— Как Вы смотрите на то, чтобы в городе ввели селективный разбор мусор перевод - — Как Вы смотрите на то, чтобы в городе ввели селективный разбор мусор английский как сказать

— Как Вы смотрите на то, чтобы в го

— Как Вы смотрите на то, чтобы в городе ввели селективный разбор мусора, именно, чтобы жители сами его раскладывали по определенным ящикам?

— Эксперименты проводились многими. На Васильевском острове ОАО "Автопарк № 1 «Спецтранс» проводил эксперимент. И движение Гринпис проводило подобный эксперимент. Я думаю, народ ещё не до конца «созрел» для селективного сбора мусора, наше население изначально нужно заинтересовать какими-то финансами в первую очередь. В каждом микрорайоне должны быть приёмные пункты, должна быть определена цена вторичного сырья, а не так, как у нас сейчас – по утрам из баков торчат ноги бомжей, выбирающих то, что их интересует. Вокруг разбросанный мусор. Соответственно и дополнительные головные боли дворнику, объем работы которого возрастает. Дворникам надо повысить зарплату, их заинтересовать в первую очередь – тогда, возможно, и во дворах станет чище, и мусор будет совершенно иной. Но в то же время нужно понять, что, одного селективного сбора отходов недостаточно. Необходима специальная техника, специальные предприятия по дальнейшей сортировке и использованию вторичных ресурсов. У нашего народа такой менталитет – многие ещё не готовы в три или четыре разных контейнера что-то разложить. Допустим, мы с Вами будем так делать, а другим – это не надо. В той же Германии в основном только старое поколение занимается сортировкой в домовладениях, а вот эмигрантам и молодежи это уже почти не интересно. Там, как видите, ситуация тоже далека от идеала.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
As you look at the fact that the city imposed a selective analysis of the debris, the residents themselves to his preparations for certain mailboxes?-The experiments were conducted by many. On the vasilyevsky island of Fleet # 1 «Spectrans "conducted an experiment. And an experiment conducted by Greenpeace movement. I think people still do not fully "ripe" for the selective collection of waste, our population was originally to be interested in some kind of financial management in the first place. Each district must be collection points shall be determined by the price of recycled materials, and not, as we have now, in the morning of the tanks stick out my feet homeless who choose what they are interested in. Around the scattered debris. Respectively and more headaches to the cleaners, whose workload is increasing. 650 mm have higher wages, their interest in the first place-then maybe and backyards will be cleaner, and garbage will be completely different. But at the same time, we have to understand that one selective waste collection is not enough. You need special equipment, special enterprise for further sorting and utilization of secondary resources. The mentality of our people-many not yet ready in three or four different container something spread out. For example, we will do so, and the other is not necessary. In Germany only the older generation is sort of house ownership records, and here's the emigrants and youth is almost not interesting. There, as you can see, the situation is far from ideal.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
- How do you see the fact that the city introduced a selective analysis of waste, namely, that the people themselves it laid out according to certain boxes? - many experiments were carried out. On Vasilevsky Island of "Car number 1" Spetstrans "conducted an experiment. And the movement Greenpeace conducted a similar experiment. I think people are still not fully" ripe "for selective waste collection, our people need to originally interested in some finances first. Each district should be receiving points, to be determined price of secondary raw materials, and not, as we have now - in the morning from the tanks legs sticking out the homeless, to choose what they are interested in. Around the scattered debris. Accordingly, additional headaches janitor, which increases the amount of work. wipers need to raise the salaries of their interest in the first place - then, perhaps, in the courts will be cleaner, and garbage will be completely different. But at the same time need to understand that one of the selective collection of waste is not enough. A special machinery, special enterprise for further sorting and the use of secondary resources. Our people have such a mentality - many are not yet ready in three or four different container something to decompose. Let's say you and I will do so, and the other - it is not necessary. In the same Germany is basically just the old generation is involved in sorting in households, but immigrants and young people it is almost not interested. There, as you can see, the situation is also far from ideal.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Дворникам must increase salaries, be of interest to you in the first place - then, perhaps, and in the courtyard will be cleaner, and debris will be completely different. But at the same time, we need to understand that,On Vasilievsky Island of OAO "Fleet 1 "Спецтранс" carried out the experiment. And the movement Greenpeace conducted an experiment. I think that the people are not yet up to the end of the "censorship" for selective garbage collection,- As soon as you see, to the city entered a selective parsing debris, that is, to ensure that the people themselves are its them on certain mailboxes?Lord - experiments were conducted by many.Our population is initially need to be interested in what would be the financial management in the first place. In each neighborhood must be receiving items, should be determined by the price secondary raw material, and not so,As we are now - in the morning from the tanks last image (fig legs owning, fetches the fact, that they are interested in. Around the sparse debris. Respectively, and additional headaches Valentin Alexeyevich Lischina, which increases the amount of work.Дворникам must increase salaries, be of interest to you in the first place - then, perhaps, and in the courtyard will be cleaner, and debris will be completely different. But at the same time, we need to understand that,One selective waste collection is not enough. Requires special equipment, special enterprise for further sorting and use of secondary resources.Our people such a mentality - many are not yet ready in three or four different container that unfold. For example, we are with you so to do, and the other is not.In the same Germany in the main only old generation is sorted according to households, but exiles and youth is already almost not interested. There, as you can see, the situation is far from ideal.
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