Моя школа  В возрасте 6 или 7, все мальчики и девочки поступают в школ перевод - Моя школа  В возрасте 6 или 7, все мальчики и девочки поступают в школ английский как сказать

Моя школа В возрасте 6 или 7, все

Моя школа
В возрасте 6 или 7, все мальчики и девочки поступают в школу. Я тоже иду в школу.Номер моей школы-1. Наша школа большая и светлая. У нас есть школьный двор около школы. Очень жаль, что около неё не растет цветов. Вы можете увидеть что на территории школы есть спортивный стадион, и иногда у нас там проходят уроки физкультуры.
Наша школа имеет три этажа. Если вы поступить в школу и зайдете в нее то слева вы увидите столовую. Здесь ученики и учителя завтракают и обедают. Наша столовая чистая. Там висят много красивых картин и фотографий.
В нашей школе есть библиотека. Она находится на втором этаже. Там есть много интересных новых и старых книг. И в нашей библиотеке есть читальный зал. В школе есть много классных комнат. У нас есть три класса по английскому языку, два кабинета истории, один географии, физики и др. Они большие и светлые, и в каждый из них по два больших окна с жёлтыми шторами шторами, цветами на подоконниках, книжные шкафы возле двери.
На учительских столах лежат много учебников и тетрадок. В классах по двадцать парт и по двадцать восемь стульев.
Даже в некоторых классах есть телевиор. Иногда он используется во время занятий.
Есть Актовый зал на первом, где происходят встречи и выступления. Старшие классы и учителя украшают его. Ученики нашей школы поют песни, танцуют и разыгрывают разные пьесы. Последний звонок проводится в нашей школе в надлежащим образом. Это очень знаменательный день в жизни всех учащихся. Ученики первых и одиннадцатых классов готовятся к этому дню.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My school At the age of 6 or 7, all boys and girls are coming to school. I also go to school my school number is-1. Our school is big and bright. We have a school yard near the school. It is a pity that about it not growing flowers. You can see that the school has a sports stadium, and we sometimes have physical education lessons there. Our school has three floors. If you enroll in school and go to it on the left you see the dining room. Here students and teachers take breakfast and lunch. Our dining room is clean. Hang in there a lot of beautiful pictures and photographs. Our school has a library. It is located on the second floor. There are many exciting new and old books. And in our library has a reading room. The school has many classrooms. We have three classes of English, two stories, one of geography, physics, etc. They are big and bright, and in each of them with two large Windows with yellow curtains curtains, flowers on the window sill, bookcases near the door. On teachers ' desks lie many textbooks and journals. In classes for twenty desks and twenty-eight chairs. Even in some of the classes is televior. Sometimes it is used during the sessions. There is a Conference Hall on the ground where the meetings and speeches. Senior classes and teachers decorate it. Our school students sing, dance and act out different plays. Quinceanera held at our school in properly. This is a very significant day in the lives of all students. Students first and eleventh grades preparing for this day.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My school
at the age of 6 or 7 all boys and girls come to school. I also go to my school shkolu.Nomer-1. Our school is large and bright. We have a school yard near the school. It is unfortunate that it is not about growing flowers. You can see it on the school grounds has a sports stadium, and sometimes we have there are gym class.
Our school has three floors. If you go to school and go into it to the left you will see the dining room. Here, students and teachers eat breakfast and lunch. Our dining room is clean. There are hanging a lot of beautiful pictures and photographs.
In our school there is a library. It is located on the second floor. There are a lot of interesting new and old books. And in our library has a reading room. The school has many classrooms. We have three classes in English, two studies of history, a geography, physics and others. They are big and bright, and each one of them with two large windows with yellow curtains, curtains, flowers on the windowsills, bookcases near the door.
On the teachers' tables are a lot of textbooks and notebooks. In classes of twenty desks and twenty eight chairs.
Even in some classes there televior. Sometimes it is used in the classroom.
There Assembly Hall on the ground, where there are meetings and speeches. The senior classes and teachers decorate it. The pupils of our school sing songs, dance, and play different pieces. The last call is carried out in our school in the proper way. This is a very significant day in the life of all students. Students of the first and eleventh classes are preparing for this day.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my schoolat the age of 6 or 7, all the boys and the girls are in school. i'm going to школу.номер my school - 1. our school is big and bright. we have a school yard near the school. very sorry about her don't grow flowers. you can see that the school has a sports stadium, and sometimes there are pe lessons.our school has three floors. if you go to school and go into her on the left you will see a dining room. here the students and teachers serve breakfast and lunch. our dining room is clean. there are many beautiful paintings and photographs.in our school there is a library. it is located on the second floor. there are a lot of interesting new and old books. and in our library has a reading room. the school has many classrooms. we have three classes in english, two of the history, geography, physics, and others. they are big and bright, and in each of them two large windows with yellow curtains drapes, flowers on the window, bookcases in front of the door.on the teachers' desks are many textbooks and тетрадок. in the school for twenty eight twenty desks and chairs.even some classes have телевиор. sometimes it is used during the study.is the ballroom on the first, where the meetings and presentations. high school teacher is his. the students of our school, sing songs, dance and play different plays. last call is held in our school in the appropriate manner. this is a momentous day in the life of all students. the first and sixth form classes prepare students for this day.
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