Французский писатель рубежа XIX—XX вв., основоположник жанра научно-фа перевод - Французский писатель рубежа XIX—XX вв., основоположник жанра научно-фа английский как сказать

Французский писатель рубежа XIX—XX

Французский писатель рубежа XIX—XX вв., основоположник жанра научно-фантастического романа, первый, кто соединил в литературе фантазию и науку. Еще своих современников Жюль Верн поражал энциклопедическими знаниями из разных областей науки и техники. Наблюдая бурный прогресс физики, химии, других естественных наук, будучи очевидцем появления в Европе первых паровозов, первых электрических станков, Жюль Верн не просто отражал эти технические новшества в своих романах. Он занимался— и часто удивительно успешно — научно-техническим прогнозированием: предугадывал появление самолетов, ракет, подводных лодок. Конечно, с другой стороны, многое в его технических мечтах устарело или выглядит простой фантазией. Но интерес к романам Жюля Верна не угасает. И не в последнюю очередь это связано с тем, что писатель умеет воссоздать в своих романах мир увлекательных приключений, изобретает захватывающие сюжеты, рисует яркие характеры, достаточно вспомнить-смешного и доброго ученого чудака Паганеля из романа «Дети капитана Гранта» или гордого и свободолюбивого капитана Немо из книги «Двадцать тысяч лье под водой». Первый роман Жюля Верна вышел из печати в 1863 г. Это был роман-путешествие «Пять недель на воздушном шаре».

Он показывает, что писателя интересовали не только технические, но и географические открытия, в частности исследования Африки. Путешествию, правда невольному, на этот континент посвящен и роман «Пятнадцатилетний капитан» (1878). Герои этого романа, как, впрочем, всегда у Жюля Верна, четко разделяются на отважных, благородных и коварных, злых. Положительные герои автора, как и сам он, исполнены симпатии к обездоленным и угнетенным, они не знают расовых или социальных предрассудков, смело встречают опасности и умело преодолевают их. Преступные же герои всегда бывают наказаны, и часто их наказывает «сама судьба». Романы Жюля Верна не просто интересны, они учат прежде всего любви к знаниям, позволяют обрести стремление к трудолюбию, упорству, отваге. Вот почему Жюль Верн является любимым писателем многих известных ученых, путешественников, исследователей.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
French writer of the late 19th and 20th centuries, the founder of the genre of science-fiction novel, the first who joined in the literature of the imagination and science. Even his contemporaries Jules Verne hit encyclopedic knowledge from various fields of science and technology. Watching the rapid progress of physics, chemistry and other natural sciences, as a witness to the emergence in Europe of the first steam locomotives, the first electric machines, Jules Verne did not merely reflect these technological innovations in their novels. He was involved in — and often surprisingly successful — scientific and technological forecasting: as the appearance of aircraft, missiles, and submarines. Of course, on the other hand, much of it technical dreams is obsolete or is a simple fantasy. But interest in the novels of Jules Verne is not quenched. Not least due to the fact that the writer is able to recreate the world of exciting adventures novels, invents exciting plots, draws vivid characters, enough to remember-funny and a good scientist does Paganelâ from the novel the children of Captain grant or proud and freedom-loving Captain Nemo from the book twenty thousand leagues under the seas. Jules Verne's first novel went out of print in 1863 it was Roman-travel "five weeks in a balloon." It shows that the writer was interested in not only the technical but also the geographical discoveries, in particular the study of Africa. Rambling, right nevol′nomu, this continent devoted to the novel "and" a captain at fifteen (1878). The characters of this novel, like Jules Verne, have always clearly separated into courageous, noble and insidious, evil. Goodies, like the author himself, performed by sympathy for the deprived and the oppressed, they know no racial or social bias, boldly meet danger and overcome them. Criminal same heroes are always punished, and often punishes the fate itself. " The novels of Jules Verne did not merely interesting, they learn, first of all, the love of knowledge, allow you to receive the desire for hard work, tenacity, and courage. That's why Jules Verne is a favorite writer of many famous scientists, explorers, researchers.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
French writer the XIX-XX centuries., The founder of the genre of science-fiction novel, the first who joined in fantasy literature and science. Even his contemporaries Jules Verne hit encyclopedic knowledge from different fields of science and technology. Observing the rapid progress of physics, chemistry and other sciences, as witnessed the emergence in Europe of the first steam locomotives, the first electric machines, Jules Verne did not merely reflect these technical innovations in his novels. He zanimalsya- and often surprisingly successful - scientific and technological forecasting: foresaw the emergence of aircraft, missiles, submarines. Of course, on the other hand, much of his technical dream date or looks simple fantasy. But interest in the novels of Jules Verne is not quenched. And last but not least due to the fact that the writer is able to recreate the world in his novels adventurous, exciting invents stories, draws vivid characters, enough to remember the good-humor and eccentric scientist Paganel from the novel "Children of Captain Grant" or the proud and freedom-loving captain Nemo from the book "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea." The first novel by Jules Verne was published in 1863. It was a novel-journey "Five Weeks in a Balloon." It shows that the writer was interested not only technical, but also the geographical discoveries, in particular the study of Africa. Journey, however unwillingly, to this continent, and is dedicated to the novel "Captain at Fifteen" (1878). The heroes of this novel, as, indeed, always with Jules Verne, clearly divided into brave, noble and treacherous, evil. Goodies author, as he himself, filled with sympathy for the disadvantaged and oppressed, they know not racial or social prejudice, bravely meet the danger and skillfully overcome them. Criminal same characters are always punished, and often punishes them "fate itself." Jules Verne's novels are not just interesting, they teach above all love for knowledge and the desire to make it possible to obtain hard work, perseverance, courage. That's why Jules Verne is a favorite writer of many famous scientists, travelers, explorers.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In particular study Africa. His book, the truth невольному, on this continent devoted and Roman "animate the captain" (1878). Heroes of this novel, as well as, however, is always at the Balzac, clearly separated the brave,Yet their contemporaries Jules Vergne husbandman devotees knowledge from different fields of science and technology. While watching the explosive progress physics, chemistry and other natural sciences,French writer abroad XIX-XX centuries., father genre fiction novel, the first, who unites in the literature fantasy and science.As witness the emergence in Europe first hearth furnace, the first electrical machines, Jules Vergne does not simply reflect these technological innovations in their marimba.Much in his technical dreams is obsolete or looks like a simple fantasy. But interest in the navy Balzac has not diminished. And this is not least due to the fact thatHe was involved in, and often surprisingly successful - scientific and technical forecasting: предугадывал appearance fixed-wing aircraft, missiles, submarines. Of course, on the other hand,That the writer knows how to re-establish in their marimba world of riveting adventure, invent exciting scenes, draws a vivid B_m,It is enough to recall the paddock and the good scientist Паганеля Schwochow’S film from the novel "Children captain grant" or proud and before yours captain Nemo from the book "twenty thousand лье under water".The first Roman Balzac went out of print in 1863. This was Roman-trip "five weeks to air ballooning". Lord he shows that writer's concerns are not only technical, but also geographical opening,In particular study Africa. His book, the truth невольному, on this continent devoted and Roman "animate the captain" (1878). Heroes of this novel, as well as, however, is always at the Balzac, clearly separated the brave,Noble and insidious, evil. Positive heroes the author, as well as he, executed sympathy to the disadvantaged and the oppressed, they do not know racial or social prejudice,Boldly met danger and ably cope with them. Criminal same heroes always punished, and they are often punishes "destiny itself". Balzac novels are not just for us, they teach first of all love to knowledge,
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