Сейчас мобильные телефоны есть у всех. Естественно, ведь это позволяет перевод - Сейчас мобильные телефоны есть у всех. Естественно, ведь это позволяет английский как сказать

Сейчас мобильные телефоны есть у вс

Сейчас мобильные телефоны есть у всех. Естественно, ведь это позволяет нам быть на связи с близкими людьми в любой момент. Я помню, когда мобильных телефонов не было, было сложно застать кого-то дома, звоня по городскому. А чтобы позвонить в другой город, люди ходили на почту и заказывали переговоры.

Сейчас все по-другому. Родители могут позвонить ребенку, гуляющему на улице и убедиться, что у него все в порядке. Можно быть на связи со старенькими бабушкой и дедушкой и вовремя прийти им на помощь, если вдруг понадобится. Можно предупредить человека, с которым идешь на встречу, если задерживаешься или не можешь прийти. Благодаря мобильному телефону есть возможность в любой момент связаться с нужным человеком. И это очень большой плюс мобильной связи, которая стала очень популярной и доступной всем.

Однако есть и обратная сторона медали. Во-первых, люди звонят друг другу не всегда в удобный момент, отвлекают от важных дел. И еще могут обидеться, что с ними не захотели говорить! А ведь нередко кто-то звонит с целью просто поболтать, потому что ему скучно и нечем заняться. Во-вторых, современный мобильный телефон уже практически компьютер, и нося его везде с собой, человек привыкает заглядывать туда в каждый свободный момент, забывая про все остальное. И в-третьих, мобильная связь, как и интернет, ограничивают «живое» общение. Люди часто разговаривают по телефону и реже видятся. А еще они меньше обращают внимание на людей рядом. Забавно, когда где-нибудь – в очереди или транспорте – все говорят по мобильникам, как будто сами с собой!

Я считаю, что мобильная связь – это безусловное достижение техники, которое служит человеку во всех сферах жизни. То, что некоторые умудряются использовать мобильные телефоны не только с пользой, но и во вред, - это их личный выбор, который зависит от уровня их культуры и понимания, а это уже отдельная тема для размышлений.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Now mobile phones are at all. Naturally, because it allows us to be in touch with your loved ones at any time. I remember when cell phones were not, it was hard to catch someone at home, calling on urban. And to call in another city, people used to go to the post office and ordered negotiations.Now things are different. Parents can call a child gulâûŝemu on the street and make sure he's all right. You can be in touch with staren′kimi grandparents and in time to come to their assistance if needed. You can tell the person with which you go to a meeting, if zaderživaeš′sâ or not you can come. Thanks to the mobile phone is an opportunity to connect with the right person. And this is a very big plus for mobile communications, which became very popular and accessible to all.However, there is a downside. First, people call each other is not always in the moment, distracting from the important things. And may still be offended that they did not want to talk! But sometimes someone calls to chat because he is bored and nothing to do. Secondly, modern mobile phone is the computer, and carrying it everywhere with him, a person gets used to look back at every free moment, forgetting about everything else. And thirdly, mobile communications, Internet, and limit the "live" communication. People often talk on the phone and rarely seen. And yet they pay attention to the people around. Funny, when somewhere in the queue or transport-all speak mobil′nikam like yourself!I believe that mobile is an unqualified achievement technology that serves as a person in all aspects of life. Some manage to use mobile phones not only with advantage, but in injury-it's their personal choice, which depends on the level of their culture and understanding, and this is a subject for reflection.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Now mobile phones are at all. Naturally, because it allows us to be in touch with loved ones at any time. I remember when mobile phones were not, it was difficult to catch someone's home, calling on the city. A call to another city, people went to the post office and ordered negotiations. Now everything is different. Parents can call the child, walking on the street and make sure he's all right. You can be in touch with old grandparents and time to come to their assistance, if you suddenly need. You can prevent the person with whom you go to a meeting, if delayed or can not come. Thanks to the mobile phone have the opportunity at any time to contact with the right person. And this is a very big plus mobile communication system that has become very popular and accessible to all. However, there is a downside. Firstly, people call each other is not always a good time to distract from the important things. And might be offended, that they did not want to talk! But often someone calls in order to just talk, because he was bored and nothing to do. Second, the modern mobile phone is almost a computer and wearing it everywhere with him, a man accustomed to look back at every free moment, forgetting everything else. And thirdly, mobile communications, as well as the Internet, restrict "live" chat. People often talk on the phone and rarely seen. And they pay less attention to people nearby. It's funny, when somewhere - in line or transport - all talking on a cell phone, as if to yourself! I believe that mobile communications - is unconditional achievement of technology that serves people from all walks of life. The fact that some people manage to use mobile phones are not only good, but also harm - it is their personal choice that depends on the level of their culture and understanding, but that's another topic for reflection.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Now mobile phones are at all. It is natural, because it allows us to be in touch with loved ones at any time. I remember that when mobile phones, it was difficult to catch someone at home,About distances in urban. And in order to call in another city, people went to mail and ordered negotiations.Lord is now all on the other. Parents can call a child, гуляющему on the street and make sure that it all in order.You can be in the connection with старенькими grandmother and grandfather and in time to come to their assistance, if you suddenly need it. You can prevent any rights, which canst to the meeting, if inside wide panes devoid or can't come.Thanks to your mobile phone there is an opportunity at any time to contact the right person. And this is a very big plus mobile communication, which has become very popular and accessible to all.

There are, however, and the back side of the coin. In the first place, people call each other is not always in a good time, distracting from the important cases. And can still vain, that with them did not want to speak!It is often someone calls in with a view to just chat, because that he bored and nothing to do. Secondly, the modern mobile phone is already almost a computer, and no continuing city anywhere with a,People toys look there in every free moment, forgetting about the rest. And, thirdly, mobile communications, as well as internet, restrict "live" communication. People are often talking on the phone and at least once perceived.And yet they are less pay attention to the people next to you. For fun, when something is in queue or transport - all speak on мобильникам, as if by themselves with a!lord I believe,The mobile communication - this is unconditional achievement technology, which serves as a person in all spheres of life. The fact that some miracles to use mobile phones are not only useful, but also in harm,- This is their personal choice, which depends on the level of their culture, and understanding, and this is already a separate theme for reflection.
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