Великий французский ученый Антуан Лоран Лавуазье был ведущей фигурой в развитии химической науки. На момент его рождения в Париже в 1743 году, отстает от науки химии, а не физики, математики и астрономии. Большое количество открытий, что стоять на своих собственных, был обнаружен многими экспертами в области химии, но ни одна из теоретических основ, которые могут быть дескриптор, который может инкапсулировать информацию отдельно. При этом распространение своего рода доверие, что не убежден в том, что вода и воздух-это элементарное вещество. Хуже, существование недоразумения о сущности огня. Доверие, которое развивается, когда оно заключается в том, что все объекты процесса сгорания содержат домыслы вещество под названием "флогистон", и что во время процесса сгорания, по существу горение выпускает свой флогистон в воздух.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The great French scientist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was a leading figure in the development of chemical science. At the time of his birth in Paris in the year 1743, lagging behind the science of chemistry rather than physics, mathematics and astronomy. A large number of discoveries that stand on their own, was discovered by many experts in the field of chemistry, but none of the theoretical foundations that can be handle that can encapsulate the information separately. While the spread of the sort of confidence that is not convinced that water and air is elementary stuff. Worse, the existence of misunderstandings about the essence of fire. Trust develops when it is that all the objects of the combustion process contain speculation substance called "Phlogiston theory", and that during the combustion process, essentially burning releases its Phlogiston theory in the air.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The great French scientist Antoine Lavoisier was a leading figure in the development of chemical science. At the time of his birth in Paris in 1743, lagging behind the science of chemistry, not physics, mathematics and astronomy. A large number of discoveries that stand on their own, has been found by many in the field of chemistry experts, but none of the theoretical foundations that can be a handle that can encapsulate information separately. At the same time the spread of a kind of trust that is not convinced that the air and water is a basic substance. Worse, the existence of a misunderstanding about the nature of the fire. The trust that develops when it is that all the objects of the combustion process contain speculation substance called "phlogiston" and that during the combustion process, essentially burning releases its phlogiston to the air.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
a great french scientist antoine laurent lavoisier was a leading figure in the development of chemical science. at the time of his birth in paris in 1743, lags behind the science of chemistry and physics, mathematics and astronomy. a large number of discoveries that stand on their own, was discovered by many experts in the field of chemistry, but none of the theoretical framework, which may be a handle, which can encapsulate information separately. with the kind of confidence that is not convinced that the water and air is the basic substance. worse, the existence of misunderstandings about the nature of the fire. the trust, which is when it is that all the objects of the combustion process contain speculation substance called "phlogiston", and that during the combustion process, essentially produces its phlogiston combustion in air.
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