с молоком; детеныш присасывается к соску и мало-помалу подрастает.Эму. перевод - с молоком; детеныш присасывается к соску и мало-помалу подрастает.Эму. английский как сказать

с молоком; детеныш присасывается к

с молоком; детеныш присасывается к соску и мало-помалу подрастает.


Птица высотой около двух метров, австралийский страус. Живет большими стадами, которые постоянно перемещаются в поисках пищи и воды. Самка эму откладывает большие яйца зеленого цвета, но насиживанием занимается самец.


Тоже ночной сумчатый зверек, живущий преимущественно на деревьях. Обладает цепким хвостом, которым может прочно держаться за ветви деревьев, подобно обезьянам. Питается листьями, цветками и корой, но не брезгует и яйцами птиц. Часто эти зверьки живут поблизости от людей, нередко образуя многочисленные и шумные колонии.


На первый взгляд она похожа на еж, но в действительности сильно от него отличается. Самка откладывает одно яйцо и вынашивает его в сумке. Ее вылупившийся детеныш развивается в сумке и слизывает выделения млечных желез матери. Благодаря своим острым иглам ехидна почти не имеет естественных врагов, за исключением аборигенов, которые иногда употребляют ее мясо в пищу.


Обитает в южных районах Австралии. Роет себе глубокую разветвленную нору. Питает корнями, листьями и грибами.

Сумчатый дьявол.

Живет только на Тасмании; иногда его даже называют тасманийский дьявол. Этот хищник проводит день в зарослях кустарников, а ночью выходит на охоту. Очень любит сражаться, вступает в бой с более сильным противником, побеждает даже собак. Если его поймать детенышем, легко приручается и привязывается к человеку.

Сумчатый волк или тилацин.

Один из редких сумчатых хищников. Его привычки мало изучены, известно только, что ранее он был распространен по всей Австралии, но к началу 20 века сохранился лишь на Тасмании, где был полностью истреблен к началу 40-х годов 20 века.

Самым маленьким сумчатым является один из видов сумчатой мыши: она достигает в длину 4,5 см.!


Внешний вид этого животного таков, что его ни с кем не спутаешь: передние лапы короткие, что придает ему некоторое сходство с человеком, а задние, напротив, длинные и приспособлены для прыжков. Хвост длинный и сильный. Видов кенгуру много. Одни водятся на огромных пространствах полусухих прерий, другие живут в кустарниках под деревьями, а третьи во влажной зоне. Рыжий кенгуру наиболее известен; он живет группами различной численности в прерии, где его легко было изучать зоологам, поскольку эти животные не очень боятся человека.

У кенгуру длинные и довольно большие уши. Они могут двигаться независимо одно от другого - это помогает животным улавливать самые слабые звуки. И действительно, кенгуру имеет сильно развитый слух.

Кенгуру не опирается на передние лапы, когда стоит на земле. Они служат животному для хватания предметов - пальцы очень хорошо приспособлены для этой цели.

Иногда кенгуру борются между собой, чтобы установить свое господство. Дуэлянты становятся друг напротив друга, опираясь на задние лапы и хвост. Чтобы нанести удар, они хватают друг друга передними лапами, поднимают ноги, удерживаясь лишь на одном хвосте, и наносят ими мощные удары. Причиняя серьезные раны своими острыми когтями.

Прежде чем покинуть сумку на животе матери, детеныш кенгуру находится в ней около восьми месяцев

Часто случается, что самка кенгуру перестает кормить молоком детеныша, который уже находится в сумке, потому что другой, едва родившись занимает его место. Одновременно внутри нее развивается третий детеныш. Кенгуренок рождается слепым и голым, длинной в два сантиметра и весом всего один грамм.

Для быстрого передвижения, например, в случае, когда их спугнут, кенгуру совершают длинные прыжки, пользуясь хвостом как рулем, а задними ногами - для толчка. Несмотря на большую массу - до 70 килограммов, они развивают высокую скорость.

