Что такое конфликтная ситуация? Это ситуация, в которой две или более сторон имеют разногласия по определенному вопросу. Может возникнуть где угодно, в любой сфере, в любых отношениях. Существует 3 стадии конфликта: Предконфликтная(нагнетание ситуации), конфликт, постконфлик( примирение). И уже на первой стадии ,стороны занимают определенную позицию, которую отстаивать непосредственно в конфликте. В постконфликте стороны находят консенсус, идут на компромиссы.
Но не все ссоры и конфликты заканчиваются хорошо, бывают разные ситуации и разный контекст.
Всё зависит от вас и другого человека, пойдёт он на уступки или нет , пойдёте вы на уступки или нет.
В лучшем случае надо решать все мирно , высказать всё друг другу, принять как должное и дальше жить спокойной жизнью.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
What is conflict? This is a situation in which two or more parties have differences on a specific issue. Can occur anywhere, in any field, in any relationship. There are 3 stages of conflict: breaks out (pressure), conflict, postkonflik (reconciliation). And already in the first stage, the parties occupy a position which defend directly in the conflict. In postkonflikte parties find a consensus go on compromises. But not all quarrels and conflicts end good, there are different situations and different context. It all depends on you and the other person will he make concessions or not, you go on an assignment or not. At best should be solved peacefully all make everything to each other, take for granted and continue to live a quiet life.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
What is a conflict situation? This is a situation in which two or more parties have a disagreement on a particular issue. There may be anywhere, in any field, in any relationship. There are 3 stages of the conflict: the pre-conflict (situations injection), conflict postkonflik (reconciliation). And already in the first stage, the parties take a stand, to defend itself in that conflict. In the post-conflict parties to find a consensus, going to compromise.
But not all the quarrels and conflicts end well, there are different situations and different contexts.
It all depends on you and the other person will go it to make concessions or not'll go you're on assignment or not.
At best, case it is necessary to solve all peacefully express everything with each other, take it for granted and continue to live a quiet life.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
what is the conflict? this is a situation in which two or more parties have differences on a certain subject. can arise anywhere, in any area in any relationship. there are three stages of conflict: предконфликтная (injection situation, conflict, постконфлик (reconciliation). and already at the first stage, the parties in a position to assert itself in the conflict. in постконфликте parties find consensus are compromises.but not all quarrels and conflicts are good, there are different situations and different context.everything depends on you and the other person would he make concessions or not, will you make concessions or not.in the best case to solve it peacefully confront each other, take for granted and live a good life.
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