Спасибо, хорошо. Вчера был приятный вечер с тобой в Скайпе. Сегодня, я собираюсь лечь спать рано. Я имела душ и ужин. Я думаю о тебе. Немного стесняюсь.
Fine thank you. Today was a nice evening with you on Skype. Today, I'm going to go to bed early. I had a shower and dinner. I think of you. A little shy.
Thank you, good. Yesterday was a pleasant evening with you on Skype. Today, I'm going to go to bed early. I had a shower and dinner. I think of you. A little bit shy.
well, thank you. yesterday was a pleasant night with you on skype. today, i"m going to go to bed early. i had a shower and dinner. i think of you. a little shy.