13.1 Подготовка плота для укладки в чехол.
13.1.1 Рукава входных отверстий плотно свернуть и закре-пить за костыльки.
13.1.2 Вывернуть семь пробок из клапанов "Выпуск".
13.1.3 Расправить плот на ровном месте тентом вверх (рис. 5).
13.1.4 Проверить сохранность и герметичность пробок батареи «Маячок-2М». При необходимости заменить батарею «Маячок-2М». Причиной замены батареи могут быть: разгерметизация ее, механические повреждения, истек срок годности.
13.1.5 Закрепить баллон в кармане для баллона. Проверить правильность приклейки магистрали подвода компонентов: цифры 1, 7 на тройнике должны быть со стороны нижнего отсека камеры плавучести. Подсоединить шланг магистрали подвода компонентов к штуцеру пускового устройства баллона.
Баллон должен устанавливаться так, чтобы при наполнении не происходило сильное натяжение или изгиб магистрали подвода компонентов.
Металлическую арматуру магистрали подвода компонентов обмотать сукном и прорезиненной лентой.
Надеть чехол на пусковое устройство.
13.1.6. Откачать воздух из днища, камер плавучести, площадки и стойки тента. По мере откачки воздуха пробки выпускных клапанов устанавливать на место, тщательно их затягивая. Предварительно необходимо установить пробки клапанов подкачки (необходимо проконтролировать плотное прилегание пробки к клапану).
13.2. Укладка плота в чехол.
13.2.1. Пусковой линь завязать за буксировочное устройство.
13.2.2 Дректов плавучего якоря завязать за шайбу вспомога-тельного трапа, вспомогательный линь закрепить к шайбе основ-ного трапа у входа.
13.2.3. Завернуть часть плота в сторону площадки входа (рис. 5а).
Часть плота с площадкой закинуть на завернутую часть (рис. 6).
Ширина получившегося «конверта» должна соответствовать длине упаковочного чехла.
Штертики, соединяющие пробки батарей «Маячок-2М». привязать шнуром к петлям наружного леера. Батареи положить на тент под завернутую часть плота как можно дальше от леера.
Плот перевернуть к верху днищем, стараясь, чтобы не распадался «конверт» (рис.7).
13.2.4 Вспомогательный трап аккуратно разложить на днище плота и на него посередине положить якорь плавучий (рис.7). Якорь и дректов предварительно свернуть «змейкой».
13.2.5. Завернуть «конверт» в сторону баллона системы газонаполнения до середины контейнера для плота ПСН-10МК и до контейнера для плота ПСН-6МК (рис.8).
Край плота в направлении к баллону свернуть в рулон в два оборота, сделав первый оборот как можно плотнее. Выдавить из плота скопившийся воздух. Получившийся рулон накатить на контейнер со снабжением и прижать к баллону.
Баллон системы газонаполнения должен находиться внизу посередине получившейся скатки. Скатку стянуть временными стяжными лентами (рис. 9).
ВНИМАНИЕ! Конец направляющей трубки тросика должен выходить за край скатки на 20-50 мм.
Сложенный плот поместить в упаковочный чехол таким образом, чтобы направляющая трубка баллона без больших изгибов подходила к отверстию на чехле для выхода пускового тросика.
Ось баллона должна совпадать с осью полотнища чехла.
ВНИМАНИЕ! Не забудьте удалить временные стяжные ленты.
13.2.6. Петлю тросика пропустить через отверстие в чехле, не допуская натяжения тросика. Ниппель направляющей трубки укрепить в отверстии чехла и зафиксировать резиновым кольцом.
Пусковой линь выпустить наружу через разъем чехла. Слабину пускового линя уложить "змейкой" и положить между чехлом и скаткой плота с противоположной стороны баллона.
13.2.7. Промазать кромки фартуков чехла и пусковой линь (отступив на 30-40 мм от красной метки в сторону плота) клеем резиновым на ширину 20-30 мм один раз и склеить, не допуская складок. Пусковой линь расположить между склеиваемыми фартуками в плоскости отверстия на чехле для выхода пускового
тросика. Красная метка на лине должна выходить на 30-40 мм от края склеиваемых фартуков.
