Первый блинный праздник состоялся в 1950 году 4 марта (дата для 2014 г перевод - Первый блинный праздник состоялся в 1950 году 4 марта (дата для 2014 г английский как сказать

Первый блинный праздник состоялся в

Первый блинный праздник состоялся в 1950 году 4 марта (дата для 2014 года) В один из вторников февраля или марта, который обычно совпадает с «жирным» вторником, отмечается один из примечательных праздников — Международный день блина (International Pancake Day). Праздник проводится в Канзасе (США). Первый блинный праздник состоялся в 1950 году. А вот в английском городке Олби он проводится уже лет 500. Началось с того, что как-то во время Великого поста одна из горожанок тайком жарила блинчики у себя на кухне. Внезапно раздался колокольный звон. Бедная хозяйка так перепугалась, что, забыв обо всем на свете, помчалась в церковь... прямо со сковородкой в руках и скворчащими на ней блинчиками. Это было в 1445 году. Блинный забег С тех пор горожане устраивают ежегодный забег с блинами — женщины, непременно в платьях и фартуках, должны пробежать определенную дистанцию, подбрасывая блин на сковородке. Подобная традиция существует и в Westminster School в Лондоне — блин, испеченный с конским волосом, чтобы он не развалился, подбрасывают на сковороде, а потом ученики стараются отхватить кусок побольше. Так что в Олби и Либерале женщины ежегодно бегают по улицам со сковородками в руках, на бегу переворачивая блинчики. А наградой победительнице служит поцелуй звонаря, почет и уважение. Ну, а блинчики, которые не упали со сковородок во время гонок, потом дружно поедаются зрителями. Для справки: на Западе толстые блины называют pancakes, что на русский язык обычно переводится как оладьи. А тонкие блинчики — crepes.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The first pancake feast took place in 1950, 4 March (date to 2014 years) in one of Tuesdays of February or March, which is usually the same as the "bold" Tuesday, one of the notable events is the international Pancake Day (International Pancake Day). The feast is held in Kansas (United States). The first festival took place in 1950 a bountiful year. But in the English town of Albee, he is being held for 500 years. Started with the fact that during lent one of the urban women secretly toasted rolls in his kitchen. Suddenly heard the Bell ringing. The hostess was so poor that, forgetting about everything, rushed to the Church ... straight from the Pan in hand and skvorčaŝimi on her pancakes. It was in the year 1445. A pancake race since then, townspeople organized an annual fun run with pancakes — women, certainly in dresses and aprons should run a certain distance, tossing a pancake in a frying pan. A similar tradition exists in the Westminster School in London is a pancake, baked with horsehair, so it won't collapse, throw it in a pan, and then students are trying to grab a bigger piece. So, Albee and Liberal women each year, running around on the streets with pans in hand, to run turning pancakes. The award winner is the kiss of the ringer, honor and respect. Oh, and pancakes that are not dropped from the pans during races, then was eaten by the audience. For reference: in the West, thick pancakes are pancakes, the Russian language, usually translated as pancakes. And thin pancakes-crepes.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The first pancake feast was held in 1950 4 March (date to 2014) One Tuesday of February or March, which usually coincides with the "fat" Tuesday, has one of the notable events - the International Day pancake (International Pancake Day). Festival is held in Kansas (USA). The first pancake feast was held in 1950. But in the English town of Albee he has been held for 500 years began with the fact that somehow during Lent one of the city women secretly frying pancakes in his kitchen. Suddenly there was a sound of bells. Poor hostess was so frightened that, forgetting everything else, rushed into the church ... just with a frying pan in hand and skvorchaschimi her pancakes. That was in 1445. Pancake race Since the townspeople organize the annual race with pancakes - women, certainly in dresses and aprons must run a certain distance, tossing a pancake in a frying pan. A similar tradition exists in the Westminster School in London - a pancake baked with horsehair, so it does not fall apart, tossed in a pan, then students trying to grab a larger piece. So in Albee and liberals women annually run through the streets with a frying pan in hand, flipping pancakes on the run. And the winner of the award is the kiss ringer, honor and respect. Well, pancakes, which are not dropped from pans during the race, and then eaten together with spectators. For reference: the West thick pancakes called pancakes, that the Russian language is usually translated as pancakes. A thin pancakes - crepes.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The first блинныи holiday took place in 1950, on 4 March (date for 2014 years) in one tuesdays February or March, which is typically the same as the "Bold" integer representingThere is one of the notable holidays - International day round pancake represents (International Pаnсаke Day). A holiday in Kansas (USA). The first блинныи holiday took place in 1950.And that is in the English town of our imperfect world it is now 500 years old. Began with the fact that, as of the time of the Great Lent one of the unfairly low wages Thaicom waited crepe in the kitchen. Suddenly heard the bell ringing.
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