Хвост, который на конце становится тоньше, очень мускулист и может достигать одного метра в длину.

Древесный кенгуру - самый маленький из рыжих кенгуру. Нижние и верхние конечности у него не сильно отличаются длиной. Живет он в лесу, обычно на деревьях.


Утконос - совершенно особенное низшее млекопитающее. У него большой лопаткообразный клюв, что придает ему сходство с птицей. Хотя утконос относится к млекопитающим, его самка откладывает яйца, обычно их два, в мягкой пленочной скорлупе, которые и насиживает в гнезде около десяти дней. Детеныши рождаются слепыми, полностью лишенными волосяного покрова, и мать вскармливает их, ложась на спину, - малыши слизывают молоко, которое выделяется из молочных пор на коже. Когда детеныши достаточно подрастут, мать относит их к воде, чтобы они охотились за мелкими животными.

Клюв у утконоса широки и плоский, внешне напоминает птичий. У утконоса совсем нет зубов, только на языке два роговых бугорка, которые и служат для измельчения пищи. Утконос перетирает пищу о верхнюю часть клюва, снабженную роговой складкой.

Вход в нору утконос устраивает непосредственно на берегу водоема, в котором обычно проводит время.

Тело утконоса хорошо приспособлено к жизни в воде. Напротив, на суше утконос неуклюж и передвигается с трудом.

Большую часть времени утконос проводит в норе, которую выкапывает поблизости от проточной воды. Ранним утром и поздним вечером животное выходит из норы и не более одного часа занимается охотой мелких водных животных - личинок, червей, рыбешек и рачков. В воде он передвигается достаточно быстро благодаря обтекаемой форме тела и перепончатым лапам, хорошо приспособленным для плавания.


