Сет 7 1. Бесполезно пытаться заставить его делать то, что он не хочет  перевод - Сет 7 1. Бесполезно пытаться заставить его делать то, что он не хочет  английский как сказать

Сет 7 1. Бесполезно пытаться застав

Сет 7
1. Бесполезно пытаться заставить его делать то, что он не хочет делать. Если вы действительно хотите, чтобы он вам помог, вам придется убедить его, что это необходимо.
2. Когда я пришел, то вспомнил, что оставил деньги дома. Они были в ящике
3. Все, кто любит путешествовать, должны знать английский язык, так как на нем говорят во многих странах мира.
4. У нас этот телевизор с тех пор, как мы переехали на новую квартиру.
5. Я не видел Сергея с прошлого понедельника. - Я видел его позавчера в библиотеке. - Когда мы возвращались из библиотеки, он рассказал мне,
над чем он работает.
6. Как давно он учит английский? — Он изучает его самостоятельно в течение двух лет. В школе он учил французский в течение шести лет.
7. Мы не могли пойти гулять, так как с раннего утра шел дождь.
8. Какие полезные сведения! Откуда ты их получил?
9. Том приехал? - Да, он здесь уже 2 дня. - Странно, но ни я, ни Джек не видели его.

Сет 8

1 Мы слышали, что они уехали и Лондон. Вот бы и нам с ними!
2 Мы услышали, как ночи сработала сигнализация, и увидели двух охранников, бежавших к входу в банк​.
3, Вы должны следовать инструкции и ни в коем случае не должны нажимать на эту кнопку.​
4 Мама, по всей видимости, Ждет вас у клуба. - И ждет,должно быть, с шести часов.
5. Он просто не мог этого сделать! Он не может быть настолько глуп!
6. Когда бы он ни пришел, ему всегда рады
7. Оказалось, что он уехал в Денвер без нас. Не понимаю, как он мог так поступить.
8. Он остановил машину, чтобы дети сели в нее,
9. Он не мог удержаться, чтобы не сказать ей, как она хороша.
10. Нет смысла в том, чтобы противоречить женщинам, не так ли? Да, это

Сет 9
1.Говорят, ты очень хорошо слал вчера экзамен. Поздравляю тебя!
2. Она настолько же глупа, как и красива,
3. Чем больше я узнаю людей, тем больше мне нравятся собаки.
4 Никто не знает людей, приезжавших сюда вчера.
5. Не успела Анна вымолвить слово, как старушка исчезла,
6. Я проявила пленки и заплатила за это целое состояние,
7. Каждая женщина знает, что если у нее плохое настроение, то она должна купить что-нибудь новое или же сделать прическу.
8.Картины, висевшие в зале пять, сейчас реставрируются,
9. Он никогда не может помыть посуду, чтобы чего-нибудь не разбить.
10. Дождь идет уже целую неделю и, кажется, не собирается останавливаться.

