General Motors , сокращённо GM — крупнейшая американская автомобильная перевод - General Motors , сокращённо GM — крупнейшая американская автомобильная английский как сказать

General Motors , сокращённо GM — кр

General Motors , сокращённо GM — крупнейшая американская автомобильная корпорация, до 2008 года на протяжении 77 лет крупнейший производитель автомобилей в мире (в 2008 году — Toyota, а в 2009 году — Volkswagen). По результатам 2014 года концерн занимает третье место в мире (после Toyota и Volkswagen) по количеству проданных автомобилей (9,92 миллиона штук). Производство налажено в 35 странах, продажа в 192 странах. Штаб-квартира компании расположена в Детройте.
Основана в США 16 сентября 1908 года Уильямом Дюрантом, уже имевшим к тому моменту компанию Buick. Первоначально штаб-квартира компании находилась в городе Флинт (штат Мичиган), а затем переехала в Детройт.
С начала 1930-х - крупнейший автопроизводитель в США и в мире. Вошел в "большую тройку" автопроизводителей: GM, Ford, Chrysler.
Интересы GM в России представляет компания General Motors Russia & CIS.

По состоянию на май 2011 года в России у компании было 154 автодилера марки Chevrolet, большинство из них также занимались продажей автомобилей марки Opel, и 28 продавали Cadillac. В России в 2010 году GM заняла второе место по продажам автомобилей, продав 159 376 машин всех своих марок.General Motors принадлежит автосборочный завод в Санкт-Петербурге, в Шушарах, открытый в ноябре 2008 года. Суммарные инвестиции GM в производственный комплекс оцениваются в $300 млн. Строительство завода началось 13 июня 2006 года; на первом этапе (сборка 70 000 машин в год) объём инвестиций в проект составил $115 млн. Монтаж оборудования начался в январе 2008 года, пробный пуск производства состоялся в сентябре, а официальное открытие предприятия — 7 ноября 2008 года. На церемонии торжественного открытия предприятия GM Шушары присутствовал Президент России Дмитрий Медведев. Выход завода на полную мощность запланирован на конец 2009 года. По словам генерального директора завода Ричарда Свандо, уже проведены переговоры с 80 потенциальными поставщиками комплектующих, а уровень локализации производства в Санкт-Петербурге будет доведен до 30 % приблизительно к 2010 году.[12]

С сентября 2006 года, ещё за два года до начала работы основного сборочного завода GM в Шушарах, компания начала сборку из SKD-комплектов автомобиля Chevrolet Captiva в арендованном цеху завода «Арсенал», расположенного в районе Финляндского вокзала Санкт-Петербурга. С сентября 2007 года здесь развёрнута SKD-сборка внедорожника Opel Antara, а с февраля 2008 года на второй производственной площадке в Шушарах началась сборка — Opel Astra. В 2006 году на «Арсенале» было собрано 273 ед. Chevrolet Captiva, в 2007 — 5631 ед. Captiva и 48 ед. Antara. За 9 месяцев 2008 года собраны 30 575 автомобилей моделей Captiva, Antara и Astra. С февраля 2009 года сборка на заводе «Арсенал» прекращается, а работники переводятся на завод в Шушарах, где с конца 2009 года намечается также сборка легковой модели Chevrolet Cruze на всемирной платформе Global Compact.

Кроме того, General Motors является партнёром (владеет 50 % обыкновенных акций предприятия) ОАО «АвтоВАЗ» по совместному предприятию — «GM-АвтоВАЗ», выпускающему внедорожники Chevrolet Niva. Корпорация General Motors сотрудничает с калининградским ЗАО «Автотор», где выпускаются автомобили компании под брендами Chevrolet и Cadillac.

В ноябре 2008 года General Motors запустила на заводе «Автотор» производство полного CKD-цикла модели Chevrolet Lacetti. Строительство и оснащение дополнительных цехов по сварке и окраске обошлось сторонам примерно в 80 млн евро. Переход на полный цикл сборки Lacetti в Калининграде потребовал дополнительно нанять 1450 сотрудников. Общая сумма инвестиций GM в «Автотор» превысила $350 млн.

