У всех нормальных людей такое бывает с туалетом, а у меня с едой. Вот, например, вчера. Встала, плотно позавтракала, выпила кофе. Походила пособиралась, попила кофе с конфеткой. Перед выходом сделала себе два бутерброда, есть вроде не хотелось, но пришлось, ибо я себя знаю. Собралась окончательно, вышла, добежала до метро, села в вагон - ГОЛОДНАЯ!
И так каждый раз. Похудеть не грозит.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
All normal people it happens with toilet and I have with food. For example, yesterday. Got up, had my breakfast, drank coffee tightly. Like posobiralas', popila coffee with nuts. Before leaving made two sandwiches, there is a kind of didn't want to, but I had to because I know myself. Finally, gathered vyshla, dobezhala, sat in the car-HUNGRY! And so every time. Lose weight.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
All the normal people it happens to the toilet, and I have a meal. For example, yesterday. She got up, hearty breakfast, drank coffee. He walked posobirali, drank coffee with candy. Before the release of the two has made a sandwich, there did not seem to like, but I had to, because I know myself. Gathered finally came out, ran to the subway, sat in the car - Hungry!
And so every time. Lose weight is not threatened.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
all normal people that happens with the toilet, and i have a meal. for example, yesterday. get up and have breakfast, drink a cup of coffee. as пособиралась, i drank coffee and candy. before leaving her two sandwiches, a kind of hate, but i had to, because i know myself. going completely out, ran down to the subway, sitting in the car - hungry!and so every time. to lose weight, not risk.
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