Рип, родившийся в первой половине XVIII века, жил в старой деревушке г перевод - Рип, родившийся в первой половине XVIII века, жил в старой деревушке г английский как сказать

Рип, родившийся в первой половине X

Рип, родившийся в первой половине XVIII века, жил в старой деревушке голландских колонистов в бассейне реки Гудзон у отрогов Аппалачей — Каатскильских гор — и был добрым подданным британского короля Георга III. Жена ван Винкля обладала сварливым характером, доставая мужа даже в "своеобразном мужском клубе", располагавшемся в тени деревьев у входа в деревенскую гостиницу, где он любил проводить время в праздных беседах с друзьями. Единственной возможностью уединиться от жены была охота.

Однажды в погожий осенний день в начале 1760-х годов он отправился с мушкетом и собакой по кличке Волк на охоту на самую высокую гору, где встретил в долине незнакомцев в старинных голландских камзолах, угостивших его отменной голландской водкой. Проснувшись наутро после угощения в горах и подобрав необъяснимым образом изрядно проржавевший мушкет, Рип не обнаружил ни собаки, ни долины, ни тропинки, по которой пришёл — на её месте был горный поток.

В родной деревне, тоже заметно изменившейся, его никто не узнал — он превратился в старого деда. Его дом был развален, все знакомые умерли, а портрет короля Георга III сменился портретом Джорджа Вашингтона — проспав двадцать лет, лоялист Рип проснулся в разгар Войны за независимость…
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
RIP, born in the first half of the 18th century, lived in the old village of Dutch colonists in the Hudson River basin at the spurs of the Appalachians — Kaatskil′skih mountains — and was a good citizen of the British King George III. Van Vinklâ 's wife had a feisty character, taking the husband even "original men's Club", situated in the shade of the trees at the entrance of the Village Inn where he loved to spend time in idle conversations with friends. The only possibility to retire from his wife was hunting.On a clear fall day once in early 1760 's he went with a musket and a dog named Wolf hunting for the highest mountain in the Valley, where he met strangers in old Dutch camisoles, ugostivših his excellent Dutch vodka. Waking up the morning after the treats in the mountains and picking up inexplicably pretty rusted musket, Rip not discovered neither the dog nor the Valley nor the paths along which came — in its place was a mountain stream.In his native village, also visibly changed, nobody learned — he turned into the old grandfather. His house was razvalen, all the familiar died, and a portrait of King George III was replaced by the portrait of George Washington, having slept for twenty years, loâlist Rip woke up in the midst of the war of independence.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Rip, who was born in the first half of the XVIII century, lived in the old village of Dutch colonists in the basin of the Hudson River at the spurs of the Appalachians - Kaatskilskih mountains - and was a good citizen of the British King George III. Van Winkle's wife had a grumpy character, pulling her husband even in "a kind of men's club", located in the shade of trees at the entrance to the village inn, where he liked to spend time in idle conversation with friends. The only way to retire from his wife was hunting. One day in a beautiful autumn day in the early 1760s, he went with a musket and a dog named Wolf hunting on the highest mountain, where he met in the valley of strangers in old Dutch camisoles, regaled him with excellent Dutch vodka . Waking up in the morning after the feast in the mountains and picking inexplicably badly rusted musket, Rip did not find any dog, nor the valleys, nor the path on which has come - in its place was a mountain stream. In his native village, too much has changed, it has not been learned - it turned into an old grandfather. His house was collapsed, all the friends had died, and a portrait of King George III was replaced by a portrait of George Washington - slept twenty years, loyalist Rip woke up in the middle of the War of Independence ...

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
rip, born in the first half of the 18th century, lived in the old village of dutch colonists in the hudson river at the отрогов appalachians - каатскильских gore and was good to the british king george iii.the wife of van винкля with grumpy character, taking the husband even "relegated to the men's club", a point in the shade of the trees at the entrance to the town.where he enjoyed spending time in idle conversation with friends. the only way to go from the wife was hunting.

one day, on a nice autumn day in the 1760's, he went with's musket and dog named wolf hunting in the high mountain, where he met in the valley of the ancient dutch камзолах,угостивших his excellent dutch vodka. wake up in the morning, after lunch in the mountains and crafting inexplicably's rusted musket, rip found no dogs, no valley or pathsthat came in her place was a mountain stream.

in my village, too, has changed, no one recognized him, he turned to an old grandpa. his house was развален, all people dieda portrait of king george iii in the portrait of george washington, and had slept through the twenty years, loyalist rip woke up in the midst of the war of independence.
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