In the practical anatomy class we study the human body. The principal  перевод - In the practical anatomy class we study the human body. The principal  английский как сказать

In the practical anatomy class we s

In the practical anatomy class we study the human body. The principal parts of the human body are the head, the trunk and limbs (extremities) We speak of the upper extremities (arms) and of the lower extremities (legs) The head consists of two parts: the skull, which contains the brain and the face, which consists of the forehead, the eyes: the nose, with the lips, the cheeks, the ears and the chin, The ear includes three principal parts: the external ear, the middle ear and the internal ear The mouth has two lips: an upper lip and a lower lip. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and a palate. The head is connected with trunk by the neck. The upper part of the trunk is the chest and the lower part is the abdomen. The principal organs in the chest are: the lungs, the heart and gullet (esophagus) We breathe with the lungs. The heart contracts and makes about 60-80 beats per minute. The principal organs in the abdominal cavity are the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the intestines, the kidney, the gall -bladder and the bladder. The framework of bones called the skeleton supports the soft parts and protects the organs from injury. The bones are covered with muscules. The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder. Each arm consists of the upper arm, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist and the hand. We have four fingers and a thumb on each hand. The lower extremity (the leg) consists of the hip (the thigh) the knee, the calf, the ankle and the foot. The body Is covered with the skin.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
На практических занятиях по анатомии мы изучаем организм человека. Мы говорим о верхних конечностях (руках) и нижних конечностях (ногах) голова состоит из двух частей: черепа, который содержит мозг и лица, которое состоит из лба, глаз: носа, с губами, щек, ушей и подбородка, ухо включает в себя три основные части: наружное ухо, среднее ухо и внутреннее ухо рот имеет две губы: верхнюю губу и нижнюю губу. Во рту имеются десны с зубами, язык и небо. Голова соединена с туловищем шеей. Верхняя часть туловища-это грудь, а нижняя часть-живот. Основными органами в грудной клетке являются: легкие, сердце и пищевод (пищевод) мы дышим с легкими. Сердце сокращается и делает около 60-80 ударов в минуту. Основными органами брюшной полости являются желудок, печень, селезенка, кишечник, почки, желчный пузырь и мочевой пузырь. Каркас костей, называемый скелетом, поддерживает мягкие части и защищает органы от травм. Кости покрыты мускулами. Верхняя конечность соединена с грудной клеткой плечом. Каждая рука состоит из предплечья, предплечья, локтя, запястья и кисти. У нас есть четыре пальца и большой палец на каждой руке. Нижняя конечность (нога) состоит из бедра (бедра) колена, икры, лодыжки и стопы. Тело покрыто кожей.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the practical anatomy class we study the human body. The principal parts of the human body are the head, the trunk and limbs (extremities) We speak of the upper extremities (arms) and of the lower extremities (legs) The head consists of two parts: the skull, which contains the brain and the face, which consists of the The eyes: the nose, with the lips, the cheeks, the ears and the chin, the ear includes three main parts: the external ear, the middle ear and the internal ear the mouth has two lips: an upper lip and a lower lip. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and a palate. The head is connected with trunk by the neck. The upper part of the trunk is the chest and the lower part is the abdomen. The principal organs in the chest are: the lungs, the heart and gullet (esophagus) We breathe with the lungs. The heart contracts and makes about 60-80 beats per minute. The principal organs in the abdominal cavity are the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the intestines, the kidney, the gall-bladder and the bladder. The framework of bones called the skeleton supports the soft parts and protects the organs from injury. The bones are covered with muscules. The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder. Each arm consists of the upper arm, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist and the hand. We have four fingers and a thumb on each hand. The lower extremity (the leg) consists of the hip (the thigh) the knee, the calf, the ankle and the foot. The body is covered with the skin.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In the practical analysis class we study the human body. The principal parts of the human body are the head, the trunk and limbs (extremes) we speak of the upper extremes (arms) and of the lower extremes (legs) the head concerns of two parts: the skill, which contains the brain and the face, which concerns of the forehead, the eyes: the nose, with the lips, the cheeks, the ears and the chin, The ear includes three principal parts: the external ear, the middle ear and the internal ear the mouth has two lips: an upper lip and a lower lip. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and a plate. The head is a trap connected to Necker. The upper part of the trunk is the first and the lower part is the abb omen. The principal organizations in the first are: the lungs, the heart and bullet) - esophagus) we breathe with the lungs. The heart contracts and makes about 60-80 beats per minute. The principal organizations in the absolute mechanism are the stomach, the lever, the sleep, the intensines, the kidney, the gal blade and the blade. The framework of bones called the skeleton supports the soft parts and protects the organizations from intervention. The bones are covered with mucules. The upper extreme is connected with the best by the shoulder. Each arm concerns of the upper arm, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist and the hand. We have four fingers and a huge hand. The lower extreme (the leg) concerns of the hig( Body and skin coverage.<br>
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