - а девочка подлила им под пяточки маслица. Они ее и пропустили.

Березка зашумела, хотела ей глаза выстегать, - девочка ее ленточкой перевязала. Березка ее и пропустила. Выбежала девочка и побежала что было мочи. Бежит и не оглядывается.

А кот тем временем сел у окна и принялся ткать. Не столько ткет, сколько путает!

Проснулась баба-яга и спрашивает:

- Ткешь ли, племяннушка, ткешь ли, милая?

А кот ей в ответ:

- Тку, тетка, тку, милая!

Бросилась баба-яга в избушку и видит - девочки нету, а кот сидит, ткет.

Принялась баба-яга бить да ругать кота:

- Ах ты, старый плут! Ах ты, злодей! Зачем выпустил девчонку? Почему глаза ей не выдрал? Почему лицо не поцарапал?..

А кот ей в ответ:

- Я тебе столько лет служу, ты мне косточки обглоданной не бросила, а она мне мясца дала!

Выбежала баба-яга из избушки, накинулась на собак:

- Почему девчонку не рвали, почему не кусали?..

Собаки ей говорят:

- Мы тебе столько лет служим, ты нам горелой корочки не бросила, а она нам хлебца дала!

Подбежала баба-яга к воротам:

- Почему не скрипели, почему не хлопали? Зачем девчонку со двора выпустили?..

Ворота говорят:

- Мы тебе столько лет служим, ты нам и водицы под пяточки не подлила, а она нам маслица не пожалела!

Подскочила баба-яга к березке:

- Почему девчонке глаза не выстегала?

Березка ей отвечает:

- Я тебе столько лет служу, ты меня ниточкой не перевязала, а она мне ленточку подарила!

Стала баба-яга ругать работницу:

- Что же ты, такая-сякая, меня не разбудила, не позвала? Почему ее выпустила?..

Работница говорит:

- Я тебе столько лет служу - никогда слова доброго от тебя не слыхала, а она платочек мне подарила, хорошо да ласково со мной разговаривала!

Покричала баба-яга, пошумела, потом села в ступу и помчалась в погоню. Пестом погоняет, помелом след заметает...

А девочка бежала-бежала, остановилась, приложила ухо к земле и слышит: земля дрожит, трясется - баба-яга гонится, и уж совсем близко...

Достала девочка гребень и бросила через правое плечо. Вырос тут лес, дремучий да высокий: корни у деревьев на три сажени под землю уходят, вершины облака подпирают.

Примчалась баба-яга, стала грызть да ломать лес. Она грызет да ломает, а девочка дальше бежит.

Много ли, мало ли времени прошло, приложила девочка ухо к земле и слышит: земля дрожит, трясется - баба-яга гонится, уж совсем близко.

Взяла девочка полотенце и бросила через правое плечо. В тот же миг разлилась река - широкая-преширокая, глубокая-преглубокая!

Подскочила баба-яга к реке, от злости зубами заскрипела - не может через реку перебраться.

Воротилась она домой, собрала своих быков и погнала к реке:

- Пейте, мои быки! Выпейте всю реку до дна!

Стали быки пить, а вода в реке не убывает.

Рассердилась баба-яга, легла на берег, сама стала воду пить. Пила, пила, пила, пила, до тех пор пила, пока не лопнула.

А девочка тем времен
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Once upon a husband and wife, and they had a daughter. Wife became ill and died. Pogoreval-pogoreval yes man and married another.

Dislike the evil woman girl beat her, scolded, and only thought, as though quite lime ruin.

That just left somewhere father and stepmother and says to the girl

- Come to my sister, your aunt, ask her for a needle thread yes - you sew shirt.

And this was the aunt Baba Yaga, bony leg. Girl did not dare refuse, wentyes first went to his aunt.

- Hello, Auntie!

- Hello, dear! Why did you come?

- Sent me a stepmother to his sister to ask for a needle and thread - I want to sew a shirt.

- Well, niece,before you came to me - said the aunt. - Here's a ribbon, oil, meat loaf piece yes. There you will birch eye lash - you Bandage it with ribbon; gate will creak yes claphold you - you vile them under the heels of butter, you will tear the dog - you throw them a loaf, you will have cat eyes tear up - you give him myastsa.

girl thanked her and went to his aunt.

