Учебный год был очень тяжелый и к концу года они были без сил. 2. Приб перевод - Учебный год был очень тяжелый и к концу года они были без сил. 2. Приб английский как сказать

Учебный год был очень тяжелый и к к

Учебный год был очень тяжелый и к концу года они были без сил. 2. Приближались каникулы, и пора было подумать о том, как провести их. 3. Вопрос был не в том, с кем провести их, но куда поехать. 4. В одном месте цены казались слишком высокими, в другое было трудно добираться. 5. Мэри объясняла своему другу, что она хочет отдыхать, наслаждаясь солнцем и морем. 6. Она также была бы не против того, чтобы сходить вечером в бар или куда-нибудь потанцевать. 7. У нее не было ни малейшего желания осматривать достопримечательности вместе с толпой других туристов. 8. Она хотела, чтобы ее мозг отдыхал, и поэтому она не собиралась забивать голову датами и именами. 9. Питер слушал, как она описывает свой предполагаемый отдых, и не мог не удержаться от замечаний. 10. “Ты можешь загорать, сколько хочешь, но не думай, что ты заставишь меня делать то же самое”, – сказал он. 11. “Я не знаю более утомительного отдыха, чем ничего не делать”. 12. “Мы так давно мечтали поехать в Италию, ты не можешь так просто разрушить все наши планы”. 13. Мэри помолчала, глядя на Питера так, как будто она рассматривает незнакомца. 14. Она даже представить не могла, чтобы он спорил с ней. 15. “Ладно”, – сказала она, “пусть мы поедем в Италию, но я хочу, чтобы ты не мешал мне наслаждаться Средиземным морем”. 16. Вопрос о месте отдыха решен, но еще остается вопрос о том, как добираться туда. 17. Путешествие по морю очень соблазнительно, но расписание круизов может не совпадать с вашим расписанием. 18. Поехать на машине не плохо, но вряд ли разумно ехать на ней так далеко, так как дорога туда и обратно займет большую часть отпуска. 19. Горячо обсуждая различные способы путешествия еще полчаса, Питер и Мэри пришли к соглашению. 20. Самолет сделает их поездку быстрой и комфортабельной. 21. Когда они добрались до вопроса о гостинице, в которой им остановиться, у них появилось странное ощущение. 22. “Если мы будем так спорить о каждом пустяке, нам лучше провести отпуск отдельно”. 23. Мэри почувствовала себя разочарованной. 24. Они так долго хотели поехать куда-нибудь вместе. 25. Неужели такой пустяк как гостиница может нарушить их планы?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The school year was very heavy and by the end of the year they were without force. 2. Approaching the holidays, and it was time to think about how to spend them. 3. the issue was not who hold them, but where to go. 4. In one place prices seemed too high to another was difficult to reach. 5. Mary explained to his friend that she wants to relax, enjoying the sunshine and the sea. 6. She would also do not mind to go in the evening in a bar or somewhere to dance. 7. She had no desire to see the sights of the city together with a crowd of other tourists. 8. She wanted her brain a rest, and so she was not going to clog the head dates and names. 9. Peter listened as she describes her alleged holiday, and could not stop myself from commenting. 10. "you can sunbathe as much as you want, but don't think that electrify me doing the same thing," he said. 11. "I don't know a more tedious holiday than doing nothing". 12. "we have been dreaming to go to Italy, you can't so just destroy all of our plans." 13. Mary was silent, looking at Peter as if she sees a stranger. 14. she could not even imagine that he argued with her. 15. "Okay," she said, "we will go to Italy, but I want you to not interfere with me to enjoy the Mediterranean Sea". 16. the question of resting place resolved, but there still remains the question of how to get there. 17. Travel by sea is very tempting, but the schedule of cruises may not coincide with your schedule. 18. Travel by car is not bad, but it is hardly reasonable to go on it as far as the round trip will take a large portion of the leave. 19. warmly discussing various ways to travel another half-hour, Peter and Mary came to an agreement. 20. the plane will make their trip fast and comfortable. 21. when they got to the question of establishment in which they stay, they had a strange sensation. 22. "if we argue about each trifle, we'd better spend the holidays apart. 23. Mary felt frustrated. 24. They've wanted to go somewhere together. 25. Is it really such a trifle as a hotel might disrupt their plans?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The school year was very hard and by the end, they were exhausted. 2. Then drew near the holidays, and it was time to think about how to spend them. 3. The question was not whether, with whom they spend, but where to go. 4. At one point the price seemed too high, it was difficult to get into the other. 5. Mary explained to her friend that she wants to relax and enjoy the sun and sea. 6. She also would not mind to go in the evening in a bar or somewhere to dance. 7. She had no desire to see the sights with the crowd of other tourists. 8. She wanted her brain a rest, so she was not going to hammer the head of dates and names. 9. Peter listened as she described her alleged vacation, and could not help but comment. 10. "You can sunbathe all you want, but do not think you make me do the same," - he said. 11. "I do not know more tedious relax than to do nothing." 12. "We have so long dreamed of going to Italy, you can not so easy to destroy all our plans." 13. Mary was silent, looking at Peter as if she sees a stranger. 14. She could not even imagine that he argued with her. 15. "Well," - she said, "let us go to Italy, but I want you to not prevent me from enjoying the Mediterranean Sea." 16. The question of the place of rest resolved, but still remains the question of how to get there. 17. Travel by sea is very tempting, but the cruise schedule may not coincide with your schedule. 18. Going by car is not bad, but it is hardly reasonable to go on it as far as the road back and forth takes much of the holiday. 19. Warmly discussing various ways to travel even half an hour, Peter and Mary agreed. 20. The aircraft will make their trip fast and comfortable. 21. When they came to the question of the hotel in which they stay, they had a strange feeling. 22. "If we do so to argue about every trifle, we spend a holiday alone better." 23. Mary felt disappointed. 24. They have long wanted to go somewhere together. 25. Is such a trifle as a hotel can disrupt their plans?
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the school year was very heavy, and by the end of the year they were without force. 2. come the holidays, and it was time to think about how to conduct them. 3. the question was not whether someone to hold them, but where to go. 4. in one place the prices were too high, the other was hard to reach. 5. mary told her friend that she wants to rest, enjoying the sun and the sea. 6. she also would not mind to go out at night in a bar or something to dance to. 7. she had no desire to see the sights of the city with a group of other tourists. 8. she wished that her brain was, and why she wasn"t going to hit the head dates and names. 9. peter listened as she describes her the rest, and couldn"t resist the comments. 10. "you can get what you want, but don"t think you"re gonna make me do the same thing," he said. 11. "i don"t know, a little more rest than to do nothing." 12. "it"s been so long since we wanted to go to italy, you can"t just destroy all our plans." 13. mary shut up, looking for peter like she sees a stranger. 14. she had no idea that he was arguing with her. 15. "okay," she said, "let us go to italy, but i want you to let me enjoy the mediterranean sea". 16. the question of the place of rest is settled, but there still remains the question of how to get there. 17. a journey on the sea is very tempting, but schedule cruises may not coincide with your schedule. 18. drive is not bad, but it is unwise to go as far away as the journey there and back will take a big part of it. 19. hot discussing different ways of travel for another half an hour, peter and mary came to an agreement. 20. the plane will make their travel fast and comfortable. 21. when they got to the question about the hotel in which they stop, they have a strange feeling. 22. "if we"re going to do that about every little thing, we"d better to leave alone." 23. mary felt disappointed. 24. they"ve been wanted to go somewhere together. 25. is such a thing as the hotel may disrupt their plans?
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