Компьютер — величайшее изобретение человечества! Люди создали универса перевод - Компьютер — величайшее изобретение человечества! Люди создали универса английский как сказать

Компьютер — величайшее изобретение

Компьютер — величайшее изобретение человечества! Люди создали универсальную машину, с помощью которой можно делать сто дел: читать, смотреть кино, рисовать, печатать, чертить, считать, находить полезную информацию и многое другое.
Еще можно общаться с людьми которые живут хоть на другом конце планеты. Не нужно ограничиваться только теми людьми, кто живет в соседнем дворе.
Часто компьютер сравнивают с телевизором и говорят, что они оба крадут у человека время. Но у меня другое мнение. Да, долго сидеть перед компьютером вредно для здоровья и для личности, потому что человек не двигается, портит зрение и не общается с живыми людьми. Но в чем виноват компьютер?! Человек сам крадет у себя время.
Телевизор не полезен, потому что перед ним человек сидит пассивно. Сидит, пультом переключает, а ему показывают картинку. С компьютером другое дело! С ним все время надо действовать! Даже читать и писать все время приходится. Так даже интереснее, чем торчать у телевизора.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The computer is the greatest invention of mankind! People have developed a universal machine, with which you can do a hundred Affairs: read, watch movies, paint, print, draw, read, find useful information and much more.You can still communicate with people who live on the other side of the planet. You do not need to be limited to only those people who live in the courtyard.Often the computer compared with tv and say they both steal in human time. But I have a different opinion. Yes, sit in front of a computer is harmful to health and to the person, because the person is not moving, eyesight and not communicating with human beings. But what's to blame computer?! The man himself steals time.Tv is not useful, because the person is sitting passively in front of him. Sitting, remote control switches, and it shows the picture. With your computer different! With him all the time to act! Even read and write all the time. Even more interesting than hanging around watching tv.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Computer - the greatest invention of mankind! People have created a universal machine, with which you can make a hundred cases: reading, watching movies, drawing, print, draw, take, to find useful information and much more.
Still it is possible to communicate with people who live at least on the other side of the planet. You do not need to be limited to only those people who live in a neighboring yard.
Often compared with the computer and the TV say that they both steal a person time. But I have a different opinion. Yes, for a long time to sit in front of the computer is bad for health and for the person, because the person does not move, spoils vision and does not communicate with living people. But to blame the computer ?! Man himself steals in his time.
The TV is not useful, because in front of him a man sitting passively. Sitting, remote control switches, and show him the picture. With a computer is another matter! He's all the time we must act! Even to read and write all the time necessary. So even more interesting than hanging around watching TV.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the computer is the greatest invention of mankind. people have created a universal machine, through which you can do one hundred things: reading, watching movies, painting, print, draw, take it to find useful information, and much more.can communicate with the people who live on the other side of the world. need not be limited to those people who lives in the yard.often the computer compare with tv and say that they both steal other people's time. but i have a different opinion. yeah, long time sitting in front of the computer is harmful for health and for the person, because the person is not moving, with vision and interacting with real people. but what is a computer? ! man steals from you.the tv is not useful, because in front of him, a man sits passively. sitting, remote control switches, and he shows up. with the computer case. it's time to act! i read and write all the time. this is even more interesting than hanging out in front of the tv.
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