What is management? Are there certain functions that all managers perf перевод - What is management? Are there certain functions that all managers perf английский как сказать

What is management? Are there certa

What is management? Are there certain functions that all managers perform regardless of whether they’re company presidents, managers of departments, or supervisors of department sections? If we watch managers at work, we might conclude that their jobs differ so widely in content and scope that no generalization about management are possible. One reason fir this is that many managers, even top managers, do work that is not management at all. A simple example is the sales manager who actually sells and perhaps has a set of customers of his own, in addition to managing the sales force. Then there’s the “working foreman” or lead man who works right along with the group he’s supervising. In these cases the managers are actually spending only part of their time on management itself. A second reason why it may be difficult to identify the functions common to all managers is that the scope of their activities differs widely. Yet, it we look closely at managers at work, we can see that fundamentally they are all performing – or should be performing – the same functions during the time they are actually managing rather that doing the work similar to that done by those under them. These functions are planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing, leading, representing and decision making. None of the management functions can be performed without communication. There were good managers, of course, long before anyone ever studied management. The field of management has drawn on sociology, psychology, economics and other disciplines, and it is in there areas that the manager can learn from study as well as from experience and by trial and error. He still needs plenty of intelligence, common sense, and business judgment – and even the inspired hunch may still take place. But the knowledge of what others have learned about the various aspects of management will help him use his native abilities more effectively. Future managers will need more education than those of the past. A knowledge of the humanities will be needed for a balanced viewpoint. Scientific knowledge will be required to distinguish between good and bad expert advice, foe the area of management is replete with disagreements between experts.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
What is management? Are there certain functions that all managers perform regardless of whether they're company presidents, managers of departments, or supervisors of department sections? <br>If we watch managers at work, we might conclude that their jobs differ so widely in content and scope that no generalization about management are possible. <br>One reason fir this is that many managers , even top managers, do work that is not management at all. A simple example is the sales manager who actually sells and perhaps has a set of customers of his own, in addition to managing the sales force. Then there's the "working foreman" or lead man who works right along with the group he's supervising. In these cases the managers are actually spending only part of their time on management itself.<br>A second reason why it may be difficult to identify the functions common to all managers is that the scope of their activities differs widely. <br>Yet, it we look closely at managers at work, we can see that fundamentally they are all performing - or should be performing - the same functions during the time they are actually managing rather that doing the work similar to that done by those under them. <br>These functions are planning, organizing, directing , controlling, staffing, leading, representing and decision making. None of the management functions can be performed without communication. <br>There were good managers, of course, long before anyone ever studied management.<br>The field of management has drawn on sociology , psychology, economics and other disciplines, and it is in there areas that the manager can learn from study as well as from experience and by trial and error. He still needs plenty of intelligence, common sense, and business judgment - and even the inspired hunch may still take place. But the knowledge of what others have learned about the various aspects of management will help him use his native abilities more effectively. <br>Future managers will need more education than those of the past. A knowledge of the humanities will be needed for a balanced viewpoint. Scientific knowledge will be required to distinguish between good and bad expert advice, foe the area of management is replete with disagreements between experts.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
What is management? Are there certain functions that all managers perform regardless of whether they're company presidents, managers of departments, or supervisors of department sections?<br> If we watch managers at work, we might conclude that their jobs differ so widely in content and scope that no generalization about management is possible.<br> One reason fir this is that many managers, even top managers, do work that is not management at all. A simple example is the sales manager who actually sells and perhaps has a set of customers of his own, in addition to managing the sales force. Then there's the "working foreman" or lead man who works right along with the group he's supervising. In these cases, the managers are actually spending only part of their time on management itself.<br> A second reason why it may be difficult to identify the functions common to all managers is that the scope of their activities differs widely.<br> Yet, it we look closely at managers at work, we can see that fundamentally they are all performing - or should be performing - the same functions during the time they are actually managing rather that doing the work similar to that done by those under them.<br> These functions are planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing, leading, representing and decision making. None of the management functions can be performed without communication.<br> There were good managers, of course, long before anyone ever studied management.<br> The field of management has drawn on sociology, psychology, economics and other disciplines, and it is in there areas that the manager can learn from study as well as from experience and by trial and error. He still needs plenty of intelligence, common sense, and business judgment - and even the inspired hunch may still take place. But the knowledge of what others have learned about the various aspects of management will help him use his native abilities more effectively.<br> Future managers will need more education than those of the past. A knowledge of the humanities will be needed for a balanced viewpoint. Scientific knowledge will be required to distinguish between good and bad expert advice, foe the area of management is replete with disagreements between experts.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
What is management? There are also functions in which all managers are responsible for what are agents of their companies, managers of non-governmental organizations or supervisors of non-governmental departments?<br>If we see managers working, we may come to the conclusion that their jobs differ so broadly in content and scope that no generalization about management are possible<br>One reason is that many managers, even top managers, don't manage everything. A simple example is the sales manager who actually sells and perhaps has a set of customers of his own,in addition to managing the sales force. Then there is a pre work "or leave a person's work with the group he leads. In these cases, managers actually spend only their time managing themselves.<br>A second reason why may be difficult to identify the functions common to all managers is that the scope of their activities differers widely.<br>Yes, it looks like our closed managers are working. We can see that they are all changing - or should be performing the same functions during the time they are actually managing rater that doing the work similar to that done by those under them<br>These functions are planning, organization, guidance, control, leadership, representation and decision-making. No management function can be realized without communication.<br>There are good managers, academia, who study management at all times.<br>The field of management has drawn on sociology,psychology,economics and other disciplines,and it is in there areas that the manager can learn from study as well as from experience and by trial and error. He still needs intelligence contenty, common sense, and business judgment - even the inhaled hunch may still take place But knowing that others have experience in all aspects of management will help him use his physical disability more effectively.<br>Future managers will need more education than in the past. A knowledge of the humanities will be need for a balanced viewpoint. Scientific knowledge will be required to distinguish between good and bad expert advice,foe the area of management is replete with disagreements between experts.<br>
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