Здравствуйте,деньги я так и не получила.Как можно получить копию платежного поручения,чтобы можно было обратится в банк?То что есть на сайте ,что возврат был 17 августа,я вижу.Хотелрсь бы именно копию документа из банка
Hello money I never received. How can I get a copy of the payment order, so that you can go to the Bank? What is on a site that a refund was August 17, I see. Hotelrs′ exactly a copy of a document from the Bank
Hello, I have money and not poluchila.Kak can obtain a copy of the payment order to be able to turn to the bank? What is on the site that was returned on August 17 I would vizhu.Hotelrs is a copy of a document from the bank
hello, money i didn"t получила.как can obtain a copy of the payment order to go to the bank? what"s on the website that the return was on 17 august, i would вижу.хотелрсь is a copy of the document from the bank