13.2.8. Временно зашнуровать через люверсы края чехла прочным канатиком, стягивая его края. По временной шнуровке зашнуровать чехол шнуром Ø 1,5 мм ГОСТ 29231. Допускается применять другой тип шнура прочностью на разрыв 17÷25 кгс. Удалить временную шнуровку.
13.2.9. Привязать пусковой линь к тросику баллона следую-щим образом: конец вставки на пусковом лине пропустить снизу через петлю тросика на 70-90 мм так, чтобы он был с правой стороны. Затем концом обогнуть вставку по часовой стрелке на один оборот, пропустить его снизу вверх в образовавшуюся петлю и затянуть узел. Конец вставки должен выступать из узла не менее 40 мм. Петлю пускового тросика с линем отогнуть в сторону шнуровки чехла, сложить вдоль нее слабину неходового конца линя (между синей и красной меткой) и закрепить все это к боковине чехла прорезиненной лентой шириной 40-50 мм, длиной 80 мм.
Приклейку ленты производить вертикально.
13.2.10 Протянуть прядь линя к дальней нижней ячейке правой панели и уложить поочередно пряди линя в виде гармошки не менее 4 витков в каждую ячейку панели. Затем оставшуюся часть линя протянуть к дальней нижней ячейке левой панели и уложить пряди в виде гармошки в каждую ячейку панели. Свободный конец пускового линя должен находится между панелями (рис. 10). Выступание прядей линя из ячеек панели должно быть 20÷30 мм.
ВНИМАНИЕ! Место сшивки ленты пускового линя должно располагаться между верхними и нижними ячейками
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]

RAFT PACKAGE 13 13.1 preparation raft for stacking case.
13.1.1 Sleeve openings tightly curtailed and workers would drink for kostyl′ki.
13.1.2 unscrew the seven caps from valves release.
13.1.3 Straighten raft on level ground cover upwards (fig. 5).
13.1.4 Check the safety and integrity of the battery Stoppers Tracker-2 m ". If necessary, replace the battery Tracker-2 m ". Battery replacement may be the cause: decompression, mechanical damage, expired shelf life.
13.1.5 Lock cylinder in your pocket for the Ballon. Verify that the component supply Highway cement: the numbers 1, 7 on the tee should be from the lower compartment of the buoyancy chamber. Component supply Highway connect the hose to the connecting piece of the starting cylinder.
container shall be mounted so to no filling strong tension or bending component supply highway.
a metal armature line supply components to wrap a cloth and rubberized tape.
Put the cover on the Starter device.
13.1.6. To pump out air from the bottom, the buoyancy Chambers, courts and stands. As the air exhaust tube exhaust valves set into place, tighten them carefully. You must first install the valve plug swap (you must check the tight fit of the valve cap).
13.2. Styling a raft in a cover.
13.2.1. Starter Lin tie for towing device.
13.2.2 Drektov floating anchors to tie the ladder support washer, lock washer of the Lin-ramp at the entrance.
13.2.3. Wrap a piece of raft toward the entrance area (fig. 5A).
Part of the raft with a throw at the wrapped part (fig. 6).
"envelope" of the resulting Width should match the length of the packing case.
Štertiki, connect the battery plugs Tracker-2 m ". tie the cord to the loops of the outer guard. Battery put on an awning underneath the wrapped part of the raft away from leer.
Raft flipped to the top of the head, trying to make 32 "envelope" (fig. 7).
13.2.4 Support the ladder neatly spread out on the bottom of the raft and he in the middle of an anchored floating (fig. 7). Anchor and drektov pre roll "snake".
13.2.5. Wrap the "envelope" to the side of the cylinder of gazonapolneniâ until the middle of the container for the rafts PSN-10mk and to container for raft PSN-6MK (Figure 8).
Edge raft towards the cylinder roll to roll a couple of turns, making the first turn as tightly as possible. Squeeze out a raft of accumulated air. The resulting roll rolled forward on the supply container and push cylinder.
The container must be at the bottom of the gazonapolneniâ system in the middle of the resulting roll. Where to download temporary clamping strips (fig. 9).
