Тема 1.1.Предмет и метод науки управления. 1. Предмет науки управления перевод - Тема 1.1.Предмет и метод науки управления. 1. Предмет науки управления английский как сказать

Тема 1.1.Предмет и метод науки упра

Тема 1.1.Предмет и метод науки управления. 1. Предмет науки управления в системе экономических наук
2. Теоретические и методологические основы менеджмента
3. Совокупность методов науки управления 8 2
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Тема 1.2. Эволюция менеджмента. 1. Исторически предпосылки и периодизация в развитии мененджмента.
2. Характеристика школы науки управления.
3. Ситуационный подход, его представители и вклад в теорию управления. 8 2
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Тема 1.3. Системный подход в управлении. 1. Понятие о системах и их свойствах.
2. Понятие производства как системы управления.
3. Взаимодействие объекта и субъекта управления в системе управления производством. 8 2

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Тема 1.4.
Методологические основы мененджмента в Казахстане 1. 1. Политические и экономические предпосылки становления и развития менеджмента в Казахстане, его роль в развитии современного производства.
2. Мененджмент и предпринимательтсво. 8 2
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Тема 1.5. Понятие и виды организации 1. Понятие организации.
2. Модель современного мененджера. 8 2
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Тема 1.6. Внутренняя и внешняя среда организации 1. Понятие внутренней среды организации.
2. Основные аспекты человеческой переменной в ситуационном подходе к управлению. 8 2
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Тема 1.7. Информация
мененджмента. 1. Понятие информации.
2. Влияние информации на эффективность управления.
3. Структура информации. 8 2
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Тема 1.8. Коммуникация в мененджменте. 1. Роль коммуникации в управлении.
2. Коммуникационный процесс- понятие, задачи, элементы, этапы. 8 2
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Тема 2.1. Управленческие решения в мененджменте. 1 .Роль и решение в процессе мененджменте. 2.Понятие и классификация управленческих решений. 6 2
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Тема 2.2. Экономические методы управления. 1. Место экономических методов в системе методов управления.
2. Классификация экономических методов управления. 6 2
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Тема 2.3. Планирование мененджменте. 1. Содержание, цели и задачи планирования.
2. Организация и особенности планирования в зарубежных странах. 6 2
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Тема 2.4. Организация как функция мененджмента. 1. Содержание функции организации.
2. Эффективная организация распределения полномочий.
3. Понятие организационной структуры
управления. 6 2
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Тема 2.5. Мотивация в мененджменте. 1. Понятие мотивации, ее значение и эволюция.
2. Современные теории мотивации.
3. Потребности и мотивационное поведение. 6 2
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Тема 2.6.Контроль в системе мененджменте. 1. Объективная необходимость управленческого контроля.
2. Процесс контроля. Этапы процесса контроля.
3. Организационные формы контроля.
4. Понятие основ контроллинга. 6 2
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Тема 2.7. Руководство- власть, влияние и партнерство. 1. Руководство в организации.
2. Убеждение и участие.
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2.8. Лидерство-стиль руководства и имидж мененджера. 1. Обзор теории лидерства.
2. Понятие и разновидность стиля руководства, факторы его формирования.
3. Стиль удовлетворенность и производительность.
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1. Подготовить ответы на контрольные вопросы по теме. 6 2
2.9. Управление конфликтами, стрессами и изменениями. 1. Природа и содержание организационного конфликта.
2. Взаимосвязь конфликта и стресса.
3. Природа организационных изменений.
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1. Подготовить ответы на контрольные вопросы по теме. 8 2
2.10. Управления персоналом организации. 1. Управление персоналом- понятие, сущность и содержание
2. Диагностический подход к системе управления персоналом.
3. Основные виды деятельности в системе управления персоналом.
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1. Подготовить ответы на контрольные вопросы по теме. 8 2
2.11. Корпоративная культура управления. 1.Понятие корпоративной культуры управления.
