В солнечный летний день талантливый живописец Бэзил Холлуорд принимает перевод - В солнечный летний день талантливый живописец Бэзил Холлуорд принимает английский как сказать

В солнечный летний день талантливый

В солнечный летний день талантливый живописец Бэзил Холлуорд принимает в своей мастерской старого друга лорда Генри Уоттона — эстета-эпикурейца, «Принца Парадокса», по определению одного из персонажей. В последнем без труда узнаются хорошо знакомые современникам черты Оскара Уайльда, ему автор романа «дарит» и преобладающее число своих прославленных афоризмов. Захваченный новым замыслом, Холлуорд с увлечением работает над портретом необыкновенно красивого юноши, с которым недавно познакомился. Тому двадцать лет; зовут его Дориан Грей.

Скоро появляется и натурщик, с интересом вслушивающийся в парадоксальные суждения утомлённого гедониста; юная красота Дориана, пленившая Бэзила, не оставляет равнодушным и лорда Генри. Но вот портрет закончен; присутствующие восхищены его совершенством. Златокудрый, обожающий все прекрасное и нравящийся сам себе Дориан мечтает вслух: «Если бы портрет менялся, а я мог всегда оставаться таким, как есть!» Растроганный Бэзил дарит портрет юноше.

Игнорируя вялое сопротивление Бэзила, Дориан принимает приглашение лорда Генри и, при деятельном участии последнего, окунается в светскую жизнь; посещает званые обеды, проводит вечера в опере. Тем временем, нанеся визит своему дяде лорду Фермеру, лорд Генри узнает о драматических обстоятельствах происхождения Дориана: воспитанный богатым опекуном, он болезненно пережил раннюю кончину своей матери, наперекор семейным традициям влюбившейся и связавшей свою судьбу с безвестным пехотным офицером (по наущению влиятельного тестя того скоро убили на дуэли).

Сам Дориан между тем влюбляется в начинающую актрису Сибилу Вэйн — «девушку лет семнадцати, с нежным, как цветок, лицом, с головкой гречанки, обвитой тёмными косами. Глаза — синие озера страсти, губы — лепестки роз»; она с поразительной одухотворённостью играет на убогих подмостках нищенского театрика в Ист-Инде лучшие роли шекспировского репертуара. В свою очередь Сибиле, влачащей полуголодное существование вместе с матерью и братом, шестнадцатилетним Джеймсом, готовящимся отплыть матросом на торговом судне в Австралию, Дориан представляется воплощенным чудом — «Прекрасным Принцем», снизошедшим с заоблачных высот. Её возлюбленному неведомо, что в её жизни тоже есть тщательно оберегаемая от посторонних взглядов тайна: и Сибилла, и Джеймс — внебрачные дети, плоды любовного союза, в свое время связавшего их мать — «замученную, увядшую женщину», служащую в том же театре, с человеком чуждого сословия.

Обретший в Сибиле живое воплощение красоты и таланта, наивный идеалист Дориан с торжеством извещает Бэзила и лорда Генри о своей помолвке. Будущее их подопечного вселяет тревогу в обоих; однако и тот и другой охотно принимают приглашение на спектакль, где избранница Дориана должна исполнить роль Джульетты. Однако, поглощённая радужными надеждами на предстоящее ей реальное счастье с любимым, Сибила в этот вечер нехотя, словно по принуждению (ведь «играть влюбленную — это профанация!» — считает она) проговаривает слова роли, впервые видя без прикрас убожество декораций, фальшь сценических партнёров и нищету антрепризы. Следует громкий провал, вызывающий скептическую насмешку лорда Генри, сдержанное сочувствие добряка Бэзила и тотальный крах воздушных замков Дориана, в отчаянии бросающего Сибиле: «Вы убили мою любовь!»

