Как только Кроуфорд попросил Аиду встать, он хотел дать ей руку и показать, как он проводит дни, провести её к стенке с фотографиями, посадить, и начать рассказывать, что друзья у него были только в раннем-раннем детстве, что он и не помнит их. А дальше... из-за его увлечений призывать демонов, он постоянно переезжал и лишился их насовсем. Хотел приободрить её, показать, что у неё не всё так плохо и вообще поговорить с ней, но... Но. Демоница оказалась слишком близко, и вид её был такой грустный и печальный, что ему невольно захотелось обнять Аиду. Он не знал как поступить. Сотни мыслей метались в его голове. Он знал, что нельзя прикасаться к демону, что она может убить его... Но не мог устоять.
Его руки сами по себе поднялись, ласково легли на её плечи, и он прижал её к себе. Все это тянулось безумно медленно, и Кроуфорд мог бы поклясться, что пока он её обнимал, прошла вечность, но, увы, это было не так..
- Не печалься, пожалуйста - произнес Кро как-то само собой, сам он был где-то далеко, за облаками от того, что обнимал эту девушку, - у меня тоже нет друзей, - он улыбнулся и отстранился от неё, но руки его все ещё были у Аиды на плечах, - договорились? Ты не будешь горевать по этому поводу? - он широко улыбался, чего не делал давно, и пристально смотрел прямо в глаза Аи, ожидая ответа
Результаты (
английский) 1:
As soon as Crawford asked Her to stand up, he wanted to give her a hand and show how he spends his days, to hold it to the wall with pictures, plant, and begin to tell friends that he had only an early-childhood, that he does not remember them. And more ... due to his passions urge demons, he constantly moved and lost them forever. Wanted to encourage her to show that she is not all that bad and generally talk to her, but ... But. Demoness was too close, and her view was such a sad and unfortunate that he unwittingly wanted to hug Her. He did not know how to proceed. Hundreds of thoughts went through his head. He knew that you can't touch the demon that she might kill him. But I could not resist. His hands went up by themselves, affectionately lay on her shoulders, and he pressed her to himself. All this was insanely slow and Crawford could have sworn that he hugged her, eternity has passed, but alas, it was not so. ..-Please do not grieve, pronounced Cro somehow by itself, he was somewhere far beyond the clouds from that hugged the girl, I have no friends, "he smiled and withdrew from it, but his hands were still on Her shoulders, agreed? Thou shalt not grieve about this? -he smiled widely, which did a long time ago, and closely watched Ai straight in the eyes, waiting for response
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
As soon as Crawford asked Hades to get up, he wanted to give her a hand and show how he spends his days, to hold it to the wall with photos, plant, and start telling friends that he was only in the early, early childhood, and that he does not remember them. And then ... because of his enthusiasm to call the demons, he constantly moved and lost them for good. I wanted to reassure her, to show that it is not so bad, and in general to talk to her, but .... The demon was too close, and it was kind of a sad and unfortunate that he wanted to hug involuntarily Aida. He did not know what to do. Hundreds of thoughts were running through his mind. He knew that you can not touch the demon that she can kill him ... But I could not resist.
His hands themselves up, gently laid down on her shoulders, and he pulled her to him. All this lasted terribly slow, and Crawford could have sworn that as he embraced her like an eternity, but, alas, it was not so ..
- Do not worry, please - said Cro somehow by itself, he was somewhere far away, from the clouds that hug this girl - I also have no friends - he smiled and pulled away from her, but his hands were still at the Aida on the shoulders, - all right? You will not grieve about it? - He smiled broadly, then did a long time and stared straight into the eyes of Au, waiting for an answer
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
As soon as only Crawford asked incoming Chairperson to stand, he would like to give it a hand and show, as well as he has days, to hold it to the wall with photos, to induce, and begin to tell, that the friends he had only in the early-early childhood,And that he did not recall them. And beyond that ... because of his passion to call demons, he has continuously've moved around and lost them permanently. "I would like her, to show that it is not all bad and not at all to talk to it, but ... But.Демоница proved too close to, and view its was such a sad and sad that he had unwittingly wanted cuddle incoming Chairperson. He did not know what to do. Hundreds of thoughts fate befell Nikolai's family in his head. He knew that could not be touching the daemon,That she can kill him ... But could not resist.
His hands in themselves have risen, bud formed on its shoulders, and squeeze it to itself. All of this had dragged terribly slowly, and Crawford could swears that, as long as it its Absalom stole,Took forever, but, alas, that was not the case..
- not mercy, please - pronouncing was surprised as it, he was far away, the clouds from that Absalom stole the girl, - I have no friends,- He smiled and distanced himself from her, but his hands were still at the Broadway" on the shoulders, - agreed? Thou shalt not be little progress on this issue? - It is widely youngest, which is not done long ago, and closely looks directly into your eyes eye,Waiting for answer
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