She walked, went and came into the forest .Standing in the woods behind the high fence hut on chicken legs, lamb on the horns, and in the hut sits Baba Yaga, bony leg - canvas weaves.

- Hello, Auntie! - The girl said.

- Hello, niece! - Says Baba Yaga.- What do you want?

- My stepmother sent to ask you for a needle and thread - sew me a shirt.

- Well, plemyannushka, give you a needle thread yes, as long as you sit me work!

That girl sat by the window and began weave.

And Baba Yaga came out of the hut and its worker says:

- I'll go to sleep now, and you go along, heated the bath and wash your niece. Yes, see, a good wash: wake up - eat it!

Girl heard these words - sits neither alivenor dead. She left the Baba Yaga, she begged worker

- my Rodimaya! You're not so much wood in the stove ignited much water pour and water sieve carrier! - And she gave the handkerchief.

Worker bath sinks,and Baba Yaga woke up, went to the window and asks:

- Are you weaving you plemyannushka, art weaving, my dear?

- TAS, auntie, weave, honey!

Baba Yaga again lay down to sleep, and the girl gave the cat myastsa and asks:

- Kitty-brother, teach,I get away from here.

Cat says:

- There is on the table towel scallop yes, take them and run as soon as possible: not Baba Yaga will eat! Will chase after you Baba Yaga - you put your ear to the ground. How to hear that she was near,Come scallop - grow thick dense forest. While she will wade through the woods, you're far escape. And again hear chase - throw the towel: yes spill broad deep river.

- Thank you, cat brother!- The girl said.

She thanked her cat, took a towel and comb and ran.

Dog lunged at her, wanted her to tear, bite - she gave them bread. Dogs and missed it.

Gates creakedwanted was to slam - and the girl poured them under heels of butter. They missed it and.

Birch rustled, like her eyes quilt - girl tied it with ribbon. Birch and missed her.Girl ran and ran it was urine. Run and not look back.

The cat, meanwhile, sat by the window and began to weave. Not so much weaves how confusing!

Baba Yaga woke up and asked:

- Are you weaving, plemyannushka, Are you weaving,dear?

A cat to her:

- TAS, aunt, weave, honey!

Baba Yaga I rushed into the hut and sees - the girls present, and cat sitting, weaves.

take Baba Yaga beat yes scold cat:

- Oh, you old rogue! Oh, you villain! Why let a girl?Why not tore her eyes? Why not face scratched? ..

A cat to her:

- I'll serve for so many years, you're not thrown gnawed bone, and she gave me myastsa!

I ran out of Baba Yaga hut pounced on dogs:

- Why did not tear the girl, why did not bite? ..

Dogs she said:

- We serve you for so many years, you're burnt crust we did not quit, and she gave us a loaf!

Ran Baba Yaga to the gate

- Why did not creak,why not clapping? Why would a girl from the yard out? ..

Gates said:

- We serve you for so many years, and you give us a little water under the heels do not mean, but she did not regret us of butter!

Jump Baba Yaga to the birch:

- Why not quilted girl eyes?

Birch she answers:

- I'll serve for so many years, you do not thread tied, and she gave me a ribbon!

Became Baba Yaga curse worker

- What are you, so-and-so,not you wake me, not you call? Why is it released? ..

Worker says:

- I'll serve for so many years - never a good word from you did not hear, and she gave me a handkerchief, well yes kindly spoke with me!

Shouted Baba Yaga, a noise, then sat in a stupa and rushed in pursuit. Pestle chases, broom sweeps track ...

A girl ran, ran, stopped, put her ear to the ground and heard: the earth trembles,shakes - Baba Yaga chases, and that very close ...

get the baby comb and threw over his right shoulder. Increased forest here, so dense high: the roots of the trees on three fathoms under the earth go, cloud tops backs.

Baba Yaga rushed became gnaw yes breaking wood. She chews and smashes, and the girl on running.

A lot or a little time passed, put a girl ear to the ground and heard: the earth trembles, shakes - Baba Yaga chases,it is quite close.

took the girl and threw a towel over his right shoulder. At the same moment overflowed river - a wide-preshirokaya, deep-preglubokaya!

