Органы Агентства в связи с поставленными перед ними задачами обязаны:
- определять приоритетные направления борьбы с коррупцией;
- в пределах полномочий разрабатывать и реализовывать программы и план мероприятий по борьбе с коррупцией;
- участвовать в разработке и реализации программ борьбы с преступностью в Республике Таджикистан;
- осуществлять борьбу с коррупцией во всех ветвях государственной власти, местных органах государственной власти и органах самоуправления поселков и сёл, общественных объединениях, политических партиях, банках, предприятиях, учреждениях и других организациях, независимо от организационно-правовых форм; (ЗРТ от 27.11.14 г., № 1136)
- предупреждать, предотвращать, выявлять и устранять коррупционные правонарушения и провести по ним проверку;
– бороться против легализации (отмывания) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансирования терроризма; (ЗРТ от 27.11.14 г., № 1136)
- вести дознание и предварительное следствие в соответствии с уголовно-процессуальным законодательством Республики Таджикистан;
- провести оперативно-розыскные мероприятия с целью профилактики, предупреждения, выявления, пресечения, раскрытия коррупционных преступлений, экономических преступлений коррупционного характера и преступлений, связанных с налогами;
- принимать меры по восстановлению имущественного и финансового ущерба;
- охранять государственную и защищаемую законом тайну и другие сведения, которые стали известны им при исполнении служебных обязанностей;
- рассматривать жалобы и заявления, информации и сведения, материалы финансово-хозяйственной деятельности, служебных расследований в отношении государственных служащих, связанных с правонарушениями коррупционного характера;
- при нарушении законных прав и интересов граждан со стороны сотрудников Агентства в установленном порядке восстанавливать нарушенные права граждан, компенсировать нанесенный ущерб и принимать меры по привлечению к ответственности виновных лиц;
- при необходимости обеспечивать личную безопасность работников Агентства и членов их семей;
- выполнять другие обязанности, предусмотренные нормативными правовыми актами Республики Таджикистан.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Bodies of the Agency with regard to their tasks required to:- identify priority areas for combating corruption;- within the authority to develop and implement the programme and action plan against corruption;- participate in the development and implementation of programmes to combat crime in the Republic of Tajikistan;- to combat corruption in all branches of State power, bodies of State authority and local self-government of towns and villages, public associations, political parties, banks, enterprises, institutions and other organizations, irrespective of their organizational and legal forms; (The EEA from 27.11.14, no. 1136)- prevent, prevent, detect and eliminate corruption offences and conduct checks on them;-fight against legalization (laundering) of proceeds received by criminal way and terrorism financing; (The EEA from 27.11.14, no. 1136)- lead inquiry and preliminary investigation in accordance with the criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;- conduct investigations to prevent, prevent, detect, deter, disclosure of corruption crimes, economic crimes, corruption and crimes related to taxes;- to take measures on restoration of property or financial damage;- to protect the public and protected by law, and other information that has become known to them in the performance of their duties;- deal with complaints and petitions, information, materials, financial and economic activity, official investigations against public servants related to offences of corruption;- If there is a violation of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens by members of the Agency in accordance with the established procedure to restore the violated rights of citizens, to compensate for the damage and take measures to bring to justice the perpetrators;- If necessary to ensure the security of agency workers and members of their families;- perform other duties stipulated by normative legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Bodies of the Agency in connection with their tasks are required to:
- identify priorities to combat corruption;
- within the authority to develop and implement a program and an action plan to combat corruption;
- participate in the development and implementation of programs to combat crime in the Republic of Tajikistan;
- to carry out the fight against corruption in all branches of government, local government and self-government bodies of towns and villages, public associations, political parties, banks, companies, institutions and other organizations, regardless of their organizational - legal forms; ( from 11.27.14 g., Number 1136) - to prevent, prevent, identify and eliminate corruption offenses and conduct checks on them; - to fight against the legalization (laundering) of incomes, received by criminal way, and financing of terrorism; ( from 11.27.14 g., Number 1136) - to conduct inquiries and preliminary investigations in accordance with the criminal - procedural legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan; - conduct operational - search measures with a view corruption crimes, economic crimes of corruption and crimes, related to taxes; - to take measures to restore the property and financial damages; - to protect the public and protected by law secret and other information, which became known to them in the performance of official duties; - to consider complaints and petitions, data and information, material and financial - economic activities, official investigations against public servants, related to offenses of corruption; - in violation of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens by employees of the Agency in accordance with established procedure to restore the violated rights of citizens, to compensate for the damage and take measures to bring to justice those responsible; - if necessary to ensure the personal safety of the employees of the Agency and members of their families; - perform other duties, stipulated by normative legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the agency in connection with their tasks are required:
- to determine priorities for combating corruption;.- within the authority to develop and implement the programme and plan of action on combating corruption;
- to participate in the formulation and implementation of programmes to combat crime in the republic of tajikistan;.- to combat corruption in all branches of state government, local authorities and government bodies to towns and villages, voluntary associations, political parties, the banksenterprises, institutions and other organizations, regardless of their legal form; (eea from 27.11.14), no. 1136)
is to prevent, deter,identify and address corruption offences and to check on him;
is to fight against the legalization (laundering) of the proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism; (eea from 27.11.14), no. 1136).to inquiry and preliminary investigation in accordance with the law of criminal procedure of the republic of tajikistan;
- a detection event to the prevention, warningdetect, deter, disclosing the corruption crimes, economic crimes of corruption and crimes related to taxes;.to take measures to restore the economic and financial damage;
- to protect the public and secret protected by law, and others who have become known to them in the performance of official duties. "- to consider complaints and applications, information, and the information content of financial and economic activities, the official investigations against public servantsrelated to the offences of corruption;
- in violation of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens by the agency staff in order to restore the infringed rights of citizens
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