Это сумчатое похоже на медвежонка и весит около 15 килограммов. Коала покрыт серой шерстью, более светлой на животе. Пере
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
with milk; the Cub gets stuck to the pacifier and little by little grows.EMU.Bird height about two meters, Australian ostrich. Live large herds, which are constantly moving in search of food and water. The female EMU lays large eggs green, but nasiživaniem is engaged in the male. KUZU.Also night marsupial animal that lives mostly in trees. Possesses a prehensile tail which can firmly hold on to the branches of trees like monkeys. Eats leaves, flowers and bark, but not squeamish and eggs of birds. Often these animals live near people, often displaying numerous and noisy colonies. Echidna.At first glance it looks like a hedgehog, but in fact strongly from him is different. The female lays one egg and carries it in a bag. Its hatching hatchling develops in a bag and lick off the selection of lactiferous glands mother. Thanks to its sharp needles Echidna has almost no natural enemies except for aborigines, who sometimes eat its meat consumption. Wombat.It is found in southern regions of Australia. Digs itself deep branching burrow. Nourishes the roots, leaves and mushrooms. Tasmanian Devil.Lives only on Tasmania; It is sometimes even referred to as the Tasmanian Devil. The predator spends day in thickets of shrubs, and at night it goes hunting. He loves to fight, comes into the fight with a more powerful enemy, win even dogs. If its catch young, easy to tame and binds it to the man. Thylacine or tilacin.One of the rare marsupial predators. His habits are poorly studied, it is only known that he was formerly distributed across Australia, but by the beginning of the 20th century has been preserved only in Tasmania, where he was completely cut off by the beginning of the 40-ies of the 20 century.The smallest marsupial is one type of mouse's Ascomycetes: it reaches in length, 4.5 cm.! Kangaroo.The appearance of this animal is that it not be confused: the front paws are short, which gives it a slight resemblance to the man, and back, on the contrary, long and adapted for jumping. The tail is long and strong. Types of kangaroos a lot. Some inhabit vast areas of semi-dry Prairies, others live in bushes under trees, others in a damp area. Red Kangaroo is best known; It lives in groups of varying size in the Prairies, where it was easy to learn the zoologists, as these animals are not very afraid of man.Kangaroo have a long and rather large ears. They can move independently from each other-this helps the animal to capture the faintest sounds. Indeed, the Kangaroo has a strongly developed sense of hearing.Kangaroo is not based on front legs when standing on Earth. They serve the animal subjects-prehensile fingers very well adapted for this purpose.Sometimes a kangaroo fighting among themselves to establish their dominance. The duellists become opposite each other, leaning on her hind legs and tail. To strike, they grab each other's front paws, legs, holding only one tail, and put them powerful blows. Causing serious wounds with their sharp claws.Before you leave your bag on the abdomen of the mother Kangaroo Cub, is it about eight monthsIt often happens that the female Kangaroo stops to feed milk to a calf that is already in the bag, because the other barely born takes his place. At the same time inside it develops the third cub. Kengurenok are born blind and naked, two centimeters long and weighing only one gram.For quick movement, for example, when their spugnut, Kangaroo commit long jumping, using the tail as a rudder, and hind legs-jolt. Despite the large mass-to 70 kilos, they develop a high speed.The tail, which in the end becomes thinner, very muskulist and can reach one metre in length.Tree Kangaroo-the smallest of the Red kangaroo. Lower and upper limb he did not differ in length. He lives in the Woods, usually on trees.Platypus.Platypus-a very special lower mammals. He's got a big beak, lopatkoobraznyj which gives it a resemblance to a bird. Although Platypus refers to mammals, the female lays its eggs, usually two, soft film, which incubates in the nest for about ten days. The Cubs are born blind, completely devoid of hair, and the mother of their nurses, lying on his back, kids are licking the milk, which is secreted from the mammary pores on the skin. When the Cubs grow up, enough mother relates them to the water, so they hunted for small animals.Beak from the Platypus are broad and flat, resembles a bird. Platypus have no teeth, just the language of two horny tubercle, which are used for grinding food. Platypus, they eat on the upper part of the beak with horny crease.The entrance to the burrow Platypus suit directly on the shore of the reservoir, which usually spends time.The body of the Platypus are well adapted to life in the water. On the contrary, land-based Platypus clumsy and moves with difficulty.Most of the time he spends in the Platypus Burrow, which digs near running water. In the early morning and late evening animal comes out of the hole and not more than one hour is engaged in hunting small aquatic animals-larvae, worms, fish and crustaceans. In water it moves fairly quickly thanks to the streamlined body shape and perepončatym paws, well adapted for swimming.Koala.It is a marsupial similar to the Cub and weighs about 15 pounds. The Koala is covered with grey fur, lighter on the belly. Re
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
