На тим-токах продолжаем вести тренинги относительно торгового зала, чт перевод - На тим-токах продолжаем вести тренинги относительно торгового зала, чт английский как сказать

На тим-токах продолжаем вести трени

На тим-токах продолжаем вести тренинги относительно торгового зала, чтобы ребята ориентировались в ассортименте и могли быстро помочь покупателям.
К сожалению, уделяя время знаниям и ориентированию в торговом зале, упал сам сервис персонала. Покупатели в анкетах пишут, что им не хватает внимания. Поэтому на данном этапе перед нами стоит главная цель – повысить CS. Хотя мы и провели конкурс на лучший CS в магазине, нужно отметить, что ребята не очень активно принимали в нем участие. И сейчас администраторы, старшие продавцы и лидеры вплотную занимаются первостепенной задачей – улучшением сервиса. Они на своем же примере показывают, как нужно работать с покупателями, также дают в течение дня 5-тиминутные фидбэки. На тим-токах также мы напоминаем и разъясняем политику Юникло, нашу философию, базовые принципы. Меры?

29 числа поступила в продажу коллекция Ines De La Fressange, которая приглянулась всем покупателям. С самого утра перед входом в магазин уже было порядка 10 человек. (опрос реклама анкеты/ откуда узнало большинство) . Большинство брало в примерочную по две корзинки с вещами. Особенно покупатели интересовались платьями (до сих пор спрашивают про платья, которые изображены на основных постерах). На второй день их практически уже не оставалось. В первый же день коллекция Инес заняла все первые строки нашего Топа.

Продолжают негативно отзываться о нашем сайте. Пишут, что сайт не обновляется и там постоянно висит старая информация, ассортимент не соответствует фактическому наличию. Также просят о полной версии русскоязычного сайта (могу предположить, что здесь идет речь о разделе «О компании»: бизнес-обзор, стратегия управления, интервью и т.д.).

Также заметила, что покупатели всё чаще интересуются более летними товарами, такими как майки, футболки с короткими рукавами, купальники. Многие интересуются товарами с функцией DRY и AIRism.

На следующей неделе у нас будет проходить инвентаризация, поэтому мы уже начали проводить тренинги по работе с POT и no-label.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
By Tim-currents continue to conduct trainings concerning the trading Hall, the guys were guided in assortment and can quickly help buyers. Unfortunately, with time, knowledge and guidance in a trading Hall, dropped himself service personnel. Buyers in their questionnaires that they lack attention. Therefore, at this stage, we are facing the main objective is to improve CS. Although we held a contest for the best CS in the store, it should be noted that the guys are not very actively took part in it. And now, administrators, senior leaders and dealers work closely on priority-improve service. They are on your same example show how to work with buyers, are also given during the day 5-timinutnye fidbèki. By Tim-currents also we recall and explain the policy of Ûniklo, our philosophy, the basic principles. Measures?29 the number went on sale a collection of Ines De La Fressange, which attracted all buyers. From early morning in front of the entrance to the shop was already of the order of 10 people. (poll advertising profiles where most learned). Most took in a fitting two baskets with things. Especially buyers interested in dresses (still ask about the dresses, which are depicted on the main posters). On the second day of their virtually no longer remained. On the first day the collection took all the first-line Ines our Top.Continue to negatively respond on our site. They write that the site is not updated and there is constantly hanging old information, the range does not match the actual availability. Also ask about the full version of the Russian-speaking site (I assume that here refers to the "about us" section: business review, strategy, interview, etc.). Also noticed that buyers are increasingly interested in more on summer merchandise, such as shirts, short-sleeved shirts, swimwear. Many are interested in commodities with the function of DRY and AIRism.Next week we will pass the inventory, so we have already started to conduct trainings on work with POT and no-label.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In team-currents continue to conduct training with respect to the trading floor, to the guys focused in stock and can quickly help customers.
Unfortunately, with time, knowledge and orientation on the trading floor, he dropped service personnel. Buyers questionnaires in writing that they do not get enough attention. Therefore, at this stage, we are faced with the main goal - to raise CS. Although we had a contest for the best CS in the store, it should be noted that children are not actively taking part in it. Now, administrators, salesmen and senior leaders work closely on a priority - improving service. They are at their same example shows how to work with customers and provide throughout the day 5-minute time feedbacks. In team-currents as we recall and explain policy Yuniklo, our philosophy, basic principles. Measures? 29 number went on sale a collection of Ines De La Fressange, who liked to all buyers. In the morning in front of the store it was already about 10 people. (survey questionnaire listing / learned from the majority). Most took in a fitting room with two baskets with things. Especially interested buyers to pay (still ask about the dress, which are depicted on the main poster). On the second day they had almost no choice. On the first day the collection Inez took all of the first line of our top. Continue to speak negatively about our site. They write that the site is not updated and there is always hanging old information, the range does not correspond to the actual availability. Also, ask for the full version of the Russian-language site (I can assume that there is a speech about the "About us" business overview, management strategy, interviews, etc.). Also note that buyers are increasingly interested in a summer goods such like T-shirts, T-shirts with short sleeves, swimsuits. Many people are interested in goods with the function DRY and AIRism. Next week we will take inventory, so we have already started training for working with POT and no-label.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the tim токах continue to conduct training on the shop floor to the guys from the range and can quickly help buyers.unfortunately, with the knowledge and guidance in the trading hall, fell by service personnel. buyers in the passport says that they don't get enough attention. however, at this stage, it is the main purpose is to improve the cs. although we had a contest for the best cs in the store, it should be noted that guys aren't very actively participated. and now senior administrators, and leaders are working closely with the highest priority is the improvement of the service. they're in my example shows how to work with buyers are also within 5 days тиминутные фидбэки. the tim токах we also recall and explain the policy юникло, our philosophy, the basic principles. measures?29 of a sale collection ines de la Fressange, which like all customers. in the morning before entering the shop already had about 10 people. (the survey questionnaire / how learned most advertising). most claimed in the dressing room. two baskets of goods. especially the buyers interested in dresses (still ask about dress, which depicts the main posters). on the second day, they almost never do. on the first day of collection of ines took over the first few lines of the top.continue to have negative things on our website. it says the site is not updated, and it always hangs an old information does not correspond to the actual product availability. also ask for the full version of the russian site (i can only assume that there is a section on the company: business review, strategy management, interview, etc.).also notice that the buyers are increasingly interested in more summer merchandise, such as t-shirts, shirts with short sleeves, swimsuits. many of you are interested in products with function of DRY and AIRism.next week we will take place
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