1. Сегодня такой же жаркий день, как и вчера. 2. Он такой же сильный, как и его брат. 3. В прошлом году зима была такая же холодная, как и в этом. 4. Он катается на коньках так же хорошо, как и ты, правда? 5. Наша улица не такая узкая, как ваша, не так ли? 6. Моя дочь не такая высокая, как эта девочка. 7. В июле погода не была такой хорошей, как в августе. 8. Сегодня я встала не так рано, как в будний день. 9. Вы думаете, завтра он будет так же занят, как сегодня? 10. Его мать не такая старая, как его отец. Она на пять лет моложе его. 11. Если я буду этим летом так же свободен, как прошлым, я помогу тебе. 12. Я уверен, он будет так же рад видеть вас, как и я. 13. Этот урок не такой длинный и сложный, как 10-й. 14. В этом упражнении ты сделал столько же ошибок, как в первом. 15. Петр работает так же много над языком, как и его брат? — Нет, он работает меньше. 16. Надеюсь, ты вернешься сегодня не так поздно, как вчера. 17. Я не могу
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Today, the same hot day like yesterday. 2. He is as strong as his brother. 3. In the winter last year was as cold as this. 4. He skates as well as you, right? 5. Our street is not so narrow, like yours, is not it? 6. My daughter is not as high as this girl. 7. In July, the weather was not as good as in August. 8. Today, I got up not so early as a weekday. 9. Do you think tomorrow he will be just as busy as it is today? 10. His mother is not as old as his father. She is five years younger than him. 11. If I do this summer as free as the past, I'll help you. 12. I'm sure he will be as happy to see you as I do. 13. This lesson is not as long and complex as the 10th. 14. In this exercise, you made as many mistakes as in the first. 15. Peter works the same way a lot of the language, like his brother? - Not, it works less. 16. I hope you come back today is not so late as yesterday. 17. I can not
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. Today is as hot as yesterday. 2. He is as strong as his brother. 3. Last winter was as cold as last year. 4. He skates as well as you, doesn't he? 5. Our streets are not as narrow as yours, are they? 6. My daughter is not tall girl. 7. The weather in July is not as good as that in August. 8. Today, I didn't get up as early as usual. 9. Do you think tomorrow he will be as busy as today? 10. His mother is not like his father. She is five years younger than him. 11. If I were as free this summer as I used to be, I would help you. 12. I'm sure he'il is glad to see you like me. 13. This is not a long and complex lesson, like 10. 14. You made the same mistake in this exercise. 15. Peter works as much in language as his brother does? No, he doesn't work. 16. I hope you won't come back later than yesterday. 17. I can't<br>
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