Существуют ли школы или организации (например, американская, восточная, советская), чьими методиками пользуются террористические ячейки, для того, чтобы увеличивать свой актив, учитывая то, что просто так человек не готов никого убивать?
Are there any school or organization (e.g., American, Oriental, Sovetskaya), whose methods enjoy terrorist cells, in order to increase their asset, bearing in mind that just because a person is not willing to kill anybody?
Are there any school or organization (eg, the US, eastern, Soviet), whose methods are terrorist cells, to increase their asset, given the fact that just because a person is not willing to kill anyone?
whether the school or organization (e.g., american, eastern, soviet), whose methods use terrorist cells, to increase its asset, taking into account the fact that the just man is not willing to kill anyone?