Я очень злюсь на твоего доктора так как он разрушил все планы, я сегодня очень хотела встретиться с тобой. Давай решим что будем делать сегодня...мы можем встретиться около 5 или после 7:30.
I am very angry at your doctor because he destroyed all plans, today I really wanted to meet you. Let's decide what we will do today. We can meet about 5 or after 7:30.
I am very angry with your doctor as he destroyed all the plans, today I really wanted to meet you. Let's decide what we will do today ... we can meet after about 5 or 7:30.
i am very angry with your doctor as he destroyed all plans, today, i really wanted to meet you. let's decide what we do today, we can meet some 5 or after 7: 30.