1. Сестра сказала, что хочет приехать к нам сама.
2. Я знала, что она очень занята и поэтому не пригласила ее на вечер.
3. Я знал, что она работает в издательстве уже много лет, что у нее двое детей и семья у нее дружная.
4. Мартин сказал, что его родители живут в Ливерпуле уже 10 лет.
5. Розмари сказала, что позвонит домой, как только закончится собрание.
6. Он попросил родителей не беспокоиться, если он придет поздно, так как у него будет собрание
7. Мэри сказала, что она разговаривала с ним и предупредила о нашем решении.
8. Нора знала, что они собираются провести несколько дней у родных,если у них будет время.
9. Мы не знали, что они там не были, с тех пор как переехали в Абердин
10. Мы знали, что ее старшая дочь будет жить у тети, если Анна уедет на Север
11. Преподаватель сказал нам, что не будет экзаменовать нас, пока мы не сдадим курсовые работы
12. Она спросила, Кому мы сообщили о собрании и сколько человек будет присутствовать
13. Он пообещал детям, что расскажет им ещё одну историю когда вернётся
14. Он открыл дверь и спросил одного из нас, когда когда закончится собрание и где он нас найдёт.
15.. Он спросил нас , сколько нам надо времени, чтобы добраться туда.
16. На последнем уроке ученики узнали, что золото тяжелее серебра.
17. Он сказал, что скопил 1200 долларов, чтобы купить компьютер
18.. Он сказал, что уехал в Оксфорд 5 лет назад.
19..Гид посоветовал нам посеить как можно больше музеев.
20. Она спросила, придём ли мы на вечеринку после занятий в университете.
Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. The sister said that she wanted to come to us by itself.
2. I knew that she was very busy and therefore not invited her for the evening.
3. I knew that she was working in publishing for many years, she has two children, and her family is friendly.
4. Martin said that his parents lived in Liverpool for 10 years.
5. Rosemary said she would call home as soon as the meeting is over.
6. He asked parents not to worry if it will come too late, as he will have a meeting
7. Mary said that she spoke to him and warned of our decision.
8. Nora knew that they were going to spend a few days with relatives, if they have time.
9. We did not know that they have not been there since they moved to Aberdeen
10. We knew that her eldest daughter will live with his aunt when Anna would leave the North
11. The teacher told us that it would not examine us, we will not surrender until the coursework
12. She asked to whom we reported about the meeting and how many people will attend
13. He promised the children that they still tell a story when he returns
14. He opened the door and asked one of us when the meeting is over when and where he finds us.
15 .. He asked us how much we need the time to get there.
16. In the last lesson, the students learned that gold is heavier than silver.
17. He said he had saved $ 1,200 to buy a computer
18 .. He said he went to Oxford five years ago.
19..Gid advised us to sow as many museums.
20. She asked if we will come to the party after classes at the university.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. sister said that she wants to come to the us.
2. i know that she is very busy and doesn't invite her to the party.
3. i knew that she worked in publishing for many years, she has two children, and she has a big family.
4.martin said that his parents lived in liverpool for 10 years.
5. rosemary told me to call home, as soon as this meeting is over.
6. he asked parents not беспокоиться if he comes latesince he will be meeting
7. mary said that she was talking to him and warned about the решении.
8. nora knew what they were going to spend a few days at home, if they have time.
9. we don't knowthey haven't been there since i moved to aberdeen
10. we knew that her eldest daughter will live with my aunt when anna goes north
11. the teacher told us that we will not be examined.as long as we don't give up theses
12. she asked who we reported on the meeting and how many people will attend the
13. he promised the children, tell them another story when back
14.he opened the door and asked one of us, as at the end of the meeting, where he will find us.
15. he asked us, how much we need time to get there. - 16. the last lesson students learngold is heavier than silver.
17. he said that saved 1200 dollars to buy the computer
18. he said he was in oxford on 5 years ago.
19..гид advised us sow more museums.
20. she askedwhether we the party after class in the university.
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