1 этап. Как научная дисциплина почвоведение окончательно сформировалос перевод - 1 этап. Как научная дисциплина почвоведение окончательно сформировалос английский как сказать

1 этап. Как научная дисциплина почв

1 этап. Как научная дисциплина почвоведение окончательно сформировалось во второй половине XIX столетия. Однако корни становления этой дисциплины уходят в глубокую древность – в начало зарождения земледелия (около 10 тыс. лет тому назад). В очагах древней цивилизации (Китай, Древний Египет, Древняя Греция, Древний Рим,
3 тыс. лет до н.э.) имело место накопление эмпирических знаний о почве, приемах ее обработки, свойствах, были первые попытки группировок почв для целей их использования и улучшения. Известны своими работами в области почвоведения такие ученые Древнего Рима и Древней Греции, как Катон Старший, Вергилий, Колумелла, Герадот и др.
2 этап. Средневековье – длительный период застоя в области естественных наук. Некоторые успехи в исследовании почвенного покрова были получены в Византии, Китае, Германии, Италии. К этому периоду относятся первые научные исследования и в России. С началом разложения феодального общества вновь появился интерес к изучению почв в связи с проблемой питания растений. В ряде работ того времени отражалось мнение, что растения питаются водой, создавая химические соединения из воды и воздуха; почва же рассматривалась как инертная среда, механическая опора для растений.
3 этап. Большие успехи в развитии науки о почве были достигнуты в период Возрождения (XV–XVII вв.). Были разработаны теории о роли почвы в питании растений, определены в общих чертах состав и происхождение гумуса, улучшена группировка почв. Считается, что в период Возрождения почвоведение как наука была почти полностью сформирована.
4 этап. XVIII столетие ознаменовалось интенсивным развитием российского почвоведения. Важное значение для формирования научных взглядов на почву имели работы М.В. Ломоносова (1711–1765) – о питании растений, о происхождении черноземов и др. М.В. Ломоносов полагал, что растения питаются не только водой, но и тонкими частицами земли. Большое внимание Ломоносов уделял вопросу о происхождении перегноя, который он рассматривал как продукт биологических процессов. Преподавание элементов почвоведения в России началось вскоре после смерти Ломоносова, с 1770 г., в Московском университете в составе курса «Сельскохозяйственное домоводство». К концу XVIII в. стала очевидна несостоятельность теории водного питания растений. Ее сменила гумусовая теория Альбрехта Тэера. Согласно этой теории, растения могут питаться только органическим веществом почвы и водой. А. Тэер был одним из основоположников агрономии и организатором первого высшего агрономического учебного заведения.
5 этап. К середине XIX в. накопился обширный материал по изучению почв. Однако эти данные были в высшей степени неоднородными и даже относились к различным объектам. Специалисты в области сельского хозяйства и агрономии изучали преимущественно пахотный горизонт. Геологи под почвой подразумевали мощную толщу продуктов выветривания горных пород. Попытки механически соединить эти по-существу различные направления привели к появлению эклектической и нежизнеспособной агрогеологии. Для почвоведения XIX столетия характерен большой подъем. Начинается дифференциация науки, расширяются связи с другими науками, образуются учебные центры по подготовке специалистов сельского хозяйства.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1 stage. As a scientific discipline soil finally emerged in the second half of the 19th century. However, the roots of formation of this discipline rooted in deep antiquity-at the beginning of the birth of agriculture (about 10 thousand years ago). In the centers of ancient civilization (China, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, 3 thousand. BC) There has been a buildup of empirical knowledge about soil, methods of its processing, properties, were the first attempts by groups of soils for use and improvement. Known for his work in the field of soil science such scholars of ancient Rome and ancient Greece, as Cato the elder, Virgil, Columella, Geradot, etc.2 stage. Middle Ages-long period of stagnation in the field of natural sciences. Some advances in the study of soil cover have been obtained in Byzantium, China, Germany, and Italy. To this period belong the early research in Russia. With the onset of decomposition of feudal society reappeared interest in studying soil in connection with the problem of power plants. In some works of that time reflected the view that feed on water plants, creating chemical compounds from water and air; the soil of the same considered as inert environment, mechanical support for plants.3 phase. Great strides in the development of the science of soil has been achieved in the period of the Renaissance (XV-XVII centuries). Were developed theories about the role of soil in plant nutrition, outlines the composition and origin of humus, improved grouping of soils. It is believed that during the revival period soil science as science was almost fully formed.4 stage. The 18TH century was marked by intensive development of Russian soil. Essential for the formation of scientific views on the ground were the work of M. Lomonosov (1711-1765)-on plant nutrition, about the origins of the black soil, etc. Mikhail Lomonosov assumed that plants feed not only water, but also thin particles of the Earth. Great attention is paid to the question of the origin of Lomonosov humus, which he considered as a product of biological processes. Teaching the elements of soil science in Russia began shortly after the death of Mikhail Lomonosov, 1770, at Moscow University in the composition course "Agricultural Economics". By the end of the 18th century became the one-size-fits-all theory of water supply plants. It was replaced by the theory of humic Albrecht Tèera. According to this theory, plants can eat only organic matter of the soil and water. A. Tèer was one of the founders and organizers of the first higher agronomics Agronomy school.5 stage. The middle of the 19th century, accumulated an extensive material for the study of soils. However, these data were highly heterogeneous and even treated to various objects. Experts in the field of agriculture and Agronomy studied predominantly arable horizon. Geologists under the ground implied a strong thickness of products of weathering of rocks. Attempts to mechanically connect the basically different directions led to the emergence of eclectic and viable agrogeologii. For soil science of the 19th century is characterized by a big rise. Begins the differentiation of science, expanding links with other sciences, formed instructional centres on preparation of specialists of agriculture.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Stage 1. As a scientific discipline soil science finally formed in the second half of the XIX century. However, the roots of the formation of this discipline goes back to antiquity - the beginning of the birth of agriculture (about 10 thousand. Years ago). In the centers of ancient civilization (China, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome,
3 thousand. BC) has been a accumulation of empirical knowledge of the soil, its processing methods, properties, were the first attempts soil groups for their use and improvement. Known for his work in the field of soil science such scholars of ancient Rome and ancient Greece, as Cato the Elder, Virgil, Columella, Geradot et al.
Phase 2. Middle Ages - a long period of stagnation in the natural sciences. Some advances in the study of soil were obtained in Byzantium, China, Germany and Italy. In this period the first scientific research in Russia. Since the beginning of the decomposition of feudal society renewed interest in the study of soils in connection with the problem of plant nutrition. A number of studies of that time reflected the view that the plants are fed with water, creating a chemical compound of water and air; Soil is seen as inert medium, mechanical support for plants.
Stage 3. Great strides in the development of the science of soil were achieved during the Renaissance (XV-XVII centuries.). Have been developed theories about the role of soil in plant nutrition, to outline the composition and origin of humus, the soil is improved grouping. It is believed that during the Renaissance soil science as a science was almost completely formed.
Stage 4. XVIII century was marked by intensive development of Russian soil science. Important for the formation of a scientific outlook on soil were unemployed MV Lomonosov (1711-1765) - for plant nutrition, the origin of chernozems and others. MV Clematis believed that plants are fed not only water but also fine particles of the earth. Lomonosov devoted great attention to the origin of humus, which he viewed as a product of biological processes. Teaching elements of soil science in Russia began shortly after the death of Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1770, at Moscow State University as part of the course "Agricultural economics". By the end of the XVIII century. It became apparent inconsistency of the theory of water supply plants. It was replaced by the humus theory of Albrecht Thaer. According to this theory, plants can only eat organic matter of soil and water. A. Thayer was one of the founders of agronomy and organizer of the first higher educational institution of Agronomy.
5 stage. By the middle of the XIX century. He accumulated a vast amount of material for the study of soils. However, these data are highly heterogeneous and even treated to a variety of objects. Experts in the field of agriculture and agronomy studied mainly arable horizon. Geologists under the soil meant a thick sequence of weathering products of rocks. Attempts to mechanically connect these essentially different directions led to an eclectic and unsustainable agrogeology. For Soil Science of XIX century is characterized by a large rise. Starts differentiation of science, expanding ties with other sciences, formed educational training centers for agriculture.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1 stage. as a scientific discipline pedology finally emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century.however, the roots of this discipline are the deep antiquity, in the beginning of farming (about 10 000. years ago). in the areas of ancient civilizations (china, ancient egypt, ancient greece, ancient rome,.three thousand. years bc) was the accumulation of empirical knowledge on the grounds that its processing properties, were the first attempts by groups of soils for use and improvement.known for their work in the field of soil science that scientists of ancient rome and ancient greece, cato the elder, virgil, columella, герадот et al.
2 phase.the middle ages is a long period of stagnation in the field of life sciences. some advances in the study of soil cover were obtained in byzantium, china, germany, italy.this period includes the first research in russia. the decomposition of the feudal society to new interest in the study of soils in relation to plant nutrition.in some works of that time reflected the view that plants feed water and chemical compounds from water and air; the soil is considered as a passive environment, mechanical support for the plants.
3 phase.
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