Почему ты не слушаешь меня? О чем ты думаешь?Что ты думаешь о ней? Он  перевод - Почему ты не слушаешь меня? О чем ты думаешь?Что ты думаешь о ней? Он  английский как сказать

Почему ты не слушаешь меня? О чем т

Почему ты не слушаешь меня? О чем ты думаешь?
Что ты думаешь о ней? Он всем нравится, хотя мы не очень хорошо знаем его.
Что ты сейчас читаешь? Ничего не читаю, готовлюсь к контрольной работе. Впереди ссесия.
О чем вы говорите? Мы обсуждаем последние новости. И каковы же последние новости? Они просто фантастичны. Завтра мы летим в Лондон и даем там три концерта.
Это очень хорошая кукла. Она ходит, плачет, смеется,открывает и закрывает глаза. Как раз сейчас она говорит "ма-ма"
Чайник кипит, тост горит, дети плачут, а ты все еще спишь!
Ты все еще сердишься на меня? Нет, не сержусь. Я пытаюс научить тебя хорошим манерам.
Что это ты готовишь? Ты рыбу жаришь? Так, мой руки и садись за стол. Пора ужинать.
Таня не идет сегодня с нами в кино. Она сидит с ребенком. Она щарабатывает немного денег таким образом. Соседи часто просят ее посидеть с их детьми.
Английский язык постоянно меняется. Появляются новые слова, старые уходят из языка.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Why didn't you listen to me? What do you think?What do you think about her? He's all like, although we are not very well know it.What are you reading now? Nothing to read, prepare for tests. Ahead of the ssesiâ.What are you talking about? We discuss the latest news. And what are the latest news? They are just fantastic. Tomorrow we fly to London and give three concerts there.It's a very nice doll. She walks, she cries, laughs, opens and closes his eyes. Right now it says "Ma-Ma"The kettle boils, the toast Burns, children cry and you are still asleep!You're still angry at me? No, not angry. I pytaûs to teach you some manners.What did you cook? You are the fish frying? So, my hands and sit down at the table. It's time to have dinner.Tanya does not go with us to the movies. She sits with the child. She ŝarabatyvaet some money that way. Neighbors often ask her to sit with their children.The English language is constantly changing. There are new words, old leave the language.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Why are not you listening to me? What do you think?
What do you think about her? Everyone liked, although we do not know him very well.
What are you currently reading? Nothing I read, I am preparing for tests. Ssesiyami ahead.
What are you talking about? We discuss the latest news. And what are the latest news? They are simply fantastic. Tomorrow we fly to London and give three concerts there.
This is a very nice doll. She goes, crying, laughing, opens and closes his eyes. Right now, she says "ma-ma"
Tea boils, burns toast, children cry, and you're still sleeping!
You're still mad at me? No, not angry. I pytayus teach you some manners.
What are you cooking? You fish fry? So, my hands and sit down at the table. It's time for dinner.
Tanya is not with us today in the movies. She sits with her ​​child. She scharabatyvaet some money that way. Neighbors often asked her to sit with their children.
The English language is constantly changing. New words, leave the old language.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Why don't you listen me? What are you thinking about?
What do you think of it? He was all like, although we are not very well aware of the importance of his.
what are you doing now? Do not read, i'll start the verification work. Ahead ссесия.
What are you talking about? We are discussing the latest news. And what are the latest news? They dj Lavr. Tomorrow we will fly to London, and we have three concert.
this is a very good doll. She went, crying, laughing,Opens and closes the eyes. How is it said "ma-ma"
the kettle boils, toast is lit, children cry, and you're all still perish!
are you still my own lips? No, not played. I пытаюс teach thee a good rants.
That is you're готовишь? Do you fish жаришь? For example, my hands and just jump on the table. It's Time for a dinner.
Tanya is not with us today in the cinema. She is sitting with a child. It щарабатывает some money in this way.Neighbors are often asked her sit with their children.
English language is constantly changing. There are new words, old leave the language.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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