18 марта 2015 года General Motors решила закрыть производство автомобилей в Санкт-Петербурге в середине года, а также полностью отказалась от продаж автомобилей Opel в России, начиная с декабря 2015 года.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
General Motors, abbreviated GM is the largest American Automobile Corporation, prior to the 2008 year for 77 years, the largest car manufacturer in the world (in 2008 year is Toyota, and in 2009 year-Volkswagen). From 2014, the company ranks third in the world (after the Toyota and Volkswagen) by the number of sold cars (9.92 million pieces). The production has been in 35 countries, for sale in 192 countries. Headquartered in Detroit.Founded in the United States, September 16, 1908 by William Dûrantom, already had the company Buick. Initially, the company's headquarters was located in Flint, Michigan, and later moved to Detroit.Since the beginning of the 1930 's, the largest automaker in the United States and the world. Entered the "big three" automakers: GM, Ford, and Chrysler.Interests is to GM in Russia General Motors Russia and CIS.As of May 2011 in Russia the company has 154 Chevrolet auto dealer, most of them also have been selling car brands Opel and Cadillac sold 28. In Russia in 2010, GM has taken the second place car sales, having sold all their machines 159376 marks.General Motors owns a car assembly plant in Saint Petersburg, Shushary, opened in November, 2008. GM'S total investment in the plant is estimated at $ 300 million. Construction of the plant began on June 13, 2006 year; in the first stage (build 70000 cars per year) investments in the project amounted to $ 115 million. Installation of equipment began in January 2008, a trial run of production took place in September, and the official opening of the enterprise — November 7, 2008 year. At the opening ceremony of the company GM Shushary attended Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Output power plant is scheduled for the end of 2009 year. According to the Director General of the plant by Richard Svando, has already held talks with 80 potential suppliers of components, and the level of localization of production in St. Petersburg will be raised to 30% approximately for the year 2010.[12]With the September 2006 year, even during the two years prior to the main assembly plant GM in shushary, the company began Assembly of SKD kits of Chevrolet Captiva in a rented shop "arsenal" plant, located in an area the Finland station in St. Petersburg. Since September 2007 the year you started SKD-assembled SUV, Opel Antara, and since February 2008, a second production site in Shushary began Assembly — Opel Astra. In 2006 year, arsenal collected 273 u. Chevrolet Captiva 2007-5631 in u. Captiva and 48 units. Antara. For 9 months of 2008 year collected car model 30575 Captiva, Antara and Astra. Since February 2009, the Assembly of the plant arsenal is terminated and workers will be transferred to the plant in shushary, where from the end of 2009, it is also planned to build passenger Chevrolet Cruze on the world platform of Global Compact.In addition, General Motors is a partner (owns 50% of ordinary shares of the company) of JSC AvtoVAZ joint venture GM-Avtovaz is "", matches the off-road Chevrolet Niva. General Motors Corporation cooperates with Kaliningrad ZAO Avtotor», where the company's cars are produced under the Chevrolet and Cadillac brands.In November 2008, General Motors has launched the plant «Avtotor» production of CKD-cycle Chevrolet Lacetti. Construction and equipping of additional workshops on welding and painting there were parties around 80 million euros. Transition to full Assembly Lacetti in Kaliningrad has demanded additional hire 1450 employees. The total investment by GM "Avtotor" topped $ 350 million.March 18, 2015 year General Motors decided to close the production in St. Petersburg in the middle of the year, as well as completely abandoned sales of Opel cars in Russia since December, 2015.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
General Motors, abbreviated as GM - the largest US car corporation until 2008 for 77 years, the largest car manufacturer in the world (in 2008 - Toyota, and in 2009 - Volkswagen). By results of 2014 the concern is ranked third in the world (after Toyota and Volkswagen) by the number of cars sold (9.92 million units). Production is established in 35 countries, sales in 192 countries. The company's headquarters is located in Detroit.
Founded in the United States September 16, 1908 William C. Durant, who had already by that time the company Buick. Originally the headquarters of the company is located in Flint (Michigan), and then moved to Detroit.
Since the beginning of 1930 - the largest automaker in the US and in the world. Entered the "big three" automakers: GM, Ford, Chrysler.
GM Interests in Russia is represented by General Motors Russia & CIS. As of May 2011 in Russia, the company had 154 dealership brand Chevrolet, most of them also were selling car brand Opel, and 28 sold Cadillac. In Russia in 2010, GM took the second place in sales of cars, selling 159,376 cars all his marok.General belongs Motors assembly plant in St. Petersburg, Shushary, opened in November 2008. Total investment in GM production facility are estimated at $ 300 million. Construction of the plant started on 13 June 2006; in the first stage (build 70,000 cars per year) the amount of investment in the project amounted to $ 115 million. Installation of equipment began in January 2008, a trial run of production took place in September, and the official opening of the enterprise - November 7, 2008. At the opening ceremony of the enterprise GM Shushary attended by the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. The plant is at full capacity is planned for the end of 2009. According to the general director of the factory Richard Swando already held talks with 