with milk; cub clings to the nipple and gradually grows. Emu. bird height of about two meters, the Australian ostrich. He lives in large herds that are constantly moving in search of food and water. The female lays large eggs emu green, but the male has been brooding. Kuzu. The same night marsupial animal that lives mostly in trees. It has a prehensile tail, which can firmly hold on to the branches of the trees like monkeys. It feeds on leaves, flowers and bark, but do not hesitate and eggs of birds. Often these animals live in the vicinity of people, often forming numerous and noisy colonies. Echidna. At first glance it looks like a hedgehog, but in fact much of it is different. The female lays one egg and bears it in a bag. She hatched baby develops in a bag and licks the mother's mammary glands release. With its sharp needles echidna has almost no natural enemies, except aborigines, who sometimes use its meat for food. Wombat. It lives in southern Australia. Dig a deep hole branched. It nourishes the roots, leaves and mushrooms. Tasmanian Devil. He lives only in Tasmania; sometimes it is even called the Tasmanian devil. This predator spends the day in the bushes, and at night goes hunting. It likes to fight, engages in battle with a strong opponent, even winning dogs. If it is to catch a calf, easily tamed and becomes attached to a person. Thylacine or tilatsin. One of the rare marsupial predators. His habits are poorly understood, it is known only that he had previously been distributed throughout Australia, but by the early 20th century, preserved only in Tasmania, which was completely destroyed in the early 40-ies of the 20th century. The smallest marsupial is a type of marsupial mouse: It reaches a length of 4.5 cm.! Kangaroo. The appearance of this animal is that it no one be mistaken: the front legs are short, which gives it some resemblance to the man, and the rear, on the contrary, long and adapted for jumping. The tail is long and strong. Many kinds of kangaroos. Some are found in the vast expanses of semi-dry prairie, others live in the bushes under the trees, and the third in a wet area. Red kangaroos best known; He lives in groups of varying numbers of prairie, where it was easy to study zoology, as these animals are not afraid of humans. At Kangaroo long and rather large ears. They can move independently of one another - this helps the animal to catch the faintest sounds. Indeed, the kangaroo has a well-developed ears. Kangaroo does not rely on the front legs when standing on the ground. They are used for animal grasping objects - fingers are very well suited for this purpose. Sometimes, a kangaroo fighting among themselves to establish its dominance. Duelists are opposite each other, leaning on his hind legs and tail. To strike, they grab each other's front legs, lift his legs, holding on only one tail, and applied them powerful blows. To cause serious injury with their sharp claws. Before leaving the bag on the stomach of the mother, baby kangaroo is in it for about eight months, is often the case that the female kangaroo stop feeding milk calf, which is already in the bag, because the other, barely born takes its place. At the same time it develops in the third calf. Kangaroo is born blind and naked, two centimeters long and weighing only one gram. For a quick movement, for example, when they frighten away, kangaroos make long jumps, using the tail as a rudder, and hind legs - for propulsion. Despite the big weight - up to 70 kilograms, they develop a high speed. The tail, which at the end becomes thinner, very muscular and can reach one meter in length. The tree kangaroo - the smallest of the red kangaroos. The lower and upper limbs he did not differ greatly in length. He lives in the forest, usually in the trees. Platypus. Platypus - a very special lower mammals. He has a big lopatkoobrazny beak, which gives it a resemblance to a bird. Although the platypus is a mammal, the female lays its eggs, usually two of them, in the soft-shell film, which incubates the nest in about ten days. Cubs are born blind, completely nude, and the mother feeds them, lying on his back - the kids lick milk, which is then released from the milk on the skin. When young enough to grow, the mother carries them to the water that they were hunting for small animals. The beak of the platypus are wide and flat, looks like a bird. At the platypus does not have teeth, but in the language of the two horny tubercles, which are used to grind food. Platypus frays food on the upper part of the beak, equipped with a horn-fold. Login hole platypus suits directly on the waterfront, which usually spends time. The body of the platypus is well adapted to life in water. On the contrary, the platypus clumsy on land and moves with difficulty. Most of the time the platypus holds in a hole that digs nearby running water. Early morning and late evening the animal out of its hole and not more than one hour engaged in hunting small aquatic animals - larvae, worms, crustaceans and fishes. In the water, it moves quickly enough due to a streamlined body shape and webbed paws are well adapted for swimming. Koala. It looks like a teddy bear marsupial and weighs about 15 kilograms. Koala is covered with gray fur, lighter on the belly. Pere

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
milk; infant присасывается to the nipple and gradually grow up.

the bird eggs. the height of about two meters, australian ostrich. live in large herds, which continuously move in search of food and water.the female lays eggs in the eggs of green, but насиживанием is male.

, brushtail possum, a marsupial animal that lives mostly in trees. the tail has a sober,which can firmly hold on to tree branches, like monkeys. feeds on leaves, flowers and bark, but not брезгует and eggs of birds. often these animals live in the vicinity of the peopleoften forming numerous and noisy colonies.

echidna. at first glance, it looks like a hedgehog, but the reality is much different. the female lays one egg and has it in the bag.the newly hatched baby develops in the bag and stripping of млечных glands mother. due to its sharp needles echidna has almost no natural enemies, with the exception of the aboriginalsometimes use it to eat.

wombat. found in southern australia. dig yourself deep branching hole. nourishes the roots, leaves and mushrooms.

marsupial the devil lives in tasmania.
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