Мой любимый вид спорта легкая атлетика.
Я хочу рассказать о своем любимом спортсмене, который является для меня кумиром в спорте. Сергей Назарович Бубка родился в г. Луганске. С юных лет Сергей любил спорт, предпочтение отдавал легкой атлетике. Девизом в жизни избрал для себя слова: сила, скорость, техника. Знакомство с известным тренером В. Петровым перевернуло жизнь юного спортсмена. Именно Петров сумел воспитать в нем стремление к победе. На первом в истории легкой атлетики чемпионате мира в Хельсинки (1983 г.) 19-летний Сергей был удостоен первой золотой медали. А через год, в Братиславе, не только подтверждает, что он чемпион, но и устанавливает мировой рекорд, взяв высоту 5 м 85 см. Поражаешься силе и технике этого атлета. Всего за 10 лет, с 1984 по 1994 год, он установил 35 мировых рекордов. Причем, 18 рекордов Сергей установил в закрытых помещениях. Историческим стал его пятый рекорд (13 июля 1985 года в Париже) — Бубка первым преодолел высоту 6 м. Сергей справедливо считал, что эта высота для него не предел. Подтверждением тому стало выступление на открытом стадионе в г. Сестриер в 1994 году, когда ему покорилась высота 6 м 14 см, а уже в Донецке добавился еще один сантиметр — новый рекорд 6 м 15 см. Когда смотришь его выступления, поражаешься легкости, с которой спортсмену покоряется планка. Но задумывались ли вы, какая титаническая работа стоит за этой кажущейся легкостью. Это постоянный, изнурительный труд. Тренировки по 5-10 часов в день, отказ от многих соблазнов в жизни. А что делать, когда не получается выиграть? На чемпионате мира 1991 г. в Токио Бубка взял для себя скромную высоту 5 м 95 см, правда, компьютеры определили, что в победной попытке он перелетел планку на высоте 6 м 37 см. По мнению специалистов, Бубка не раскрыл полностью своих возможностей, по признанию самого Сергея, он не хотел остаться в истории героем одного прыжка, как американец Боб Бимон, прыгнувший в длину 8 м 90 см на Олимпийских играх 1968 г. Сергей Бубка — единственный легкоатлет, победивший на пяти чемпионатах мира (1983-95 гг.). Президент Международного олимпийского комитета X. А. Самаранч назвал его самым выдающимся спортсменом современности. И с этим нельзя не согласиться.
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Результаты (
английский) 1:
My favorite sport is athletics.I want to tell you about his favorite athlete, which is for me an idol in the sport. Sergei Bubka was born in Lugansk. From a young age, Sergei loved sports, gave preference to athletics. Motto in life chosen for words: strength, speed, technique. Acquaintance with the famous coach Petrov has turned the lives of the young athlete. It is precisely the Petrov managed to instil in him a desire to win. The first in the history of Athletics World Championships in Helsinki (1983 g.) 19-year-old Sergei was awarded the first gold medal. A year later, in Bratislava, not only confirms that he is a champion, but also sets world record, taking the height of 5 m 85 cm. You are amazed by the power and technology of this athlete. In just 10 years, from 1984 to 1994, the year he set 35 world records. Moreover, 18 Sergey records installed indoors. Historical became his fifth record (July 13, 1985 in Paris) is the first 6 height overcame Edgar m. Sergei rightly believed that the height limit for him. Proof of this was the performance at the outdoor Stadium in Sestriere in 1994, the year when he was 6 m height 14 cm, and already in Donetsk added another centimeter — new record 6 m 15 cm. When you look at his performances, you are amazed by the ease with which the athlete first plank. But have you ever wondered what a titanic work behind this seeming ease. Is a constant, exhausting work. Workout for 5-10 hours per day, abandoning many temptations in life. What to do when you can't win? At the 1991 World Championships in Tokyo Bubka took for himself a modest height of 5 m 95 cm, however, have determined that the computers in their attempt, he crossed the bar at an altitude of 6 m 37 cm. According to experts, Bubka failed to disclose fully its capacities, according to Sergei himself, he didn't want to stay in the history of the hero of one jumping as American Bob Bob Beamon, jumping in length 8 m 90 cm at the Olympics 1968 g. Sergey Bubka, the only track and field athlete, winning five World Championships (1983-95). President of the International Olympic Committee X a. Samaranch called him the most outstanding athlete of our time. And with that we could not agree more.More essays and welcome to TP-link at: http://vsesochineniya.ru/sochinenie-na-temu-moj-lyubimyj-sportsmen.html
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My favorite sport is athletics.
I want to talk about their favorite athlete, who is an idol for me in the sport. Sergey Bubka was born in Lugansk. From a young age, Sergei loved sports, preference to athletics. The motto in life has chosen for himself the words: strength, speed, technique. Meeting with a famous coach Vladimir Petrov turned the life of the young athlete. It Petrov managed to instill in him the desire to win. The first in the history of athletics World Championships in Helsinki (1983) 19-year-old Sergei was awarded the first gold medal. A year later, in Prague, not only confirms that he is a champion, but also sets a world record by taking the height of 5 m 85 cm. Affected manpower and equipment of the athlete. In just 10 years, from 1984 to 1994, he set 35 world records. Moreover, 18 records Sergey set indoors. Historical became his fifth record (July 13, 1985 in Paris) - Bubka first overcome the height of 6 m. Sergei rightly believed that this height is not the limit for him. Proof of this was the performance in an outdoor stadium in Sestriere in 1994, when he resigned height of 6 m 14 cm, and in Donetsk, added another centimeter - a new record of 6 meters 15 cm. When you look at his performances, one is struck by the ease with which athlete submits strap. But have you ever thought what a titanic work behind this apparent ease. It is a constant, exhausting work. Training for 5-10 hours a day, giving up a lot of temptations in life. And what to do when it is impossible to win? At the World Championships 1991 in Tokyo Bubka took for himself a modest height of 5 m 95 cm, however, computers have determined that it is a winning attempt flew bar at a height of 6 m 37 cm. According to experts, Bubka did not disclose fully its features, for Sergei himself admits, he did not want to stay in the history of the hero of one jump, as the American Bob Beamon, leaped 8 m in length of 90 cm at the Olympic Games in 1968 Sergei Bubka - the only athlete who won five world championships (1983-95 gg.) . President of the International Olympic Committee X. Antonio Samaranch called it the most outstanding athlete of our time. And it is impossible not to agree. More works and GDZ on: http://vsesochineniya.ru/sochinenie-na-temu-moj-lyubimyj-sportsmen.html
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
My favorite sport athletics.
I want to talk about his favorite sportsman, who performed for meeting which pertains to me knocked out in sports. Sergei Ohunov year graduated from Kyiv. The young years he loved sports,A preference for ordered formed got koi competitions. The theme in the life of chosen for themselves the words: strength, speed, technology. Familiarity with the well-known trainer in. Bob Smith heaven or life young athlete.It is Doe was able to foster the desire for victory. The first in the history of athletics than got пионате peace in Helsinki (1983 g.) 19-year-old Sergey was удос got this first gold medal. And a year later, in Bratislava,Not only confirms that he the champion, but also installs world pe got ply, assuming the height 5 m 85 cm. Living Ethics force and technology this athlete. For only 10 years, from 1984 to 1994, he established a 35 miro got out score. And,18 Guinness Sergei has established in closed rooms. Historic became his fifth record (13 July 1985, in Paris) - year first overcame the height 6 m. He rightly believed that this height for him did not bring cases.
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