Business writers, speakers and consultants have thoroughly analyzed the difference between leaders and managers. Many of these comparisons present leaders as more creative and valuable to an organization than managers. However, thinking about leaders and managers in such a categorical way doesn't serve us well. There are organizations with too many leaders that failed from their inability to manage and implement day-to-day business issues. And there are companies with excellent managers that fail because they did not innovate, motivate change nor keep their eye on the strategic threats. An organization needs both management and leadership. Managing is a subset of leadership. A good leader must both lead and manage well.
So, just what is the difference between leading and managing? Managers manage things, but lead people. They manage financial ratios, inventory, process flow, cash, information systems and leadership development. At the same time they lead people, their perceptions, mindset and motivation. Most executives are bright managers and businessmen. Many are very skilled in managing the administrative and operational aspects of their businesses.
There are often situations when a manager or supervisor is suddenly promoted to a position of directional leadership. The transition from manager to leader is a difficult one, as is the attempt to train and

develop leaders. Why? Because business community knows little about leadership and the technology of leading.
What is Leadership?
Basically, leadership is making
people to follow you. The importance of good leadership cannot be overestimated. Leaders understand what has to happen with things in the company, and tell people what is needed for the desired results. However, leadership is more than planning a business strategy so that others followed it.
Sometimes the most skilled leaders ask themselves, "What can I say or do, in order to make my employees do what I want them to do?" But people do what their minds and emotions tell them to do, not necessarily what the leader says to do. No leader can motivate others. The employees have to motivate themselves. In short, the leaders know the ways to optimize the work of employees and achieve organization's success.
Since leading is basically a psychological process and skill, leaders who learn and practice in leadership technology will be much more effective in their work.
And leadership skills, like management skills, can be learned and improved. Releasing the energy and motivation of your employees opens new opportunities and inevitably results in bottom line improvements.
Managing Leadership
If leadership can be taught (and it can), it can also be managed. The most progressive and successful companies are managing leaders and leadership systematically. There are certain principles and models that help to develop a strong leadership system. Some companies have to manage leadership to get a significant change in their bottom-line.
Three Leadership Rules to Remember
Rule 1: You must have or develop the skill, and take the time to find out what is in the employee's mind. A good leader knows and consistently uses some of the many techniques for learning emr ployee's needs and assessing how they experience their environment. Leaders need to create and manage a system of feedback that keeps them in permanent touch with employee mindset so they lead professionaly.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT? Business writers, speakers and consultants have thoroughly analyzed the difference between leaders and managers. Many of these comparisons present leaders as more creative and valuable to an organization than managers. However, thinking about leaders and managers in such a categorical way doesn't serve us well. There are organizations with too many leaders that failed from their inability to manage and implement the day-to-day business issues. And there are companies with excellent managers that fail because they did not innovate, motivate change nor keep their eye on the strategic threats. An organization needs both management and leadership. Managing is a subset of leadership. A good leader must both lead and manage well. So, just what is the difference between leading and managing? Managers manage things, but lead people. They manage financial ratios, inventory, process flow, cash, information systems and leadership development. At the same time they lead people, their perceptions, mindset and motivation. Most executives are bright managers and businessmen. Many are very skilled in managing the administrative and operational aspects of their businesses. There are often situations when a manager or supervisor is suddenly promoted to a position of directional leadership. The transition from manager to leader is a difficult one, as is the attempt to train anddevelop leaders. Why? Because the business community knows little about leadership and the technology of leading. What is Leadership? Basically, the leadership is making people to follow you. The importance of good leadership cannot be overestimated. Leaders understand what has to happen with things in the company, and tell people what is needed for the desired results. However, leadership is more than planning a business strategy so that others followed it. Sometimes the most skilled leaders ask themselves, "What can I say or do, in order to make my employees to do what I want them to do?" But people do what their minds and emotions tell them to do, not necessarily what the leader says to do. No leader can motivate others. The employees have to motivate themselves. In short, the leaders know the ways to optimize the work of employees and achieve success organization's. Since leading is basically a psychological process and skill, leaders who learn and practice in leadership technology will be much more effective in their work. And leadership skills like management skills can be learned and improved. Releasing the energy and motivation of your employees opens new opportunities and inevitably results in bottom line date. Managing Leadership If leadership can be taught (and it can), it can also be managed. The most progressive and successful companies are managing leaders and leadership systematically. There are certain principles and models that help to develop a strong leadership system. Some companies have to manage leadership to get a significant change in their bottom line. Three Leadership Rules to Remember Rule 1: You must have or develop the skill, and take the time to find out what is in the employee mind. A good leader knows and consistently uses some of the many techniques for learning emr ployee's needs and assessing how they experience their environment. Leaders need to create and manage a system of feedback that keeps them in permanent touch with employee mindset so they lead poolside was also.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The Business writers, and consultants have the SPEAKERS Thoroughly Analyzed the difference Between Leaders and the managers. Many of these comparisons present leaders as more creative and valuable to an organization than managers. However, thinking about leaders and managers in such a categorical way does not serve us well. There are organizations with too many leaders that failed from their inability to manage and implement day-to-day business issues. And there are companies with excellent managers that fail because they did not innovate, motivate change nor keep their eye on the strategic threats. An organization needs both management and leadership. Managing is a subset of leadership. Good leader a must A Both the lead and the manage a well.
For So, just what is the difference Between a leading and Managing? Managers manage things, but lead people. They manage financial ratios, inventory, process flow, cash, information systems and leadership development. At the same time they lead people, their perceptions, mindset and motivation. Most executives are bright managers and businessmen. A skilled are very Many in the administrative and Managing Operational Hour Aspects of Their Businesses.
There are often the of situations or the when a manager Have-supervisor is Suddenly Promoted to The position of a directional The Leadership. Transition from manager Have of The leader is to a Difficult one's, as with the Attempt is to train and

the develop Leaders. Why? Knows business community Because little about Leadership and the technology of a leading.
For What is Leadership?
Basically, Leadership-making is
people to follow you. The importance of good leadership can not be overestimated. Leaders understand what has to happen with things in the company, and tell people what is needed for the desired results. HOWEVER, Leadership is more than planning a business strategy SO IT That Followed: others.
Sometimes a skilled Leaders are most the the ask by themselves, "for What CAN I of say The or do, in order to the make up my the employees do what I of Them want to do?" But people do what their minds and emotions tell them to do, not necessarily what the leader says to do. No leader can motivate others. The employees have to motivate themselves. With In short, the Leaders the know the ways to the optimize the work of the employees and Achieve Organization's by success.
Since header a leading is Basically a Psychological process and skill, Leaders the who learn and practice in Leadership technology will of the BE much more effective is in Their work.
And Leadership skills, like management skills, can be learned and improved. And the energy is Releasing Motivation of the employees Opens your new Opportunities and inevitably results in bottom line Improvements.
Managing Leadership
the If the BE Taught Leadership CAN (CAN and IT), IT CAN Also the BE 'managed. The most progressive and successful companies are managing leaders and leadership systematically. There are certain principles and models that help to develop a strong leadership system. Companies' to have Some Leadership the manage to the get the change in a Significant Their bottom-line.
The Three Leadership the Rules to the Remember
the Rule 1: You must have or develop the skill , and take the time to find out what is in the employee's mind. A good leader knows and consistently uses some of the many techniques for learning emr ployee's needs and assessing how they experience their environment. Leaders need to create and manage a system of feedback that keeps them in permanent touch with employee mindset so they lead professionaly.
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