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Всем привет! Я хочу рассказать вам о своем кумире...
Её зовут Вилл Вандом!

Дата Рождения: 19 Января.
Знак зодиака: Козерог.

Вилл- хранительница сердца Кондракара. её сила в том,что она может соединять магические остальных чародеек и делать их сильнее!
Она учится в Шеффилдской школе, в Хитерфилде, вместе с другими девочками!
Вилл очень застенчивая,хоть это не всегда заметно.
Её любимые предметы в школе:Биология. Кроме того, Вилл хорошо разбирается в компьютерах.
Ей нравится все,что похоже на лягушек.Серьёзно!А еще Вилл любит плавание и другие виды спорта.
Вилл живет со соей мамой Сьюзен и домашней белкой в квартире,на окраине Хитерфилда.
Питает слабость к Метту Ольсену-любимчику всех девчонок в школе.
Вилл обладает абсолютной главной силой,так как она заключает в себе все четыре стихии-огонь,воду,воздух и землю.Вилл узнала о своей силе,когда увидела своё волшебное отображение в витрине магазина.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello world! I want to tell you about their hero of ...Her name is Villa Vendôme!Date of birth: 19 January.Zodiac sign: Capricorn.Villas-the keeper of the heart Kondrakara. its strength is that it can connect magic remaining enchantresses and make them stronger!She studied at the Šeffildskoj school in Hiterfilde, together with other girls!The villas are very shy, although it is not always visible.Her favorite subjects in school: biology. In addition, the Villa is well versed in computers.She likes all that similar to frogs. Seriously! and Villas enjoy swimming and other sports.Villa lives with his mother Susan and squirrel in an apartment on the outskirts of Hiterfilda.A soft spot for Metta Ol′senu-pet of all the girls in school.The villas has the absolute main force as it encloses all the four elements-fire, water, air and land. Villas became aware of his power, when I saw his magic show in a shop window.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hello everyone! I want to tell you about my idol ...
Her name is Will Vandom! Date of Birth: January 19. Capricorn. Vill- keeper Kandrakar heart. its strength is that it can combine the magic charodeek others and make them stronger! She is studying in Sheffield school, Hiterfilde, along with other girls! The villa is very shy, even though it is not always obvious. Her favorite subjects in school: Biology. Furthermore, the villa is well-versed in computers. She likes all that is similar to lyagushek.Serёzno! And Will loves swimming and other sports. Will lives with his mother Susan and soy protein in the apartment home, on the outskirts of Hiterfilda. had a weakness for Mette Olsen-pet all the girls at school. Will have absolute main force, as it encompasses all the four elements-fire, water, air and zemlyu.Vill learned of his power, when I saw his magical display in a shop window.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
All hi! I want to tell you about their hero ...
her name is Villas Place Vendome!lord Date of birth: 19 January.
eye color: brown.lord Villas- Shakhida Shaymardanova Кондракара heart. its strength in that,That it can be connected to the remaining чародеек magic and make them stronger!
she is learning in school Шеффилдскои, Хитерфилде, together with the other girls!
Villas very застенчивая,although it is not always evident.
Her favorite subjects in school:biology. In addition, Villa savvy on the computer.
she likes all,that there seemed to be on the frogs.seriously!and another Villas loves sailing and other types of sports.
Villas lives with his mom right domestic Susan and home белкои in apartment,on the outskirts of the Хитерфилда.
sustains the weakness to Метту Ольсену-любимчику all zips in the school.
villas has absolute the main force ofAs it encompasses all four elements-fire,water,air and land.villas to learn its force,when she saw its magical display in storefront.

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