1. Как славно, что мама такая веселая, а какая она умница, и какой у н перевод - 1. Как славно, что мама такая веселая, а какая она умница, и какой у н английский как сказать

1. Как славно, что мама такая весел

1. Как славно, что мама такая веселая, а какая она умница, и какой у нее тонкий вкус! 2. Бойкие, неугомонные, они у всех путались под ногами, но были оба жизнерадостные и приветливые. 3. Он был человеком благородным и щедрым. 4. Эти большие темные глаза казались опасно всезнающими, куда более проницательными, чем живые круглые глаза его нынешнего наставника. 5. Похоже, эта умница смотрит на него свысока, но он решил не обижаться. 6. У меня, дорогая, хватает мудрости понять, что гордость - не лучший спутник одинокой жизни. 7. На лице чуть-чуть намечаются морщинки и придают ему достоинство, которого прежде так не хватало, выдают воеобразный и сильный характер. 8. Он умница и весьма проницательный малый. 9. Он весь вечер был безупречен и держался так естественно и непринужденно, что она чувствовала себя нужной. 10. Гости сплошь были важные персоны, но самые заурядные люди. 11. Просто я легкомысленна, как всегда. Извини за резкость. 12. Мне просто захотелось немного сочувствия, вечно я забываю, что ты очень уязвима и только с виду толстокожая. 13. Лион очень милый человек, но я никогда ни в одном мужчине не встречала такого бескорыстия, какое тебе в нем мерещится. 14. Я всегда верил, что терпеливый в конце концов побеждает. 15. Какой же ты хитрец! Почему было просто не сказать, что ты меня любишь? 16. Я слишком не уверена в себе. Всегда в себе сомневалась. И может быть никогда не перестану сомневаться. 17. Она чуткая и гордая. Он, должно быть, жестоко обидел ее. 18. Пэдди, добрая душа, был верен себе и оплакивал сестру, а Фиа была такая же равнодушная, как всегда. 19. Почти всегда он улыбался, и нрав у него был своеобразный - удивительная смесь спокойствия и глубокой тихой радости. 20. Он никогда ни от чего не злился и не терялся. 21. С Фионой они были неизменно добры и полны сочувствия, с Мэгги и мисс Смит - сама любовь и нежность. 22. В Джастине подруг больше всего поражало редкое самообладание, ничто не могло выбить ее из колеи. 23. В первый год он просто не замечал Джастин - новенькая была тиха и скромна и исполняла все, что ей велели.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. How nice that mom is such fun, and what is it good, and what is her fine taste! 2. Bold, restless, they confounded all underfoot, but were both cheerful and helpful. 3. He was a man of noble and generous. 4. Those big dark eyes seemed dangerously vseznajushhimi, much more insightful than the live round eyes his current mentor. 5. Looks like this good looking down upon him, but he decided not to be offended. 6. I have, dear, have enough wisdom to understand that pride is not the best companion of a lonely life. 7. On the face of the bare outlines wrinkles and gives it dignity, whose first issue lacked voeobraznyj and strong character. 8. He is clever and very insightful fellow. 9. He was blameless and the whole evening was kept so natural and at ease that it felt necessary. 10. Guests are entirely were big shots, but most ordinary people. 11. I just legkomyslenna, as always. Sorry for the sharpness. 12. I just wanted a bit of sympathy, I forget that you're very vulnerable and only with the mind tolstokozhaja. 13. Lyon is a very cute man but I never in any man not seen such selflessness, which you probably see it. 14. I have always believed that patient eventually wins. 15. What do you Dodger! Why did you just say that you love me? 16. I am not too confident in myself. Always had in himself. And maybe never stop doubting. 17. She loving and proud. It must be cruelly offended her. 18. Paddy, kind soul, was true to himself and mourned the sister, and the Fia had the same indifferent, as always. 19. Almost always he was smiling, and he had a temper-amazing blend of tranquility and deep quiet joy. 20. He never on anything not angry and do not get lost. 21. With Fiona they were invariably gracious and full of compassion, with Maggie and Miss Smith-love and tenderness. 22. Dzhastine girlfriends most struck rare self-control, nothing could knock her out of the rut. 23. In the first year he's just not noticed Justin-Dixie was quiet and modest and sang everything she ordered.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. How nice that my mother so cheerful, and what it clever, and what her fine taste! 2. Pins, restless, they all underfoot, but they were both cheerful and friendly. 3. He was a man of noble and generous. 4. These large dark eyes looked dangerous all-knowing, much more insightful than live round eyes of his current mentor. 5. Looks like this clever looking down on him, but he decided not to take offense. 6. I have a dear, wise enough to understand that pride - are not the best companion a lonely life. 7. On the face slightly outlined wrinkles and give it dignity, which was lacking before, give voeobrazny and strong character. 8. He is very clever and shrewd fellow. 9. It is the whole evening was perfect and kept so natural and easy that it felt necessary. 10. Guests are entirely important people, but most ordinary people. 11. I just frivolous, as always. Sorry for the harshness. 12. I just wanted a little bit of sympathy, I always forget that you are very vulnerable and only thick-skinned species. 13. Lyon very nice man, but I have never in any man have not seen such selflessness, what do you imagining it. 14. I have always believed that the patient in the end wins. 15. What do you trickster! Why was it not just say that you love me? 16. I am not too sure of herself. Always a doubt. And maybe I never stop doubting. 17. It is sensitive and proud. It must have hurt her badly. 18. Paddy, a good soul, was true to himself and his sister wept and Fia had the same indifferent, as always. 19. Almost always he was smiling, and temper he had a kind - amazing mix of tranquility and deep quiet joy. 20. He never on anything not angry and not lost. 21. Fiona, they were always kind and full of compassion, and Miss Maggie Smith - she love and tenderness. 22. Justin girlfriends most impressed rare composure, nothing could knock her out of a rut. 23. In the first year, he simply did not notice Justin - the newcomer was quiet and modest, and do all that she was told.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. well, what's so funny, she's smart, and she has good taste. 2. бойкие, go on, they're all out feet, but were both cheerful and friendly. 3. he was a man of noble and generous. 4. those big brown eyes seemed dangerous всезнающими, far more intelligent than the living rabbit eyes of his current master. 5. like, this girl looks down on him, but he chose not to be offended. 6. my dear, have the wisdom to understand that pride is not the best companion of living alone. 7. on the face a little bit opened up wrinkles and give it the dignity, which previously lacked, are воеобразный and strong character. 8. he's smart and very sensitive guy. 9. he spent the whole evening was flawless and stayed so natural and naturally, that it felt right. 10. the guests were all the important people, but the most ordinary people. 11. i was just distracted, as always. i'm sorry for you. 12. i just wanted a little sympathy, i always forget that you are very vulnerable, and only with the type of толстокожая. 13. lyon is a very nice person, but i've never met such a man not generosity, what do you see in him. 14. i have always believed that the patient eventually wins. 15. what do you want to live. why don't you just say you love me? 16. i too don't believe in yourself. always in doubt. and maybe i never will be. 17. she is gentle and proud. he must be severely hurt her. 18. paddy, kind soul, was true to himself and was the sister, and the fia was as indifferent, as always. 19. almost always he was smiling, and he had a temper - a mixture of calm and deep quiet joy. 20. he'll never be, and don't get lost. 21. fiona they were always kind and full of sympathy, with maggie and miss smith - love and tenderness. 22. in justin. most had a temper, nothing could beat her up. 23. in the first year, he just hadn't noticed justin - a new girl was quiet and modest and did what she was told.
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