И последнее, что я хочу тебе написать. Про Дани. Он помнит тебя. Я не говорю с ним о тебе, а он все равно помнит. Он очень часто спрашивает меня когда мы поедем в Грецию к его Алексу. Еще он говорит, что разрешает мне выйти замуж или за него самого или за его отца или за Алекса. На прошлой неделе, когда я решила в очередной раз положить конец моим мыслям о тебе и пойти на свидание с парнем, который в сентябре предложил выйти за него замуж и каждый раз пишет, что ждет меня. Дани нарисовал картинку. Я тебе присылала фотографию. Представляешь, он не просто нарисовал Грецию, он нарисовал меня (розовый), себя (золотой) и тебя (синий). После этого рисунка я поняла, что раз мой сын к тебе так привязался, значит ты точно самый лучший парень на свете! Я не помню как прошли 2 часа на свидании. Я старалась хотя бы делать вид, что слушаю его. Он очень состоятельный человек и в очередной раз пытался заинтересовать меня своими возможностями. Я сказала, что бен ли не хочу, мне вполне нравится моя машина, убирать квартиру очень люблю, потому что это отличный вид фитнеса и домработница мне не нужна. А еще сказала, что лучшие друзья девушек не бриллианты, а приседания)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
And the last thing I want you to write. About Dani. He remembers you. I'm not talking about you, and he still remembers. He often asks me when we go to Greece for its Alex. Still, he said, that allows me to get married or for himself or for his father or for Alex. Last week when I decided once again to put an end to my thoughts about you and go on a date with a guy who in September offered to marry him and every time he writes that awaits me. Dani drew a picture. I sent you a photo. Imagine, he just drew Greece, he painted me (Pink), myself (gold) and you (blue). After this picture I knew that once my son to you so attached, then you are just the best guy in the world! I do not remember how to have 2:0 on a date. I tried to at least pretend to listen to him. He is a very wealthy man and once again tried to engage me with its capabilities. I said that Ben did not want, I quite like my car, clean the apartment very much, because it's a great form of fitness or housekeeper I don't need. And another said that no diamonds are a girl's best friend, and squats)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
And the last thing I want to write to you. About Dani. He remembers you. I'm not talking to him about you, and he still remembers. He often asks me when we go to Greece to him Alex. He also said that let me get married or for himself or for his father or Alex. Last week, when I decided once again to put an end to my thoughts about you and go on a date with a guy who in September proposed to marry him and every time writes that awaits me. Dani drew a picture. I'll send photos. Imagine, he was not just painted Greece, he drew me (pink), myself (gold) and you (blue). After this picture, I realized that once my son to you so attached, so you just the best guy in the world! I do not remember how was 2:00 on a date. I tried to at least pretend to listen to him. He is a very wealthy man, and once again tried to interest me in their capabilities. I told him that if Ben does not want it, I quite like my car, clean the apartment very much, because it's a great form of fitness and I do not need a housekeeper. And said that the girl's best friend is not diamonds, and squats)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
And the last, that I want to tell you write. About Dani. He remembers you. I am not talking to him about the Lord, and he still remembers. It is very often asked me when we would go to Greece to his Celso Amorim. Yet he said,That allows me to marry or for him or for his father or for Alex. Last week, when I decided to once again to put an end to my thoughts of you and make the interview with my boyfriend,Which in September proposed to marry him and each time he writes that is waiting for me. Dani has painted a picture. I thee freely exchanged viewpoints photo. Retrospect, it did not simply painted a Greece, he painted a me (pink),The (gold) and you (blue). After the picture I realized that once again my son to thee so committed whoredom continually, so you exactly the best guy on the light of the! I do not remember if they were 2 hours on visits. I have tried at least to do view,That what I'm listening to it. He was a very wealthy people and, once again I tried to be interested in their capabilities. I said that ben does not wish to, I would like my car, i love my apartment clean,Because this is an excellent view fitness and a babysitter i do not need. And another said that the best friends girls do not diamonds, a squat)
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