ATTENTION! End of the guide tube the cable must extend past the edge of the roll on 20-50 mm.
Folded raft in the packing case so to guide tube of the cylinder without the big bends to the hole in the cover to access the actuator cable.
the cylinder Axis must coincide with the axis of the cloth cover.
ATTENTION! Do not forget to remove the temporary tightening belts.
13.2.6. Loop the cable through the hole in the cover, without the tension of the cable. The tube nipple hole cover and fix the rubber ring.
Starter Lin issue outward through the connector cover. Slack starting tench put "snake" and put between the cover and the skatkoj raft on the opposite side of the cylinder.
13.2.7. Miss the mark edging apron fabric cover and actuator Lin (departing on 30-40 mm from the red mark to the side of the raft) adhesive rubber for width of 20-30 mm and glue, avoiding folds. The starting position between Lin skleivaemymi aprons in the plane of the holes in the cover to start

14 cable. The red mark on the line should go on 30-40 mm from the edge of the apron of stuck together.
«goods». Temporarily lace up through eyelets edge covers strong, pulling together the kanatikom Krai. Temporary flower lace up sheath cable Ø 1.5 mm GOST 29231. It is allowed to use another type of cord tensile strength 17-25 kg. Remove the temporary shoelaces.
13.2.9. Bind the actuator cylinder trosiku to follow Lin-follows: insert the end of the starting line skip a rope through the loop at the bottom of 70-90 mm, so that he was on the right side. Then the end of the round insert clockwise one turn, skip it from bottom to top in the formed loop and tighten the knot. End of the insert must be of at least 40 mm site. The loop actuator cable from the line to pull to the side of lace fabric, fold along it slack nehodovogo end of line (between blue and red label) and fasten it to the side wall cover rubberized tape width of 40-50 mm, length 80 mm.
Sticking tape to produce vertically.
13.2.10 Stretch strand Lin to the far bottom cell in the right-hand pane and place one strand of tench in holding form at least 4 revolutions in each cell of the Panel. Then the rest of the line to stretch to the far bottom cell in the left panel and place the strands in holding form in each cell of the Panel. The free end of the starting line must be located between the panels (fig. 10). Protrusion of the strands of tench of the cells Panel should be 20 ÷ 30 mm.
ATTENTION! Place the Ribbon stitching starting line must appear between the top and bottom cells
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
AND INSTRUCTIONS 13 PACKAGING RAFT 13.1 Preparing for the raft stowage bag. 13.1.1 Sleeves inlets and roll tightly to pound for Kostylkov. 13.1.2 Release seven caps of the valves "Issue". 13.1.3 Spread density of the blue awning up (Fig. 5). 13.1.4 Check tightness of safety and congestion battery "Beacon-2M". If necessary, replace the battery "Beacon-2M". The reason for replacing the battery can be: it depressurization, mechanical damage, expired. 13.1.5 Attach balloon to balloon in your pocket. Check the correctness of gluing supply pipeline components: numbers 1, 7 on the tee should be from the lower compartment buoyancy chambers. Connect the hose supply pipeline components to fitting the starter container. container shall be installed so that when filled not happen much tension or bending supply pipeline components. Metal fittings supply pipeline components wrap cloth and rubber band. Wear cover the trigger. 13.1.6. Evacuate air from the bottom, buoyancy chambers, platforms, racks tent. As the air exhaust tube exhaust valves set in place, tighten them carefully. Must first install plug valves swap (must be checked a snug fit to the valve plug). 13.2. Laying the raft in case. 13.2.1. Starting line to tie for the towing device. 13.2.2 Drektov drogue tie for the puck auxiliary ladder, auxiliary line to fix the washer of the ground at the entrance ramp. 13.2.3. Wrap part of the raft to the side entrance of the site (Fig. 5a). pieces of flesh with a platform to throw rolled part (Fig. 6). 13 Width of the resulting "envelope" must match the length of the packaging cover. Shtertiki connecting tube batteries "Beacon-2M". tie cord loops to external lifelines. Batteries put on under the awning rolled part of the raft as possible from a rail. Raft flip to the top of head, trying not to disintegrate "envelope" (Fig. 7). 