Jump Baba Yaga to the river,gritted his teeth in anger - can not move across the river.

gates it home, gathered her bulls and drove to the river:

- Drink my bulls! Drink the entire river to the bottom!

Steel bulls drink, and water in the river does not decrease.

Angry Baba Yaga, lay on the beach, she began to drink water. Drank and drank and drank and drank, until the saw until the burst.

A girl so times
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Once upon a husband to his wife, and was their daughter. Wife fell ill and died. Pogoreval-pogoreval a man and married another.

Had an evil woman girl, beat her, scolded, and thought how would completely exhaust,

.Here's the times left father somewhere, and the stepmother and says to the girl:

-Go to my sister, your aunt, ask her needle thread-Yes you shirt sew.

and aunt was Baba yaga, the leg bone. Dare not abandon, go girl Yes first came to his mother's aunt.

-Hello Auntie!

-Hello rodimaya! Why come?

-sent me the stepmother to his sister to ask for a needle and thread to sew the shirt I wanted.

-good, niece, What are you talking to me before, "said the aunt. Are you a Ribbon, oil, bread, yes the meat piece. Will there you Birch in the eye-lash you a Ribbon bandage; will Gates creak da clap, you keep them under podlej-maslica souls; are you a dog to vomit-you throw bread to them; will you cat eyes tear-you're a caruncle.

thanked the girl his aunt and she Went

went., was found in the Woods. Stands in the Woods behind the high fence hut on chicken feet, sheep horns, and a log cabin sits Baba yaga, bone leg-canvas weaves.

-Hello Auntie! girl says.

-Hello, niece! said Baba yaga. -What do you seek? "

-Me mother sent to ask your needle and thread to sew a shirt for me.

-good, plemânnuška, will give you the needle thread and Yes you get as long as regress!

here is a village girl by the window and began to weave

.Baba yaga came out of the hut and said its employee:

-I'm going to sleep now, and you go, istopi bath and wash your niece. Oh look, a good rinse: wake up-eat it!

the girl heard these words-sits or is alive, nor is dead. As Baba yaga left, she began to ask the female worker:

-Rodimaya mine! You're not so much firewood oven set it off, how much water zalivaj and water sieve nosy! And it gave the handkerchief.

Woman bath sinks, Baba yaga woke up, walked to the window and asked: are you Tkeš′-

, plemânnuška, tkeš′, Milaya?

-weaving, weaving Aunty cute!

Baba yaga was sleep again, and the girl gave the cat a caruncle and asks:

-Bear-brother, teach, How do I run away from here.

Cat says:

-won on the table lay a towel so the comb, take them and run faster: not something Baba yaga will eat! Will you chase Baba yaga-you attach the ear to the Earth. As you will hear that it is near, throw a scallop-grow a thick dark. While it will be slogging through the forest, you will go far. And again you hear Chase-throw the towel: the Godhead is broad Yes deep river.

-thank you, cat-brother! says girl.

thanked the cat she took the towel and comb and ran it rushed at

. the dog, thinking her tear, bite-she gave them bread. The dog and missed.

Gate creaked, thinking it was slam arrives-and the girl to kill them under heels maslica. They have conceded.

Birch zashumela, her eyes, her girl quilt Ribbon bandaged. Birch it and missed. She ran and ran what was pee. Runs and not looking back.

and the cat in the meantime sat by the window and began to weave. Not so much the weaves but confuses!

woke up and asked Baba yaga:

-Tkeš′, plemânnuška, tkeš′, cute?

and the cat to her

-Tas, an aunt of the TCU, cute!

rushed to Baba yaga's House and sees girls Nope, cat sitting, weaves.

started to Baba yaga beat da scold the cat:

-Oh you, old Dodger! Oh, you villain! Why released GAL? Why not vydral her eyes? Why not scratched?

A cat to her

-I'll get you for so many years I serve, you're not obglodannoj threw stones, and I gave!

caruncle ran out of Baba yaga the hut, pounced on the dogs:

-Why a girl not tore up, why not gnawed?..

Dog it is said:

you for so many years we serve, we burnt crust does not quit, and it gave a Loaf pan!

ran over the Baba yaga to the gate:

-Why not squeaked Why not clapping? Why would a girl from the yard have released?