Сет 10
1.Когда мама увидела Тома и Боба, они выглядели очень довольными. Им
объяснили, как нужно было сделать задачку,
2. В чем дело? Ты вся мокрая Я мыла собаку, Ее обычно моют по пятницам.
3. Она колебалась, принята его предложение или нет. Необходимо, чтобы
она сделала это как можно быстрее.
4. Интересно, кто живет в доме напротив нас? - никто из нас не знает.
4. Я наблюдал, как он пытается завести машину. Интересно, сколько времени ему понадобился, чтобы заставить мотор работать.
5. Прочитав телеграмму дважды, он понял, что нужно предпринять срочные
7.Нам предложили поехать за город, но мы отказались, так как погода была
8. Она предпочитает ездить туда на машине, а не ходить пешком.
9. Я не против, чтобы мне говорили, что делать. - А я терпеть не могу, когда мне говорят, как нужно жить.
10. Вам нужно погладить костюм. Он весь мятый, отнесите его в чистку.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Seth 7 1. It is useless to try to make him do something he doesn't want to do. If you really want it to help you, you have to convince him that this is necessary.2. When I came, then remembered that left some money home. They were in a boxbackgrounds.3. Everyone who loves to travel, must know English as it is spoken in many countries of the world.4. We got this tv since we moved to a new apartment.5. I have not seen Syarhei last Monday. -I saw him the day before yesterday in the library. -When we returned from the library, he told me,over than it works.6. How long he teaches you English? He is studying it independently for two years. At school he taught French for six years.7. We could not go out for a walk, because it has been raining since early morning.8. what useful information! Where you got them?9. How come? -Yes, he's been here for 2 days. -Strange, but neither myself nor Jack hadn't seen it.Seth 81 We heard that they had left, and London. Here and us with them!2 we have heard how the night the alarm went off and saw two guards who had fled to the entrance of the Bank.3, you must follow the instructions and in no case should click on this button.4 mom, apparently waiting for you at the Club. And waiting should be from six hours.5. He just couldn't do it! It may not be so stupid! 6. Whenever it came, he was always happy to 7. It turned out that he went to Denver without us. I don't understand how he could do so.8. He stopped the car to kids got into it,9. He could not resist, not to tell her how good she is.10. It makes no sense to run counter to women is not it? Yes, it isuseless.Seth 91. Say you see very well today. Congrats to you!2. It is as foolish as beautiful,3. The more I know people, the more I like dogs.4 no one knows people visiting here today.5. Anna didn't get the word, as the old lady has disappeared,6. I had shown the film and paid for it a fortune7. Every woman knows that if she had a bad mood, then it should buy something new or do her hair.8. Painting, authority in the Hall five, now restored,9. He can never wash dishes, to not break anything. 10. Raining the whole week already and it seems is not going to stop.Seth 101. When mom saw Tom and Bob, they looked very happy. Themexplained how to make puzzle,2. What's the matter? You're all wet I SOAP dog, Its usually wash on Fridays.3. It ranged, adopted his proposal or not. It is necessary toShe did it as quickly as possible.4. I wonder who lives in the House opposite us? -None of us know.4. I watched as he tries to start the car. I wonder how long it took him to get the motor to work.5. After reading the telegram twice, he realized that the need to take urgentmeasures.7. We were offered to go out of town, but we refused because the weather wasterrible.8. She prefers to go there by car instead of walking.9. I have nothing against told me what to do. I can't stand when people tell me how to live.10. you have to Pat the costume. He is all broken, take it to the cleaning.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Set 7
1. It is useless to try to force him to do what he wants to do. If you really want it to help you, you have to convince him that this is necessary.
2. When I arrived, I remembered that he had left the money at home. They were in the drawer
of the table.
3. Everyone who loves to travel, need to know the English language as it is spoken in many parts of the world.
4. We have this TV since we moved to a new apartment.
5. I have not seen since last Monday Sergei. - I saw him the day before yesterday in the library. - When we came back from the library, he told me
what he was working.
6. How long has he been teaching English? - He studies his own for two years. In school, he studied French for six years.
7. We could go for a walk, as in the early morning was rain.
8. What useful information! How do you get them?
9. How come? - Yes, he's been here for 2 days. - Strange, but neither I nor Jack had not seen it. Network 8 1 We have heard that they have left, and London. That would be us and them! 2 We heard the night the alarm went off and saw the two guards, who fled to the entrance to the bank. 3, you should follow the instructions and in any case not have to press this button. 4 Mom apparently waiting for you at the club. - And waiting must have been six hours. 5. He just could not do it! It can not be that stupid! 6. Whenever he came to, he was always happy 7. It turned out that he had gone to Denver without us. I do not understand how he could do so. 8. He stopped the car, the children sat in her 9. He could not help but tell her how good it is. 10. It makes no sense to contradict women, is not it? Yes, it is useless. Set 9 1.Govoryat you very well had sent last exam. Congratulations! 2. It is just as stupid as the beautiful, 3. The more I learn people, the more I like dogs. 4 Nobody knows the people who came here yesterday. 5. I not had time to utter a word of Anna, like an old woman disappeared, 6. I showed the film and paid for a fortune, 7. Every woman knows that if she has a bad mood, she should buy something or make a new hairstyle. 8.Kartiny hanging in the hall of the five, is now being restored, 9. He can never do the dishes, to something not to break. 10. Rain has been going on for a week and it seems that is not going to stop. Network 10 1. When my mother saw Tom and Bob, they looked very happy. They explained how it was necessary to make a puzzle, 2. What's the matter? You're all wet I washed the dog, it is normally washed on Fridays. 3. She hesitated, accepted the offer or not. It is necessary that it did so as soon as possible. 4. I wonder who lives in the house in front of us? - None of us know. 4. I watched as he tries to start the car. I wonder how long it will take to make the motor run. 5. Having read the telegram twice, he realized that the need to take urgent measures. 7.Nam offered to go out of town, but we refused, because the weather was terrible. 8. She prefers to go there by car, instead of walking. 9. I do not mind that I was told what to do. - I can not stand it when people tell me how to live. 10. You need to pat suit. It was all crumpled, take it to the cleaners.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
seth 7
1. it's no use trying to force him to do what he wants to do. if you really want to help you, you have to convince him that this is necessary.
2. when i came, i rememberedi left the money at home. they were in the drawer of the table
3. everyone who loves to travel, must know english as it is spoken in many countries of the world.
4. we got this tv sinceas we moved into the new apartment.
5. i haven't seen his last monday. - i saw him yesterday in the library. when we returned from the library, he told me what he works
6.how long did he learn english? he is exploring his own for two years. in high school, he taught french for six years.
7. we could not go out, so early in the morning and it was raining.
8. any useful information.how do you get it?
9. tom come here? - yeah, he's been here for two days. - weird, but neither i nor jack didn't see him. seth 8