13.2.4 Subsidiary ladder neatly on the bottom of the raft and put it in the middle of the anchor Floating (Fig. 7). Anchor and drektov pre-roll "snake". 13.2.5. Wrap the "envelope" in the direction of the cylinder gas filling system until mid-container raft PSN-10MK and container raft to PSN-6MK (Fig. 8). edge of the raft toward the cylinder roll up in two turns, making the first turn as tightly as possible . Squeeze out any trapped air bubbles out of the raft. The resulting roll to roll on the supply container and press the gas cylinder. cylinder gas filling system must be at the bottom in the middle of the resulting bedroll. Bedroll contracted temporary tie ribbons (Fig. 9). ATTENTION! End of the guide tube cable should extend beyond the edge Skatkov 20-50 mm. Piled raft put in a packing case so that the guide tube liner without sagging of the fit to the hole on the cover to exit starter rope. cylinder axis must coincide with the axis of the cloth cover. WARNING! Do not forget to delete the temporary tightening belts. 13.2.6. Noose rope passed through the hole in the bag, avoiding tension cable. Nipple guide tube is fixed in hole cover and secure with a rubber ring. Starting line let out through the connector cover. Slack starting lin put the "snake" and put between the cover and Skatkov raft on the opposite side of the cylinder. 13.2.7. Fluff edge cover and aprons starting line (departing at 30-40 mm from the red mark to the side of the raft) adhesive rubber on the width of 20-30 mm and glue once, preventing wrinkles. Starting line positioned between the glued aprons holes in the plane on the cover to release the trigger 14 cable. Red dot on the linearization must go 30-40 mm from the edge glued aprons. 13.2.8. Temporarily lace through eyelets cover edges durable cord, pulling the edges. Temporary lacing cord lace cover Ø 1,5 mm GOST 29231. Allowed to use a different type of cord tensile strength 17 ÷ 25 kg. Delete temporary lacing. 13.2.9. Bind to the starting line TRACES balloon follows: insert the end of the starting linearized skip rope through the loop below 70-90 mm ​​so that he was on the right side. Then go around the end of the insert clockwise one turn, pass it from the bottom up in a loop and tighten the knot. Ends of the insertion node should protrude at least 40 mm. Starter rope with a loop lanyard bend toward lacing cover, fold it along the slack unmarketable end lin (between the blue and red label) and fix it all to cover the sidewall rubberized belt width 40-50 mm, length 80 mm. gluing tape produce vertically. 13.2 .10 Pull strand lin to the far bottom right cell panel and lay alternately strands lin a concertina at least 4 turns in each cell panel. Then the rest of the lin stretch to the far bottom left cell panel and put the strands in the form of an accordion panel in each cell. The free end of the starting lin should be between panels (Fig. 10). Protrusion of the strands of cells lin panel should be 20 ÷ 30 mm. ATTENTION! Place crosslinking tape starting lin should be located between the upper and lower cells

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
To ensure that the filling is not a high tension or bending rail supply components.
the metal armature rail components supply tape pedigree sheep and rubberized tape.
2 Remove seven plugs of the valves "Release" .
13.1.3 if by Untwist raft on a flat surface, place cloth upwards (fig. 5) .
13.1.4 check integrity, and the sealing plugs battery "Beacon-2M". If necessary, replace battery "Beacon-2M".Extract from the technical description
and the operating instructions

13 packaging liferaft liferaft
13.1 preparation for styling in a pouch.
13.1.1 input port sleeves tightly collapse and were more commonly reported for костыльки.
13.1 .Reason for replacing the battery may be: leaking it, mechanical damage, shelf life has expired.
13.1.5 secure the tank in your pocket for the tank. Check the inlet line bonding components:Figures 1, 7 on the front of the tee-fitting must be on the side of the lower compartment buoyancy chamber. Connect the hose inlet line to the fitting components starting device tank.
The tank must be installed so thatWear the pouch on the starter device.