Изверившийся в своих прекраснодушных иллюзиях, замешенных на вере в нерасторжимость искусства и реальности, Дориан проводит бессонную ночь, блуждая по опустевшему Лондону. Сибиле же его жестокое признание оказывается не по силам; наутро, готовясь отправить ей письмо со словами примирения, он узнает, что девушка в тот же вечер покончила с собой. Друзья-покровители и тут реагируют на трагическое известие каждый по-своему: Бэзил советует Дориану укрепиться духом, а лорд Генри — «не лить напрасно слез о Сибиле Вэйн». Стремясь утешить юношу, он приглашает его в оперу, обещая познакомить со своей обаятельной сестрой леди Гвендолен. К недоумению Бэзила, Дориан принимает приглашение. И лишь подаренный ему недавно художником портрет становится беспощадным зеркалом назревающей в нем духовной метаморфозы: на безупречном лице юного греческого бога обозначается жёсткая морщинка. Не на шутку обеспокоенный, Дориан убирает портрет с глаз долой.

И вновь ему помогает заглушить тревожные уколы совести его услужливый друг-Мефистофель — лорд Генри. По совету последнего он с головой уходит в чтение странной книги новомодного французского автора — психологического этюда о человеке, решившем испытать на себе все крайности бытия. Надолго заворожённый ею («казалось, тяжёлый запах курений поднимался от её страниц и дурманил мозг» ), Дориан в последующие двадцать лет — в повествовании романа они уместились в одну главу — «все сильнее влюбляется в свою красоту и все с большим интересом наблюдает разложение своей души». Как бы заспиртованный в своей идеальной оболочке, он ищет утешения в пышных обрядах и ритуалах чужих религий, в музыке, в коллекционировании предметов старины и драгоценных камне
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
On a sunny summer day, a talented painter Basil Hallward accept in his Studio, an old friend of Lord Henry Uottona-Aesthete-jepikurejca, the "Prince of Paradox", by definition, one of the characters. The latter easily recognized familiar contemporaries features Oscar Wilde, he the author of the novel "gives" and the vast majority of its famous aphorisms. Captured by the new plan, Hallward enthusiastically working on portrait of an extraordinarily beautiful boys, whom he met recently. Fact twenty years; his name is Dorian Gray.Soon appears and sitter, vslushivajushhijsja with interest in paradoxical judgement utomljonnogo hedonist; young beauty of Dorian, creature who enraptures Basil, leaves no one indifferent and Lord Henry. But here's the portrait is finished; those present admired its perfection. Zlatokudryj, adoring everything beautiful and pleasing himself Dorian dreaming out loud: "If portrait has changed, and I could always stay that way as it is!" Basil Simpson gives a portrait of the young man.Ignoring the sluggish resistance of Basil, Dorian accepts the invitation of Lord Henry and, with the active participation of the latter, diving in secular life; visiting the invited dinners, spends evenings at the Opera. In the meantime, visit her uncle Lord farmer, Lord Henry learns about the dramatic circumstances of origin of Dorian: bred rich guardian, he painfully experienced the early death of his mother, against family traditions vljubivshejsja and linking their fate with small infantry officer (at the instigation of the influential father-in-law soon also killed in a duel).Dorian himself Meanwhile falls in love with aspiring actress Sibilu Wayne — "a girl of seventeen years, with delicate like a flower, with the head of the Greek, twisted dark braids. Eyes-blue lakes of passion, lips — rose petals; She was amazing on stage poor plays spirituality poverty in East teatrika-Sindhu best role Shakespearean repertoire. In turn, Sibile vlachashhej starved along with her mother and brother, sixteen year-old James preparing to sail sailor on a merchant ship to Australia, Dorian seems embodied a miracle — "Great Prince", snizoshedshim with dizzying heights. Her lover unaware that her life also have thoroughly oberegaemaja from strangers: mystery and Sibylla, and James is born out of wedlock, the fruit of the love Union, svjazavshego their mother — an already tormented, older woman, "used in the same theater, with the person's estate.Found in Sibile living embodiment of beauty and talent, a naïve idealist Dorian triumphantly informs Basil and Lord Henry about his engagement. The future of their ward alarming in both; However, they both willingly accept an invitation to play, where Darling Dorian must fulfill the role of Juliet. However, absorbed by the clouds hopes for imminent her real happiness with loved ones this evening Sibila grudgingly, as if forced (because "play loving is a profanation!" she says) pronounces the words role, first seeing the unvarnished squalor of scenery, the falsity of stage partners and poverty Entreprise. It should be loud, calling sceptical mockery of Lord Henry, muted sympathy dobrjaka Basil and total collapse of air locks Dorian, in desperation throwing Sibile: "you killed my love!"Izverivshijsja in their prekrasnodushnyh illusions, current on the belief in the indissolubility of art and reality, Dorian spends a sleepless night, wandering through the opustevshemu London. His cruel Sibile recognition turns out to be unaffordable; the next morning, preparing to send her a letter with words of reconciliation, he learns that the girl in the same evening, committed suicide. Patrons and friends react to tragic news here each in their own way: Basil advises Dorianu strengthen the spirit, and Lord Henry — not pouring tears in vain about Sibile Wayne. In an effort to console the boy, he invites him to the Opera, promising to introduce with its charming sister Lady Gwendolen. Towards bores Basil, Dorian accepts the invitation. And only given to him recently by the artist portrait becomes a merciless mirror emerging it spiritual metamorphosis: the perfect face of the young Greek God is denoted by a tough finish. Not a joke is concerned, Dorian removes portrait out of sight. And again it helps drown out disturbing shots of conscience of its helpful friend Mephistopheles as Lord Henry. On the advice of the latter he goes into reading strange books fashioned French author-psychological studies about the man, decided to test the extremes of life. For a long time attracted by it ("it seemed the heavy smell of incense rose from its pages and durmanil brain"), Dorian in the next twenty years-in the narration of the novel they fit in one chapter — "stronger falls in love with her beauty and all with great interest the decomposition of his soul." How would zaspirtovannyj in its perfect shell, he seeks solace in lush rites and rituals of other people's religions, music, collecting antiques and precious stone
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
On a sunny summer day, a talented painter Basil Hallward takes in his studio an old friend Lord Henry Wotton - esthete Epicurean, "Prince of Paradox", by definition, one of the characters. In the last lines of Oscar Wilde, he was the author of "presents" novel recognizable familiar to contemporaries without difficulty and overwhelming number of his famous aphorisms. Captured a new plan, Hallward enthusiastically working on a portrait of an unusually handsome young man, with whom he met recently. Tom twenty years; his name was Dorian Gray.

