1. Элли старалась выпрямить свои от природы кудрявые волосы, поэтому спать ложилась со множеством шпилек и заколок в волосах. Вся семья шутила, что с ними она похожа на ежика.
2. Элли еще не решила для себя, что такое гламур. Она старалась делать маникюр и прическу, но все ее попытки были безуспешны и смешны.
3. Элли упорно искала свой стиль, пока, наконец, не поняла, что стиль заключается не в прическе и маникюре, а в манерах и поведении человека.
4. Учителям свойственна высокопарная манера разговаривать, и порой, это мешает им найти общий язык с детьми.
5. Иметь свой стиль – не значит утопать в мехах и жемчугах, но найти свой собственный, внутренний шик.
6. От молодой учительницы пахло мылом, а не духами. И это помогало ей найти общий язык с детьми из небогатых семей.
7. В молодой учительнице было какое-то очарование. Она писала изящным почерком, носила чистые отглаженные рубашки, аккуратно закалывала волосы. Хотя во всем этом не было ничего гламурного, девочки стремились подражать ей.
8. Подростки очень непостоянны в своих вкусах. Они могут мечтать о мехах, жемчугах и гламуре, а через минуту убежать на улицу играть в пятнажки с малышами.
9. Иногда простая манера декламировать стихи может впечатлить так, что муражки побегут по телу.
10. Элли мечтала о популярных певцах и хотела стать гламурной, но вскоре поняла, что все это не стоило ни времени, ни усилий.
11. Элли и ее подруга всегда обсуждали последние музыкальные хиты по дороге в школу.
12. Обсуждая учителей и школу, девочки все время хихикали.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Ellie tried to straighten your curly hair by nature, so went to sleep with a lot of hairpins and hair clips. The whole family joked that with them it looks like a hedgehog.2. Ellie haven't decided for themselves what is glamour. She tried to do a manicure and hairdo, but all her attempts were unsuccessful and ridiculous.3. Ellie stubbornly looked for your style, until finally realized that the style is not in the hairstyle and manicure, and in manners and human behavior.4. Teachers vysokoparnaâ peculiar manner of talk, and sometimes, it prevents them from finding a common language with their children.5. Have your style does not mean drown in furs and žemčugah, but find your own inner chic.6. From the young teacher smelled of SOAP, not perfume. And it's helped her to find a common language with children from poor families.7. In the young teacher had some charm. She wrote an elegant handwriting, wore clean shirts otglažennye, gently zakalyvala hair. While all this was nothing glamorous girls sought to imitate it.8. adolescents are very variable in their tastes. They can dream of furs, žemčugah and glamour, and in a minute to escape outside to play in the pâtnažki with the kids.9. Sometimes a simple manner can impress recite verses so that the muražki will run through the body.10. Alley dreamed of popular singers and wanted to be glamorous, but soon realized that all this is not worth the time or effort.11. Ellie and her friend always discussed the latest music hits on the way to school.12. in discussing teachers and school girls giggling all the time.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Ellie tried to straighten your curly hair by nature, so went to sleep with lots of studs and pins in her hair. The whole family joked that with them it looks like a hedgehog.
2. Ellie has not yet decided for myself that this glamor. She tried to do a manicure and hairstyle, but her attempts were futile and ridiculous.
3. Ellie persistently sought its own style, until finally I realized that is not the style of hair and nails, and in manners and behavior.
4. Teachers peculiar grandiloquent manner of speaking, and sometimes, it prevents them from finding a common language with children.
5. Have your own style - not to drown in furs and pearls, but find your own inner chic.
6. From a young teacher smelled of soap, not perfume. And it helped her to find a common language with children from poor families.
7. The young teacher was some kind of charm. She wrote a graceful hand, wore a clean ironed shirt, neatly pinned up hair. While all this was nothing glamorous girls tried to imitate her.
8. Teens are very fickle in their tastes. They may dream of furs, pearls and glamor, and a minute later to run into the street to play with the kids pyatnazhki.
9. Sometimes a simple manner of reciting poetry can impress so that murazhki run through the body.
10. Ellie dreamed of a popular singer and wanted to be glamorous, but soon realized that this is not worth the time nor effort.
11. Ellie and her friend always discussed the latest music hits on the way to school.
12. Discussing the teachers and the school, the girls giggling all the time.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. ally tried to straighten my naturally curly hair, so sleep go to bed with lots of studs and on my hair. the whole family was that with them it looks like a hedgehog.
2. ellie haven't decided for myselfwhat is the glamour. she tried to do her nails and hair, but all her attempts were unsuccessful and ridiculous.
3. ellie's been looking for my own style, until, finally, i realized that the style is not in the hair and makeup.and in manners and behavior.
4. teachers are высокопарная way of speaking, and sometimes, it makes it hard for them to find a common language with children.
5. your style is not so over in furs and жемчугах,but to find their own, internal style.
6. from the young teacher to smell the soap, but not spirits. and it helped her to find a common language with children from enabled families.
7. the young teacher was kind of charm.she wrote neat handwriting, wear clean отглаженные shirts neatly закалывала hair. while all of this was nothing glamorous girls sought to emulate her.
8. teenagers are very variable in its type.
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