13.1.6 . Evacuate air from the bottom, cameras pontoons, deck and a-pillar tarpaulin. The evacuation of air plugs exhaust valves installed in place, tightening them thoroughly.To ensure that the filling is not a high tension or bending rail supply components.
the metal armature rail components supply tape pedigree sheep and rubberized tape.
First, it is necessary to install valve plugs primer (you must observe a tight fit plugs to valve) .
13.2 . Styling liferaft in the pouch.
13.2.1 . Starting lin engage the towing device.
13.2.2 Generic Дректов floating armature engage the washer auxiliary bridge, auxiliary lin attach to washer foundations of the bridge at the entrance of the building.
13.2.3 Screw in the liferaft in the side deck entrance (fig. 5A) .
Part of the liferaft deck blast it out at tightened part (fig. (6).
Width striped "envelope" should correspond to the length packing the gaiter.
Штертики, connecting the battery plug "Beacon-2M".4 Secondary walkway gently unfold on the bottom and the liferaft it halfway to put an armature hulk (fig.7). The armature and дректов pre-collapse "weave".
13.2.5 To transfer a Worksheet .Tie cord to loops outer Leer. Battery at the end of the awning under the tightened on liferaft as far away as possible from Oldenburg.
Raft flip to the top of the floor, taking care to not was falling apart "envelope" (fig.7) .
13.2 .By making the first turn as tightly as possible. Press the liferaft trapped air. The resulting roll накатить on a container with supplies and flatten the cyclinder.
Screw the "envelope" on the side of the tank be filled through until mid-container for liferaft microenterprise-10MK and prior to container for liferaft microenterprise-6MK (fig.8) .
the edge of the liferaft in the direction of the fueltank collapse in roll in two turns,The tank be filled through the system must be at the bottom center bivariate скатки. Скатку pull temporary tie straps (fig. 9) .
ATTENTION!The end of the guide rod tube cable should go beyond the edge of the скатки at 20-50 mm.
a folded raft put in packing case thus,Do not forget to remove the temporary tie bands.
13.2.6 To view previous Worksheets. Cable Loop to skip through the hole in a holster, not allowing tension cable.The guide tube tank without the need for large bends are not suited to the hole in the holster to exit starter cable.
the axis tank should be the same as with the axis coats gaiter.
ATTENTION!Nipple the guide tube to strengthen in the hole cover and lock it in place with a rubber ring.
starting lin to bleed out through the connector cover.Remove slack from starting lin placed "weave" and put between the gaiter and скаткои liferaft on the opposite side of the tank.
13.2.7 To print a .Starting lin position between склеиваемыми administrations stepped back from holes in the plane on the gaiter to exit starting
cable. The red mark on the attempts to exceed the 30 to 40 mm from the edge of the bonding aprons.
13.2.8 .aprons and edge the gaiter and starting Lin (if we succumb to the 30 to 40 mm from the red marks in the liferaft) adhesive rubber on the width 20-30 mm once and splice, not allowing creases.Temporarily tie up his shoelace through люверсы edges durable канатиком, while pulling the edge. On the temporary boot lace-up tie up his shoelace cord Ø 1.5 mm GOST and 29231 inclusive. It is allowed to apply another cord type tensile strength 17]]>÷Are you sure you want to delete a temporary lace cover.
13.2.9 . Associate starting lin to wire the tank following the launching: end inserts on the start attempts to skip bottom cable through the loop on the 70-90 mm so that it was the right-hand side.Then end of fin density insert one turn clockwise, and skip to the bottom to the top the screwdriverinto loop and tighten the assembly. The end inserts must speak from the host is not less than 40 mm).Loop линем starter cable to bend to the side reclose the gaiter,10 Route the hair line to the far right-hand side panel bottom cell and placed one by one the hair line in the form of a fact is not less than 4 wraps in each cell panel.Fold along the slack however the end of the LIN (between the blue and red mark) and retain all of this to the side holster rubberized tape width of 40-50 mm, length 80 mm.
bonding of tape to produce vertically.
13.2 .Then the remainder of the line route to the far lower cell left-hand panel and place the hair in the form of a fact in each cell panel. The free end starting line must be located between the panels (fig. 10).
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