Gates say:

-we are so many years you serve, you are us and water under the heels not to kill, and we never felt sorry maslica!

Jumped to Baba yaga Berezka:

-Why the girl's eyes are not padded?

Birch it responds:

-I have so many years of serving, you link is not bandaged, but she is my Ribbon presented!

was the Baba yaga to berate an employee:

-what are you, so-that, I woke up not called? Why is it released?

She says:

-I am so many years-never a good word from you don't have, and it gave me a scarf, well Yes tenderly with me talking!

Pokričala Baba-yaga, pošumela, then sat in the stupa and rushed to the Chase. Pestle süpürge (flying broom), trail sweeps pogonâet ...

and the girl ran-ran, stopped, put an ear to the ground and hear: the Earth trembles, shakes-Baba yaga chases, and certainly very close ...

Got the girl comb and tossed over the right shoulder. Grew up here, the hundred acre wood so high: the roots of trees in three fathoms under ground, the tops of the clouds go back

.Primčalas′ Baba yaga, was nibbling at the Yes destroy the forest. She nibbles da breaks, and the girl on the run:

many, time has passed, to make the girl ear to the ground and hear: the Earth trembles, shakes-Baba yaga being chased, absolutely close.

towel and threw the girl Took over the right shoulder. At the same moment the broad-river-dwelling she, deep-preglubokaâ!

Jumped Baba yaga to the River, anger began to creak teeth-cannot move across the river.

Vorotilas′ it home, collected his oxen and fled to the River:

-drink, my bulls! Enjoy the river bottoms up!

have become bulls and drink the water in the river subsided.

Angry Baba yaga, went ashore, she began to drink water. Saw, miter saw, miter saw, miter saw, until the saw until it burst.

and the girl the times
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Lived and were the husband with his wife, and it was from them is still alive. His wife got sick and died. Погоревал-погоревал crash yes and got married to another.lord Невзлюбила Strelchenko baba girl, wing it, ругала, only and thought, as well as would be a lime, destroy.

This is once again went to the father, and stepmother and said girl:Lord - soothing forecasts to my sister, your dance music award, but it was "like throwing yes run - you shirt stitch.lord member and this was Baba Yaga, hallmark "ï¿ ½leg. Do not dare express a girl to abandon, went,Yes it has gone to its native dance music award.Lord - Hello, this went!Lord - Hello, родимая! Why is that?Lord - sent me stepmother to her sister to ask was "like throwing and run - wants me shirt stitch.Lord - well, niece,Before that I had gone to me, - said member. - This is thee Kurganinsk, oil, Saiki are served with tea and coffee yes a piece of meat. There will be rest in thy eyes beginners - you its delightfully decorated printed перевяжи; will be gates squeal yes clap,You hold - you're подлеи them under пяточки маслица; will you dog blogs - are you them interjected cast it; it will be you cote eyes драть - did you tell him muffled roar God forbid.lord thanked the girl and Nepheg, and went.lord was it, and was found in the forest.It is in the forest of high Suzdal: ))the курьих feet, the ovine jars fit, as well as in sleeping bags sitting Baba Yaga, hallmark "ï¿ ½leg - canvas - said Patrick - also is nice work.Lord - Hello, this went! - Said a girl.Lord - Hello, niece! - Said Baba Yaga.- That stood speechless?Lord - I am stepmother sent ask you иголочку and topic - me shirt stitch.Lord - well, племяннушка, I will give thee иголочку yes topic, and how much owest thou unto persevered поработаи!Lord that is a girl seated at the window and become a salivary glands.

