Мой любимый школьный предмет – это биология. На этих занятиях я сижу и перевод - Мой любимый школьный предмет – это биология. На этих занятиях я сижу и английский как сказать

Мой любимый школьный предмет – это

Мой любимый школьный предмет – это биология. На этих занятиях я сижу и мне кажется, что я не дышу. Я боюсь пропустить какое-то важное слово учителя. Каждый раз с нетерпением я жду следующего урока. Не понимаю тех, кому этот предмет не интересен, ведь биология – это наука про жизнь, о нас, обо всех живых организмах. Она исследует этапы развития живых существ, самих живых существ, их взаимодействие с окружающим миром.
Биология – наука древняя, как и сама жизнь. Ведь чтобы понять, как жить – надо было понять себя, найти свое место в этом мире, понять как взаимодействовать с миром вокруг себя и сохранить себя как вид. Так что развитие науки происходило не только от любознательности, а и благодаря необходимости.
Признаюсь, что биология мне понравилась аж в восьмом классе. Наверное, это было связано с тем, что ее нам преподавал учитель, который сам горячо любил этот предмет. И его уроки пролетали, как одно мгновенье.
Предмет биологии помог мне определиться с выбором профессии. Я хочу быть врачом, хочу знать больше. Хочу, чтобы мои знания стали необходимыми людям – ведь это так прекрасно. Быть врачом - это почетная миссия.
Биология в моей жизни имеет большое значение. Я верю, что каждый человек, если ему что-то захочется, сделает все возможное, чтоб это реализовать. Я ставлю цели в своей жизни и сделаю все возможное, чтобы их достичь.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My favorite school subject is biology. In these lessons I sit and it seems to me that I do not breathe. I'm afraid to miss any important word tutor. Every time I'm looking forward to the next lesson. Do not understand those who are not interested in this subject, because biology is the science about life, about us, about all living organisms. She explores the stages of the development of living things, the living creatures, their interaction with the surrounding world.
Biology is the science of ancient as life itself. Indeed, to understand how to live is to understand yourself, find a place in this world, to understand how to interact with the world around you and save ourselves as a species. So science was not only curiosity, but because you want to.
I confess that I liked as much as biology in the eighth grade. Perhaps this was due to the fact He taught us that her teacher who himself passionately loved this piece. And its lessons were flying like a blink.
Biology helped me to choose a profession. I want to be a doctor, want to know more. Want to my knowledge have become essential to people-it's so perfectly. To be a doctor-this Honorable mission.
Biology in my life is important. I believe that everyone, if it is something like, will make every effort to implement it. I set goals in your life and will do my best to achieve them.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My favorite subject in school - it's biology. In these sessions I sit and I think that I do not breathe. I'm afraid to miss some important word teacher. Every time I look forward to the next lesson. I do not understand those who are not interested in this subject, because biology - the science about the life of us all living organisms. It explores the stages of development of living beings, themselves living creatures, their interaction with the outside world.
biology - a science as old as life itself. After all, to understand how to live - it was necessary to understand themselves, to find their place in this world, to understand how to interact with the world around them and to keep themselves as a species. So that the development of science was not only of curiosity, but also because of the necessity.
confess that I liked as much as biology in the eighth grade. Perhaps it was due to the fact that her teacher taught us that he dearly loved this thing. And his flying lessons as a single moment.
Subject Biology helped me to choose a profession. I want to be a doctor, I want to know more. I want my knowledge has become necessary for people - it's so perfect. To be a doctor - it's an honorable mission.
Biology in my life is important. I believe that every man, if he wants something, do everything possible to implement it. I set goals in my life and I will do everything possible to achieve them.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My favorite school subject is biology. In these classes I am sitting and I think that I am not eternity. I am afraid to skip any important the word of a teacher. Every time I'm looking forward to the next lesson. I don't understand thoseTo whom the subject is not interesting, because biology is a science about life, about us, of all living organisms. It is investigating the stages of the development of living creatures, the living creatures, their interaction with the surrounding world.
Biology - science ancient as life itself. But to understand how to live - it was to understand themselves, to find their place in this world, to understand how to interact with the world around it and save as view.So the development of science has taken place not only from curiosity, as well and the need to.
i confess that I liked biology says in the eighth grade. Perhaps, this was due to the fact thatWe are taught that the teacher, who is himself deeply loved this object. And its lessons had flown as a blink.
For biology has helped me decide on career choice. I want to be a doctor, I would like to know more. I wish,To my knowledge have become necessary people - here is excellent. Be a doctor - this is an honorable mission.
biology in my life is of great importance. I believe that every person, if he'll want,Will do all it can, but it is to implement. I shall now put the goals in their lives and I will do everything in its power to ensure that their reach.

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