Трудовой договорОткрытое акционерное общество

Трудовой договорОткрытое акционерно

Трудовой договор

Открытое акционерное общество "Первое предприятие", именуемое в дальнейшем «Предприятие», в лице генерального директора Иванова Алексея Юрьевича, действующего на основании Устава, с одной стороны, и Сидорова Ольга Петровна, именуемая в дальнейшем «Работник», действующая от своего имени, с другой стороны, заключили настоящий договор о нижеследующем:

1. Работник Сидорова Ольга Петровна
принимается на работу в центральную бухгалтерию
по профессии (должности) бухгалтер
2. Договор является договором по основной работе.

3. Срок действия договора:

Начало работы 13 марта 2007 г.

Окончание работы -

4. Срок испытания: без испытания.

5. Работник должен выполнять следующие обязанности:

а) Работник обязан добросовестно выполнять свои трудовые обязанности, приказы и распоряжения Работодателя.

б) Работник обязан подчиняться внутреннему трудовому распорядку, принятому на предприятии.

в) Работник обязан бережно относиться к имуществу предприятия, в том числе к находящимся в его пользовании оргтехнике и оборудованию, обеспечивать сохранность вверенной ему документации.

г) Работник обязан правильно и по назначению использовать переданные ему для работы оборудование, приборы, материалы.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Employment contractOpen joint-stock company "first business", hereinafter referred to as "enterprise", in the person of the Director-General Ivanov Alexei Yuryevich, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and Sidorova, Olga, hereinafter "employee acting on his behalf, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows: 1. Employee Sidorova, Olgarecruited to central accountingby profession (post) accountantqualifications 2. a contract is an agreement on substantive work.3. Duration of the contract:Getting started March 13, 2007The end of work-4. Trial period: without testing.5. The employee must fulfill the following duties:a) employee is obliged to faithfully fulfil their duties, orders and instructions of the employer.b) employee shall obey the internal labour schedule adopted in the enterprise.in) the employee must treat the property of the enterprise, including its use of office equipment and equipment entrusted to him to preserve documents.g) employee shall properly and on-label use may be referred to it for work equipment, instruments, materials.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The employment contract Open Joint Stock Company "First Company", hereinafter referred to as "Company", represented by Director General Ivanov Alexey Yurevich, acting under the Charter, on the one hand, and Sidorova Olga, hereinafter referred to as "employee", acting on its own behalf on the other hand, have concluded this agreement as follows: 1. Worker Olga Sidorova shall be employed in the central accounting profession (position) Accountant qualification 2. The contract is a contract for the main job. 3. Contract term: Starting 13 March 2007 End of work - 4. Test time: without the test. 5. The employee must perform the following duties: a) The employee shall faithfully perform their duties, orders and instructions of the Employer. B) An employee is obliged to obey the internal labor regulations, adopted by the company. C) An employee is obliged to take care of the property of the company, including being in his use of techniques and equipment, ensure the preservation of documents entrusted to him. d) The employee shall correct and intended use referred to it for work equipment, tools, materials.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the labour contractopen joint stock company "the first business", hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise", through the director general ivanov and юрьевича, acting on the basis of the charter, on the one hand, and sidorov, olga petrovna, hereinafter referred to as the "worker" was acting on his own behalf, on the other hand, have made this agreement as follows:1. employee sidorov, olga petrovnarecruited in the central accountingprofessional (post) accountantqualification2. the contract is a contract for the work.3. the period of the contract.beginning on march 13, 2007.the end of the work4. term test without test.5. the employee shall perform the following functions:(a) the employee is obliged to perform their tasks, the orders and instructions of the employer.(b) the worker is obliged to obey the internal labour regime adopted in the enterprise.in) the employee is obliged to protect the property of the enterprise, including its use in office machine parts and equipment, ensure the safety in his documentation.g) the employee is obliged to properly use and misuse to him for the work of the equipment, instruments, materials.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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