Soon appears sitter, with interest listened to the paradoxical judgment Burnt hedonist; Dorian young beauty, captivity Basil leaves no one indifferent, and Lord Henry. But the portrait is finished; delighted with his present perfection. Golden-haired, loves all that is beautiful and pleasing himself Dorian dreams aloud: "If a portrait of me, and I could always stay that way, as is" Touched Basil gives a portrait of the young man.

By ignoring the lingering resistance Basil, Dorian accepts the invitation of Lord Henry, with the active the participation of the latter, is dipped into a secular life; He attends dinner parties, spends the evening at the opera. Meanwhile, dealing a visit to his uncle Lord Farmer, Lord Henry learns about the dramatic circumstances of origin Dorian: educated wealthy guardian, he painfully lived through the early death of his mother, in spite of family traditions to fall in love, and to link their fate with obscure infantry officer (at the instigation of the influential test of soon killed in a duel).

Sam Dorian meanwhile falls for aspiring actress Sybil Vane - "a girl of seventeen, with a gentle, like a flower, a person with a head Greek, dark braids entwined. Eyes - blue lakes passion, lips - Rose petals "; it is a striking spirituality plays on the stage of the needy pauper teatrika in East Indus best roles of Shakespeare's repertoire. In turn Sybil vlachaschih half-starved existence with his mother and brother, the sixteen year old James, preparing to sail sailor on a merchant ship to Australia, Dorian seems to incarnate a miracle - "Prince Charming", the descended to dizzying heights. Her lover does not know that in her life, too, have carefully guarded from prying eyes the mystery and Sybil, and James - illegitimate children, the fruit of a love union, in their time to contact their mother - "tortured, withered woman" serving in the same theater, with a man alien class.

which gained in Sybil living embodiment of beauty and talent, naive idealist Dorian triumphantly announces Basil and Lord Henry about his engagement. The future of their ward inspires anxiety in both; however, they both willingly accept the invitation to the show, where Dorian fiancee must play the role of Juliet. However, the absorbed rosy hopes for the coming her real happiness with your loved ones, Sybil tonight reluctantly, as if under duress (because "to play in love - this is blasphemy!" - Says she) pronounces the words of the role for the first time seeing the unvarnished misery decorations, false scenic partners and poverty repertory. It is a loud failure causing skeptical mockery of Lord Henry, restrained sympathy Kind Basil and total collapse of the castles in the air Dorian, desperately throwing Sybil: "You killed my love!"