2.Отраслевые культуры предринимательство.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Topic 1.1. Subject and method of management science. 1. the subject of management science in the system of economic sciences2. Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of management 3. the methods of management science 8 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. 1.2 theme. The evolution of management. 1. Historically, the prerequisites and periodization in development management.2. characteristics of school management science.3. A situational approach, its representatives and contribution to management theory. 8 2 The self-taught: 1. Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. 1.3 theme. System approach in management. 1. The concept of systems and their properties.2. the notion of production as a management system.3. the interaction of object and subject of control in the system of production control. 8 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 1.4.The methodological principles of management in Kazakhstan 1. 1. political and economic preconditions of formation and development of management in Kazakhstan, its role in the development of modern production.2. Management and predprinimatel′tsvo. 8 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. 1.5 theme. Concept and types of organization 1. The concept of the organization.2. The model of contemporary menendžera. 8 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic Theme 1.0. Internal and external organization Wednesday 1. The concept of internal organization Wednesday.2. Basic aspects of human variable in a situational approach to management. 8 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 1.1. Infoensuringmanagement. 1. the concept of information. 2. the impact of information on management effectiveness.3. the structure of the information. 8 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. 1.8 theme. Communication in menendžmente. 1. The role of communication in management.2. The communication process-concept tasks items, stages. 8 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. 2 in the system CONTROL module MANAGEMENT Theme 2.1. Management decisions in menendžmente. 1. the role and decision in the course of menendžmente. 2. Definition and classification of management decisions. 6 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. Theme 2.2. Economic administration methods. 1. Place economic methods in the system of governance.2. classification of economic methods of management. 6 2. The self-taught: 1. Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 2.3. Menendžmente planning. 1. Content, purpose and planning tasks.2. Organization and planning considerations in foreign countries. 6 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 2.4. The Organization as a function of management. 1. contents of the functions of the organization.2. Efficient Organization for the distribution of competences. 3. the concept of organizational structurecontrol. 6 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. 2.5 theme. Motivation in menendžmente. 1. the concept of motivation, its significance and evolution.2. Modern theories of motivation.3. Needs and motivational behavior. 6 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. Theme 2.6. menendžmente System Control. 1. The objective necessity of management control.2. the monitoring process. Stages of the monitoring process.3. organizational forms of control.4. the notion of controlling frameworks. 6 2 The self-taught: 1.Prepare answers to test questions on the topic. _ Topic 2.7. Guide-power, influence and partnership. 1. Leadership in the organization.2. Belief and involvement.For self-study:1. Prepare responses to test questions on the topic. 6 22.8. Leadership-leadership style and image menendžera. 1. Overview of theories of leadership.2. Concept and variant management, factors in its formation.3. Стиль удовлетворенность и производительность.На самостоятельное изучение:1. Подготовить ответы на контрольные вопросы по теме. 6 22.9. Управление конфликтами, стрессами и изменениями. 1. Природа и содержание организационного конфликта.2. Взаимосвязь конфликта и стресса.3. Природа организационных изменений.На самостоятельное изучение:1. Подготовить ответы на контрольные вопросы по теме. 8 22.10. Управления персоналом организации. 1. Управление персоналом- понятие, сущность и содержание2. Диагностический подход к системе управления персоналом.3. Основные виды деятельности в системе управления персоналом.На самостоятельное изучение:1. Подготовить ответы на контрольные вопросы по теме. 8 22.11. Корпоративная культура управления. 1.Понятие корпоративной культуры управления.2. Cultural Industry predrinimatel′stvo.For self-study:1. Prepare responses to control questions
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Subject 1.1.Predmet and method of management science. 1. The subject of management science in the system of economic sciences
2. Theoretical and methodological basis of management
3. The set of methods of management science Feb. 8
on self-study: 1.
Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic.
Topic 1.2. Evolution of Management. 1. Historical background and periodization of the development menendzhmenta.
2. Characteristics of the school of management science.
3. Situational approach, its representatives and the contribution to the theory of governance. February 8
on self-study: 1.
Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic.
Topic 1.3. System approach to management. 1. The concept of the systems and their properties.
