Жизнь моя, хочу написать тебе письмо и сказать как мне плохо без тебя...я счастлива,что мы поговорили с тобой... я опять почувствовала всю силу и красоту твоей любви,милый. Брайн, я до сих пор не понимаю,как такой мужчина как ты - оставался один. В тебе бурлят такие чувства.....ты полон нежности ,любви,романтики,доброты,честности....о таком как ты можно только мечтать... у тебя такая чудесная улыбка. Я не понимаю,как ты меня нашел?
Милый,рядом с тобой я чувствую себя маленькой девочкой...в тебе столько силы и уверенности, ты успокаиваешь и поддерживаешь меня. Я чувствую,как твоя любовь окутывает меня с головы до ног....у меня не хватает слов выразить все что я чувствую. Брайн, ты самый лучший мужчина на земле и во всем мире.... я уже не представляю себе жизни без тебя,любимый.Я так хочу к тебе, хочу быть рядом с тобой, смеяться,грустить,молча смотреть на звезды,гулять держась за руки,любить.... я каждую минуту думаю о тебе и сердце сжимается от радости и мысли,что ты есть в этом мире...Люблю тебя твоя Дженни
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My life, I want to write you an email and say how I feel bad without you ... I'm happy that we talked with you ... again I felt the power and beauty of your love, Darling. Brian, I still do not understand how such a man as you are-there was one. You are such a sense of ... you are full of tenderness, love, romance, kindness, honesty is. ... This way you can only dream about ... you have such a lovely smile. I don't understand how you found me? Cute, close to you I feel like a little girl. ... you have so much strength and confidence, you're uspokaivaeš′ and you support me. I feel like your love envelops me from head to toe ... more I have not enough words to express all that I feel. Brian, you're the best man in the world and all over the world .... I do not imagine life without you, favorite. I so want to you want to be close to you, laugh, sad, look at the stars, silently walking holding hands, love .... I think about you every minute and the heart shrinks from joy and thoughts that you exist in this world ... Love you your Jenny
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My life, I want to write you a letter and say how I feel bad without you ... I'm happy that we talked with you again ... I felt all the power and beauty of your love, darling. Brown, I still do not understand how a man like you - there was one. In you are feeling rage ..... you're full of tenderness, love, romance, kindness, honesty .... about such as you can only dream ... you have such a lovely smile. I do not know how you found me?
Honey, with you I feel like a little girl in you ... so much strength and confidence, plaques and supported me. I can feel your love surrounds me from head to foot .... I have no words to express all that I feel. Brian, you're the best man on the ground and around the world .... I can not imagine life without you, so lyubimyy.Ya want you, I want to be with you, laugh, sad, stare at the stars, walk holding hands .... love every minute I think of you and my heart shrinks with joy and thinking that you are in this world ... I love you your Jenny
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
My Life, I would write you a letter and say how I feel bad without you ... i am very happy,that we talked with you ... and I once again felt the strength and beauty of your love,hurry. Brian, I still do not understand,As such a man as you are - one remained. In the bubbling thee such feelings ..... you let your hearts is full ,любви,романтики,доброты,честности .... on such as you can only dream about ... you do such a nice smile. I do not understand it,
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