A Baba Yaga withdrew from rounds enters and said its employee:Lord - I am now able to sleep go sailing by., and you flea, истопи: it bath and his niece. Yes see, ovenproof dish: it: print this page - removing it!lord girl soft these words - is sitting nor alive,Neither dominates. As soon as we have left Baba Yaga, it has become a request confinement:Lord - Родимая my! You are not so much wood in the oven поджигаи, how many water заливаи, and water shoe get carried away! - And she talked the bride went for water.lord bath worker comrades,A Baba Yaga woke up, came to the window and asked:Lord - Ткешь whether thou, племяннушка, whether ткешь, sweetheart?Lord - Tas, this went, Tas, sweetheart!lord Baba Yaga again to sleep rests, and a girl gave cot muffled roar and asked:Lord - watching the younger brother, teach,How do I escape from here.lord Cote said:Lord - Vaughn on the table lay a towel yes impositions, and took them and ran quickly: not the Baba Yaga eats! Will be easy for you Baba Yaga - you beatest him your ear to the ground. As Belial, that it is close,When Ahaziah impositions - will grow by dense forest. As long as it is through the forest which develops, you farn't love you, Mother. And again you liked chase - you won't be lost towel: do mischief wide yes deep river.Lord - Thank You, watching the younger brother!- said that a girl.lord thanked it kota, took a towel and impositions and rushed.lord rushed to her dogs, like its blogs, bite, - she gave them bread. Dog it, and miss.lord Gates заскрипели,Like it was changed now - a girl подлила them under пяточки маслица. They her and missed.lord oak grove зашумела, would like her eyes выстегать, - girl its delightfully decorated printed перевязала. The Oak grove and missed.Her girl and ran that it was urine. Runs and not conceived.lord and cote in the meantime, sitting at the window and firefighters salivary glands. Not so much - said Patrick - also is nice work, how many confusing!lord woke up Baba Yaga and asked:Lord - Ткешь whether, племяннушка, ткешь whether,Sweetheart?lord and cote to it in response to:Lord - Tas, name, Tas, sweetheart!lord hasten Baba Yaga in the hooligans and sees - girls!" I said, a cat is sitting, - said Patrick - also is nice work.Blast furnace went lord Baba Yaga slap yes would scold them kota:Lord - s you, old Plut! Oh you, Pilate refused! Why has issued a hastened up?Why do your eyes it is not выдрал? Why is a person who is not nick? ..lord and cote to it in response to:lord, I pray thee so many years their servant, thou me pips обглоданнои has not abandoned, and she gave me muffled roar!lord came crawling out Baba Yaga from rounds enters, survives the dog:

- Why not hastened up tore up, why not blasphemed? ..lord dog it is said:Lord - we told you so many years serve, you us burned crust has not abandoned, and she gave us interjected lord!see my daughter Baba Yaga to goal:Lord - why not скрипели,Why not why do you always dance? Why hastened up the courtyard the fired? ..lord Gates said:Lord - we told you so many years serve, you us and водицы under пяточки not подлила, and she us маслица spared no effort!lord surged Baba Yaga to березке:

- Why девчонке eyes, do not выстегала?lord oak grove it is responsible:lord, I pray thee so many years their servant, thou me publishing work became not перевязала, and she talked me appearances!Lord became Baba Yaga would scold them confinement:Lord - that same you, such a-сякая,I didn't wake, not when he was interrogated? Why does it has released a? ..lord worker said:lord, I pray thee so many years served, never the words good to you is not слыхала, and she the bride went for water i talked, well yes bud with me talking!

Покричала Baba Yaga, пошумела, then the village in a stupa and we in the chase. Task as resolutely as thy herds, viewers works trail countable set ... Lord and a girl fled, fled, stopped, and has made the whole ear to the ground and hears: land tremors,Shakes - baba Yaga haphazardly, and certainly very close ... lord selfless girl the comb and threw the right shoulder. There is a forest grew, Romping little bears feel yes high: roots from trees on three fathoms under the land go, cloud top buttress visually.

Breathtaking Thriller Baba Yaga, has become especially butterscotch yes crush forest. It be unendingly thankful for this! yes breaks, a young girl runs away.lord whether many, whether or not there is little time has passed, has made a girl's ear to the ground and hears: the land tremors, shakes - baba Yaga haphazardly,Too close.Lord has assumed a girl a towel and threw the right shoulder. In the same mig twenty grams river - the broad-преширокая, deep-преглубокая!lord surged Baba Yaga to the river,The malice teeth заскрипела - may not across the river to move.lord Воротилась it home, collected their oxen and unhurriedly toward the river:Lord - Drink, my oxen! Drink the entire river to the bottom!Lord have become cattle drink, and water in the river is not declining.

Was angry Baba Yaga, rests on the shore, has itself become a water to drink. The saw, saw, saw, saw, until the saw, as long as not a puncture.Lord and a girl the times
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