2. The concept of production as the control system.
3. Interaction of the object and subject of management in the production management system. February 8 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 1.4. Methodological bases menendzhmenta Kazakhstan 1. 1. Political and economic preconditions for the formation and development of management in Kazakhstan, its role in the development of modern production. 2. Menendzhment and predprinimateltsvo. February 8 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 1.5. Concept and types of organization 1. The concept of the organization. 2. Model of modern menendzhera. February 8 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on Topic 1.6. Internal and external environment of organization 1. The concept of the internal environment of the organization. 2. The main aspects of the human variable in the situational approach to management. February 8 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 1.7. Information provision menendzhmenta. 1. The concept of information. 2. The impact of information on the effectiveness of management. 3. Information structure. February 8 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 1.8. Communication menendzhmente. 1. The role of communication in management. 2. Communication process- concept, objectives, features, steps. February 8 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. Module 2 CONTROL SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Subject 2.1. Management decisions in menendzhmente. 1 .Rol and decision process menendzhmente. 2.Ponyatie and classification of administrative decisions. February 6 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 2.2. Economic management methods. 1. Place the economic methods in management practices. 2. Classification of economic management methods. February 6. On the self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 2.3. Planning menendzhmente. 1. Content, aims and objectives of planning. 2. Organization and planning especially in foreign countries. February 6 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 2.4. The organization as a function menendzhmenta. 1. The content of the functions of the organization. 2. Efficient organization of the distribution of powers. 3. The concept of organizational structure of management. February 6 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. Topic 2.5. Motivation menendzhmente. 1. The concept of motivation, its significance and evolution. 2. Modern theories of motivation. 3. Requirements and motivational behavior. February 6 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the subject. Subject 2.6.Kontrol system menendzhmente. 1. The objective necessity of management control. 2. The process control. Steps in the process control. 3. Organizational form of control. 4. The concept of controlling the basics. February 6 on self-study: 1. Prepare the answers to test questions on the topic. _ Topic 2.7. Guided power, influence and partnership. 1. Leadership in the organization. 2. Persuasion and participation. In the independent study: 1. Prepare answers to the test questions on the topic. February 6 2.8. Leadership, management style and image menendzhera. 1. Overview of theories of leadership. 2. The concept and kind of management style, factors of its formation. 3. Style satisfaction and productivity. In the independent study: 1. Prepare answers to the test questions on the topic. February 6 2.9. Management of conflicts, stresses and changes. 1. The nature and content of organizational conflict. 2. The relationship conflict and stress. 3. Nature of organizational changes. In the independent study: 1. Prepare answers to the test questions on the topic. February 8 2.10. Personnel management. 1. Management personalom- concept, essence and content of the two. Diagnostic approach to personnel management system. 3. Main activities in the personnel management system. In the independent study: 1. Prepare answers to the test questions on the topic. February 8 2.11. Corporate culture management. 1.Ponyatie corporate management culture. 2.Otraslevye predrinimatelstvo culture. In an independent study: 1. Prepare answers to the control questions

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the theme of 1.1.предмет and method of management science. 1. the object of management science in the system of economic sciences2. the theoretical and methodological foundations of management3. the methods of management science 8 2on the autonomous learning: 1.prepare answers to the questions on the topic.the theme of 1.2. the evolution of management. 1. the historical background and development периодизация мененджмента.2. the characteristic school of management science.3. situational approach, his representatives and the contribution to the theory of management. 8 2on the autonomous learning: 1.prepare answers to the questions on the topic.the theme of 1.3. systematic approach to management. 1. the notion of systems and their properties.2. as the concept of production management system.3. interaction of the object and the subject of management in production management system. 8 2on the autonomous learning: 1.prepare answers to the questions on the topic.the theme of 1.4.the methodological framework мененджмента in kazakhstan, 1. 1. the political and economic conditions of formation and development of kazakhstan, its role in the development of modern industry.2. мененджмент and предпринимательтсво. 8 2on the autonomous learning: 1.prepare answers to the questions on the topic.the theme of 1.5. the concept and types of the 1. the concept of the organization.2. the model of modern мененджера. 8 2on the autonomous learning: 1.prepare answers to the questions on the topicthe theme of 1.6. the internal and external environment of the organization, 1. the concept of the internal environment of the organization.2. the main aspects of the variable in the situation approach to management. 8 2on the autonomous learning: 1.prepare answers to the questions on the topic.the theme of 1.7. informationensuringмененджмента. 1. the concept of information.2. the influence of information on the effectiveness of management.3. structure of information. 8 2on the autonomous learning: 1.prepare answers to the questions on the topic.the theme of 1.8. communication in мененджмент
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