Проблема лидерства и руководства - одна из кардинальных проблем социал перевод - Проблема лидерства и руководства - одна из кардинальных проблем социал английский как сказать

Проблема лидерства и руководства -

Проблема лидерства и руководства - одна из кардинальных проблем социальной психологии. Она касается не только вопросов интеграции группы, но и психологически описывает субъекта этой интеграции.
Лидерство определяется, во-первых, как ведущее положение отдельной особи социальной группы, класса, партии, государства, что обусловлено эффективными результатами деятельности (экономической, спортивной и т.д.), во-вторых, как процессы внутренней самоорганизации и самоуправления группы, коллектива, обусловлено индивидуальной инициативой ее членов.
В отличие от лидера, руководитель всегда выступает посредником социального контроля и административно-государственной власти. Лидер - это член группы, который добровольно взял на себя значительную меру ответственности в достижении групповых целей, чем того требуют формальные установки или общественные нормы. Формальный лидер назначается или выбирается, приобретая таким образом официальный статус руководителя. Неформальный лидер - это член группы, который наиболее полно в своем поведении соответствует групповым ценностям и нормам. Он ведет группу, стимулируя достижение групповых целей и проявляя при этом высокий уровень активности по сравнению с другими членами группы.
Различия в понятиях «лидер» и «руководитель»:
- Лидер призван осуществлять в основном регуляцию социальных отношений;
- Лидерство возникает в условиях микросреды, руководство - элемент макросреды, оно связано со всей системой общественных отношений;
- Лидерство возникает стихийно, руководитель или назначается или выбирается (процесс подконтрольный социальной системе);
- Явление лидерства менее стабильно, зависит от настроения группы, руководство - стабильно;
- Руководство подчиненными по сравнению с лидерством имеет определенную систему санкций;
- Процесс принятия решения руководителем гораздо сложнее, он подчинен обстоятельствам, которые не всегда исходят от группы, лидер принимает непосредственные решения, касающиеся групповой деятельности;
- Сфера деятельности лидера - в основном малая группа, где он является лидером, сфера деятельности руководителя шире, поскольку он представляет малую группу в более широкой социальной системе.
Общая проблема для лидера и руководителя заключается в том, что они должны стимулировать группу, нацеливать ее на решение определенных задач.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The issue of leadership and management is one of the fundamental problems of social psychology. It concerns not only issues of integration of the group, but also psychologically describes the subject of this integration.Leadership is determined by, first, the leading position of an individual as a social group, class, party, State, due to effective results (economic, sport, etc.), secondly, the internal processes of self-organisation and self-management group, team, due to the individual initiative of its members.In contrast to the leader, head always mediates social control and administration of Government. The leader is a member of the group, who voluntarily took on a major responsibility in achieving group objectives than the formal installation or social norms. The formal leader is appointed or selected, thus gaining the official status of the leader. Opinion leader is a member of the group who most fully in his behavior matches the group values and norms. He leads the team, encouraging the achievement of group goals and with a high level of activity compared to the other members of the group.Differences in the concepts of "leader" and "head":-The leader of the mainly called upon to regulate social relations;-Leadership occurs under conditions of micro-environments, management-the macro environment, it is associated with the entire system of social relations;-Leadership occurs spontaneously, the supervisor or appointed or selected (process has been compromised by the social system);-The phenomenon of leadership are less stable, depends on the mood of the group, management-stable;-Manual employees compared to the leadership has a specific system of sanctions;-Head of the decision-making process is more difficult, he is subject to circumstances that do not always originate from the group, the leader adopts direct decisions on group activities;Activity leader-mainly a small group, where he is the leader, the leader of the wider, since it was a small group in the broader social system.A common problem for a leader and a Manager is that they should encourage the group to focus on specific tasks.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The problem of leadership and management - one of the fundamental problems of social psychology. It covers not only the integration of the group, but also psychologically describes the subject of this integration.
Leadership is determined, firstly, as a leading position separate a particular social group, class, party, state, due to the effective results of activity (economic, sports, etc. .), and secondly, as the internal processes of self-organization and self-management group, collective, caused by the individual initiative of its members.
In contrast to the leader, the head always mediates social control and administrative and state authorities. The leader - a member of the group, who voluntarily took on a significant measure of responsibility to achieve group goals than required by the formal installation or social norms. Formal leader is appointed or chosen, thus becoming the official status of the head. Informal leader - a member of the group that most closely corresponds in its behavior group values ​​and norms. He leads a group promoting the achievement of group goals and exhibiting a high level of activity as compared to other members of the group.
The differences in terms of "leader" and "manager":
- The leader called upon to exercise mainly the regulation of social relations;
- Leadership occurs in a microenvironment, Manual - the macro element, it is connected with the whole system of social relations;
- Leadership occurs spontaneously, manager or appointed or chosen (a process controlled by the social system)
- The phenomenon of leadership is less stable, depending on the mood of the group management - stable;
- Guide subordinates compared with leadership has a certain system of sanctions;
- The decision making process is much more complex head, he is subject to circumstances that do not always come from the group leader receives immediate decisions regarding group activities;
- Industry leader - basically a small group, where he is the leader, Head wider sphere of activity, because it is a small group in the broader social system.
A common challenge for leaders and managers is that they should encourage the group to target it for certain tasks.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The problem leadership and guidance is one of the fundamental problems of social psychology. It concerns not only issues of integration group, but also psychologically describes the entity that integration.
Leadership is defined, in the first place, as well as leading the position of the single specimen social group, class, party, state, due to effective results activities (economic, sports, etc. ),Secondly, as the internal self-organization and self-management group, team, individual initiative is due to its members.
in contrast to leader,The head is always acts as an intermediary social monitoring and management and administration of the public authorities. The leader is a member of the group,Which has voluntarily assumed the significant responsibility in achieving group goals, rather than that require formal installation, or social norms. Formal leader is appointed or selected,If you purchase in a manner the official status of the head of the. Informal leader is a member of the group, which most fully in his behavior corresponds to group values and norms. He leads a group,By stimulating the group goals and with the high level of activity in comparison with the other members of the group.
differences in concepts of "leader" and "the leader" :
- The leader is intended to exercise in the main comes nearer social relations;
- leadership occurs in a boycott, the guide - the element animal industries, it is associated with the entire system public relations;
- Leadership arises spontaneously, leader or assigned or selected (the process crucially social system) ;
- a phenomenon leadership less stable, depends on the mood group, guide - stable;
- The Guide subordinates as compared to each participant has a certain system of sanctions;
- decision process the head of the much more difficult, he subordinate circumstances which are not always come from the group,The leader takes immediate action, relating to group activities;
- the scope of the leader - in the main small group, where he is the leader, the scope of the work of the head of the widerSince it is a small group in the wider social system.
a common problem for the leader and the head of the is that they should encourage group,Focus on the specific tasks.
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