1. Я спросил его, давно ли он стал заниматься языком и какие сделал в  перевод - 1. Я спросил его, давно ли он стал заниматься языком и какие сделал в  английский как сказать

1. Я спросил его, давно ли он стал

1. Я спросил его, давно ли он стал заниматься языком и какие сделал в нем успехи. Он ответил, что учит язык давно, но мало чему научился. 2. Как странно! Мне казалось, что ты давно все знаешь. 3. Я обдумывал то, что он мне рассказал; я сам давно это подозревал, но все оказалось еще хуже, чем я ожидал. 4. На днях я случайно встретил старого школьного друга. Мы не виделись лет десять; он очень изменился за это время. Оказалось, что он давно хотел разыскать меня, но у него все не было времени. 5. Он всем нам очень нравился, хотя мы знали его еще совсем недолго. 6. Он нам всем сразу понравился, но, к сожалению, он проработал с нами совсем недолго и ушел. 7. Я знал его еще очень недолго и поэтому не был в нем полностью уверен. 8. В комнате было душно и темно: там давно никто не жил. 9. Я открыл дверь и заглянул внутрь: все еще писали контрольную, только один студент уже сдал работу, хотя прошло уже два часа. 10. Дождь шел уже два часа, и я надеялся, что он скоро кончится. Но я прождал еще час, пока, наконец, не появилось солнце. 11. Обед был уже готов и все давно проголодались, но двое гостей еще не пришли, и нам пришлось их долго ждать. 12. Мы не прошли и полпути, когда вдруг обнаружили, что не взяли с собой еды. Мы долго обсуждали, что делать, и наконец, решили вернуться. 13. Родители уже обзвонили всех друзей своего сына, а его все не было, хотя он обещал быть рано. Они уже начинали серьезно беспокоиться.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I asked him whether he had for a long time the language and what did it. He replied that learns a language for a long time, but learned little. 2. How strange! It seemed to me that you know everything for a long time. 3. I'm mulling over what he told me; I myself have long suspected it, but everything turned out even worse than I expected. 4. The other day I happened upon an old school friend. We had not seen for ten years; It has changed a great deal during this time. It turned out that he had long wanted to find me, but he didn't have time. 5. we all really liked It, even though we knew it yet. 6. He immediately liked by all of us, but, unfortunately, he worked with us a very short time and left. 7. I knew it even for a very short time and therefore it was not completely sure. 8. The room was stuffy and dark: there has long been no one lived. 9. I opened the door and looked inside wrote: still a holdout, only one student has already passed the job although two hours have passed. 10. rain walked for two hours, and I'm hoping that it will end soon. But I waited another hour, until finally, I never saw the Sun. 11. Lunch was ready and all but two hungry guests have not yet arrived, and we had to wait long for them. 12. We have not passed and halfway, when suddenly discovered that not took the meal. We have discussed what to do and finally decided to come back. 13. Parents already were calling all friends of his son, and it all, although he promised to be early. They have already started to seriously worry.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I asked him how long he had began to study the language and what did it progress. He said that learning a language for a long time, but little has learned. 2. How strange! I thought you had long been familiar. 3. I thought about what he told me; I myself have long suspected it, but it was worse than I expected. 4. A few days ago I ran into an old school friend. We have not seen each other for ten years; He has changed a lot in that time. It turned out that he had long wanted to find me, but he still did not have time. 5. He was very fond of all of us, even though we know it is still very long. 6. It is to us all at once like, but, unfortunately, he has worked with us very long and left. 7. I knew him for a short time so it was not completely sure. 8. The room was stuffy and dark: there is a long time no one lived. 9. I opened the door and looked inside: still wrote the control, only one student has passed the job, although it was already two hours. 10. It rained for two hours, and I hoped that it would soon be over. But I waited another hour, until finally the sun appeared. 11. The dinner was ready, and all have been hungry, but two guests have not yet arrived, and we had to wait long for them. 12. We have not gone halfway, when suddenly discovered that did not bring food. We were discussing what to do, and finally decided to return. 13. Parents have telephoned all the friends of his son, and his did not come, although he promised to be early. They have already started to seriously worry.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i asked him how long he turned to language and what made it successful. he said that the teaching language for a long time, but little is learned. 2. how strange! i thought you had it all, you know. 3. i was thinking about somethingwhat he told me, i have this idea, but it turned out to be even worse than i expected. 4. the other day, i accidentally met an old school friend. we haven't seen each other for ten years, he changed a lot during this time. it turns outhe wanted to find me, but he didn't have the time. 5. he was very fond of all of us, even though we know him a little. 6. we all just like, but, unfortunately,he has worked with us for a while, and then left. 7. i knew him very little, and therefore was not completely sure of it. 8. the room was stuffy and dark, long time no one lived. 9. i opened the door and looked inside.still write control, only one student passed the job even though it's been two hours. 10. it rained for two hours, and i was hoping that he will soon be over. but i waited for another hour, until, finally, the sun has come out. 11.the dinner was ready and all have starved, but two people still did not come, and we had to wait a long time. 12. we don't go halfway, when suddenly discovered that don't have a meal. we've talked about what to do.and finally decided to go back. 13. parents have called all of friends of my son, but it's not, but he promised to be here early. they have already started to seriously worry about.

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