80 potential suppliers of components, and the level of localization of production in St. Petersburg will be increased to approximately 30% by 2010. [12] In September 2006, even two years before the main GM assembly plant in Shushary, the company began assembly of SKD-kits car Chevrolet Captiva in a rented shop factory "Arsenal", located on the Finland Station in St. Petersburg. Since September 2007, are deployed SKD-assembly SUV Opel Antara, and in February 2008 a second production site in Shushary began assembling - Opel Astra. In 2006, the "Arsenal" have been collected 273 units. Chevrolet Captiva, at 2007 - 5631 units. Captiva and 48 units. Antara. During the first 9 months of 2008 collected 30,575 car models Captiva, Antara and Astra. Since February 2009, the assembly factory "Arsenal" cease and employees transferred to the plant in Shushary, where the end of 2009 is also planned to build models of cars Chevrolet Cruze on a worldwide platform Global Compact. In addition, General Motors is a partner (which owns 50% of the ordinary stake in the company) "AvtoVAZ" joint venture - «GM-AvtoVAZ" manufactured SUVs Chevrolet Niva. General Motors Corp. is working with the Kaliningrad JSC "Avtotor", where the company produces vehicles under the brands Chevrolet and Cadillac. In November 2008, General Motors launched the factory "Avtotor" CKD-production of a full cycle model Chevrolet Lacetti. Construction and equipping of additional workshops for welding and painting spared about 80 million euros. The transition to a full cycle of assembly Lacetti in Kaliningrad require additional hire 1,450 employees. The total investment in GM "Avtotor" topped $ 350 million. March 18, 2015 General Motors decided to close the production of cars in St. Petersburg in the middle of the year, as well as completely abandon the sale of Opel cars in Russia since December 2015.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
General Motors, abbreviated as GM - the largest American car corporation, prior to 2008, over 77 years the largest car manufacturer in the world (in 2008 - Toyota, and in 2009, Volkswagen).The 2014 production is the third in the world (after Toyota and Volkswagen) on the number of vehicles sold (9.92 million units). Production has been established in 35 countries, selling in 192 countries.Company headquarters is located in Detroit.
is based in the United States on 16 September 1908, William Дюрантом, already took the time company Buiсk.The headquarters of the company was in the city Liam Howlett (Michigan), and then moved to the Detroit.
with the 1930s, the largest car manufacturer in the U.S. and in the world. Logged in the "top" cars: GM, Ford,Chrysler Group LLC.
the interests of the GM in Russia is the company General Motors Russia & CIS.Lord as at May 2011, the Russian Federation from the company was 154 автодилера Chevrolet brand, most of them also were involved in selling automobiles Opel Zafira,And 28 sold Daewoo car. In Russia in 2010, GM ranked second in sales vehicles, selling 159,376 vehicles all of their brands.General Motors is owned by Currugated Plant in St. Petersburg, the Company (NCC), opened in November 2008.The total investments in GM production complex is estimated at $300 million. The construction of the plant began on 13 June 2006, at the first stage (A. 70 000 machines per year) the level of investment in the project amounted to $115 million.Installation of equipment began in January of 2008, a trial start of production was held in September, and the official opening the enterprise - on 7 November 2008.At the opening ceremony of the enterprise GM WW II was also attended by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. The plant output at full power is scheduled to be published at the end of 2009.In the words of the director of the factory, Richard Detroit, has already held talks with 80 potential component suppliers,The localization of production in St. Petersburg will be brought up to approximately 30 per cent by the year 2010. (12]lord since September 2006, two years before the start of the work of the GM assembly plant in Company (NCC),The company began to assemble the SKD-kits vehicle use fabric in residential shop factory "Arsenal", located in the area fountains St. Petersburg.In September 2007 here deployed SKD-assemble Opel Suv Antаrа, and in February 2008, the second production site in Company (NCC) began assembling - Opel Astra. In 2006, at the "Arsenal" was collected 273 units. admirers skyrockets,In 2007 - 5631 Ems. Bura and 48 Ems. Antаrа. For the first 9 months of 2008, collected 30,575 vehicles models Bura, Antаrа and Astra. In February 2009, assemble at the factory "Arsenal" is stopped, and employees shall be transferred to the plant in the Company (NCC),Where the end of 2009, is scheduled to assemble Chevrolet car model called Spark will be on the world platform for global compact.lord in addition,General Motors is a partner (owns 50 % of the ordinary shares shares in the enterprise) JSC "AVTOVAZ" joint venture - "GM-AVTOVAZ", untrue Chevrolet Niva offroader.General Motors Corporation has been working with the company quite satisfactorily "", where are available vehicles companies under the brands Chevrolet and Daewoo car.

In 2008, General Motors has launched the factory "" CKD production full-cycle model Besides Aveo Chevrolet Aveo. Construction and equipment additional equipment for welding and painting parties cost approximately 80 million euros.The transition to a full cycle Besides Aveo assembly in the Kaliningrad region demanded an additional hire 1450 employees. The total investment in GM "" has exceeded $350 million.

On 18 March 2015, General Motors decided to close production of cars in St. Petersburg in the middle of the year, as well as fully withdrew from Opel cars sales in Russia, beginning in December 2015.
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