2. Хотя нужно им сказать, что рукопись нуждается в доработке. 3. Это вы нуждаетесь в отдыхе, а не он. 4. Он так устал, что почти не понимал, о чем еrо спрашивали. 5 она ушла, не попрощавшись, что было очень грубо с ее стороны. 6. Будь я на вашем месте, я бы не сердилась на него. 7. Она не понимала Джона. Да она и не пыталась его понять, 8. Только когда он вышел из комнаты, он услышал шум внизу. 9. я пришел, чтобы мы с вами спокойно обсудили этот вопрос 10. Когда бы это случалось довольно часто. он завоевывал симпатии он ни выступал,а слушателей.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
2. While you want them to say that a manuscript in need of refinement. 3. that you are in need of rest, and not him. 4. He's so tired that almost didn't realize what ero asked. 5 she left without saying goodbye, which was very rough with her hand. 6. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have got mad at him. 7. She did not understand John. Yes it did not try to understand it, 8. Only when he left the room, he heard a noise downstairs. 9. I have come to you and quietly discussed the issue 10. Whenever this has happened quite often. he conquered the sympathy he neither spoke, and listeners.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
2. although we have to say that it needs to be established. 3. you need a vacation, but he"s not. 4. he was so tired, he hardly knew what еrо asked. 5 she left without saying good-bye, that was very rude to her. 6. if i were you, i would be angry with him. 7. she didn"t know john. she"s not trying to understand it, 8. but when he walked out of the room, he heard a noise downstairs. 9. i came to you calmly discussed this question 10. when this has happened quite frequently. he conquered the sympathy he played, and listeners.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..