Lost faith in their starry-eyed illusions zameshennyh on the belief in the indissolubility of art and reality, Dorian holds sleepless night, wandering the deserted London. Sybil as his ill-recognition is not able to do; in the morning, ready to send her a letter with words of reconciliation, he finds out that the girl had committed suicide the same evening. Fellow patrons and then respond to the tragic news in their own way: Basil advises Dorian strengthened in spirit, and Lord Henry - "Do not shed tears in vain about Sybil Vane." In an effort to comfort the young man, he invites him to the opera, promising to acquaint with his charming sister Lady Gwendolen. To the bewilderment of Basil, Dorian accepts the invitation. It was only recently given him a portrait of the artist becomes a merciless mirror maturing in him the spiritual metamorphosis in flawless face of a young Greek god designated tough wrinkle. Not seriously concerned, Dorian removes portrait of sight.

Again, it helps drown out disturbing conscience pricks his obliging friend Mephisto - Lord Henry. On the advice of the latter, he leaves with the head in the reading of strange books newfangled French author - a psychological sketch of a man who decided to experience the extremes of all existence. Permanently spellbound by it ( "it seemed a heavy smell of incense rose from its pages and intoxicate the brain"), Dorian in the next twenty years - in the narrative of the novel they fit in one chapter - "stronger falls in love with its beauty and all with great interest the expansion of its soul. " As if preserved in alcohol in his perfect shell, he seeks solace in magnificent ceremonies and rituals of others religions, music, collecting antiques and precious stone
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the sunny summer day talented painter basil холлуорд takes in his workshop, an old friend of lord henry уоттона - эстета - эпикурейца, "prince парадокса», one of the characters. in the latter easily travels familiar technique features of oscar wilde. he is the author of the novel "дарит» and the preponderance of their illustrious of. captured by the new design, холлуорд with passion is working on a portrait of extraordinarily beautiful young men, who recently met. for twenty years; his name is dorian gray.soon appears and the model with interest вслушивающийся in paradoxical judgments утомлённого hedonist; young beauty of dorian, пленившая basil leaves indifferent and lord henry. but this portrait is finished; it captivated his perfection. goldilocks, who encourages all the beautiful and the beautiful itself dorian dreaming aloud: "if the picture has changed, and i could always be like this! "растроганный basil gives a portrait of the young man.ignoring the flaccid resistance of basil, dorian accepts the invitation of lord henry, with the active participation of the latter plunged it into a secular life; attend dinner parties, spends the night at the opera. in the meantime, by a visit to his uncle lord rancher, lord henry finds out about the dramatic circumstances, origin of dorian: cultivated rich guardian, he painfully experienced early death of his mother, through family traditions and влюбившейся that binds their fate to cut off an infantry officer (at the instigation of his father-in-law that soon was killed in a duel).the dorian meanwhile falls in love with начинающую actress sybilla wayne - "the girl of seventeen years, delicate as a flower, a person with a гречанки, обвитой brown braids. eyes blue lake with lips petals of roses "; she played on stage with astonishing одухотворённостью poor poverty teatrika east inde better roles in shakespearean repertoire. in turn, sybil, влачащей полуголодное existence together with his mother and brother, a 16-year-old james preparing sail sailor in the merchant navy in australia, dorian is embodied. "a принцем», снизошедшим with заоблачных heights. her beloved know that her life is also thoroughly оберегаемая of sight mystery, and sibylla, and james - children born out of wedlock, fruit of love union, at the time связавшего mother "замученную, dead woman to serve in the same theatre, with a human alien class.in a sybil into living embodiment of beauty and talent, a naive idealist dorian when telling basil and lord henry about his engagement. the future of their child is worrying in both; however, and he and the other to accept the invitation to play, where elected
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