Я хочу рассказать вам об очень красивом водопаде Анхель, который по мо перевод - Я хочу рассказать вам об очень красивом водопаде Анхель, который по мо английский как сказать

Я хочу рассказать вам об очень крас

Я хочу рассказать вам об очень красивом водопаде Анхель, который по моему мнению, может быть отнесен к естественным чудам . Анхель находится в тропических лесах Венесуэлы, на территории Национального парка Канайма. Анхель считается самым высоким водопадом в мире, его высота достигает 1050 метров. Набрав стремительную скорость на склоне плато Ауянтепуи, вода срывается вниз и, не успев коснуться земли, превращается в туман, который окутывает всю округу на километры вдаль. Вода свергается с вершины Ауянтепуи - горы, которую местное племя прозвало "тепуи", что в переводе обозначает “гора дьявола”. Водопад Анхель в 20 раз выше, чем Ниагарский водопад. Добраться до водопада нелегко, так как он находится в густом тропическом лесу. И нет никаких дорог, ведущих к нему. Добраться туда можно только по воздуху или по реке. Обобщив все вышесказанное, я могу с уверенностью сказать, что водопад Анхель может и должен быть отнесен к естественным чудам.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I want to tell you about a very beautiful waterfall Angel Falls, which in my opinion can be considered to be a natural čudam. Angel Falls is located in the rainforest of Venezuela Canaima National Park. Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world, its height reaches 1050 meters. Typing speed on the slope of a steep plateau Auântepui, water breaks down and failing to touch the ground, turns into the fog that envelops the entire district for miles into the distance. Water svergaetsâ from the top of Auântepui mountain, which local tribe prozvalo "Tepui", which translated means "Devil's mountain". Angel falls in 20 times higher than Niagara falls. To get to the waterfall is not easy, because it is in the dense tropical forest. And there are no roads leading to it. You can only get there by air or by river. Summarizing the above, I can confidently say that the Angel Falls can and should be considered to be a natural čudam.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I want to tell you about a very beautiful Angel Falls, which in my opinion, can be attributed to natural chudam. Angel is located in the tropical forests of Venezuela, the National Park Canaima. Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world, it reaches a height of 1,050 meters. Dialing rapid speed on the slopes of the plateau Auyán-tepui, water is broken down, and without having to touch the ground, it turns into a mist that envelops the whole area for kilometers into the distance. Water overthrown from the top Auyán-tepui - mountains, where local tribe called "the tepuis," which translated means "the mountain of the devil." Angel Falls is 20 times higher than Niagara Falls. To get to the waterfall is not easy, as it is located in a dense tropical forest. And there are no roads leading to it. You can get there only by air or river. Summarizing all the above, I can say with certainty that the Angel Falls can and should be attributed to the natural chudam.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i want to tell you about a very beautiful waterfall angel, which in my view, can be assigned to the natural чудам. angel is in the tropical rainforest of venezuela, canaima national park on the territory of the national park. angel is the highest waterfall in the world, its height reaching 1050 meters. with the rapid speed at the side of the plateau ауянтепуи, water falls down, and before he could touch the ground, into the mist which envelops the whole neighborhood on the far away. water свергается the ауянтепуи mountain, a local tribe прозвало "tepui", translated as "a devil". the angel is 20 times higher than niagara falls. access to the falls is not easy, as it is located in the dense tropical forest. and there are no roads leading to it. to get there is by air or by the river. summarizing all the above, i can safely say that the angel can and should be assigned to the natural чудам.
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