1, we heard that they left and london. i wish we were with them.
2, we heard the night the alarm went off.and saw two security guards who had fled to the банк​.
3, you must follow the instructions, and in no case should not press on the кнопку.​
4 mum, apparently waiting for you at the club. and for the must be six hours.
5.he just couldn't do it. he can't be that stupid.
6. when he arrived, he always happy
7. it turns out that he went to denver without us. i don't understand how he could do this.
8. he stopped the car.the children to sit in it,
9. he couldn't wait to tell her, she's so hot. - 10. it makes no sense to be women, isn't it? yes, it ''s useless.

set 9
1.говорят, you really wrote the last exam.congratulations to you!
2. it is as foolish as the beautiful
3. the more i learn, the more i like dogs.
4 no one knows people, приезжавших here yesterday.
5. anna didn't say a word, the old lady was gone,
6.i took the tapes and paid for it with a fortune
7. every woman knows that if she's in a bad mood, she had to buy something new, or do your hair. 8.картины, висевшие in hall 5now реставрируются
9. he could never wash the dishes, to something that won't break.
10. it's been raining for a whole week, and it's not gonna stop.

- 10
1.когда mom saw tom and bobthey looked very happy. they
explained how to make out
2. what's the matter? you're all wet. i washed the dog, usually wash on fridays.
3. she hesitated, accepted his proposal. need to
she did this as quickly as possible.
4. i wonder who lives in the house next to us? none of us knows.
4. i watched as he tries to start the car. i wonder how long it took him.to make the engine work.
5. after reading the telegram twice, he realized the need to take urgent measures 7.нам
offered to go to town, but we refused, because the weather was terrible
8.she prefers to travel by car instead of walking.
9. i don't mind to tell me what to do. - i can't stand being told how to live. "10. you need a suit. it all wrinkled.take him to the cleaners.
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