В провинцию Лимпопо приезжают полюбоваться нетронутой африканской прир перевод - В провинцию Лимпопо приезжают полюбоваться нетронутой африканской прир английский как сказать

В провинцию Лимпопо приезжают полюб

В провинцию Лимпопо приезжают полюбоваться нетронутой африканской природой. Здесь, в северной части ЮАР, практически нет промышленности. Многие области провинции до сих пор сохранились в том виде, который они имели до появления в этих местах человека. Природа Лимпопо разнообразна: путешественников ждут выжженные солнцем саванны, древние леса и таинственные горы. Отличительная особенность провинции – обилие рек (самые крупные из них - Лимпопо, Олифантс и Лувуву). Дикие животные водятся здесь во множестве – здесь можно увидеть всю "большую пятерку" (к ней относят слона, буйвола, носорога, леопарда и льва). Особенно много в Лимпопо кошачьих хищников. С запада провинция граничит с национальным парком Крюгера. На землях, примыкающих к парку, расположено несколько частных заповедников. В Лимпопо есть и государственный заповедник - национальный парк Маракеле. Он находится на востоке провинции, в горах Уотерберг. Природный мир этого парка уникален: горы Уотерберг расположены в переходной зоне между засушливой западной и более влажной восточной частью ЮАР.

И самое главное тут в естественной среде произрастают арбузы! Но если до отпуска еще далеко, ощутить вкус таинственной саванны тебе поможет фьюс арбуз!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the Limpopo province come to admire the unspoiled African wilderness. Here, in the northern part of SOUTH AFRICA, there is virtually no industry. Many areas of the province are still preserved as it existed before the advent of the human in these places. Limpopo nature is diverse: travelers waiting for a parched Savannah, ancient forests and mysterious mountains. A distinctive feature of the province is the abundance of rivers (the largest of them-Limpopo, Olifants and Luvuvu). Wild animals are found here in many-here you can see all the "big five" (to include elephant, Buffalo, rhino, Leopard and Lion). Especially in Limpopo feline predators. Western Province bordering the Kruger National Park. On land adjacent to the Park, there are a number of private game reserves. The Limpopo National Park-a national park the Marakele National Park. It is located to the East of the province, in the mountains of Uoterberg. The natural world this park is unique: the mountain Uoterberg are located in the transition zone between the arid Western and more humid eastern part of SOUTH AFRICA.And most of all here in a natural environment grow watermelons! But if before the leave is still far away, mysterious taste of Savannah you will help f′ûs watermelon!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In Limpopo province come to admire the untouched African nature. Here in the northern part of South Africa, there is little industry. Many areas of the province are still preserved in the form in which they were before the advent of man in these areas. Nature Limpopo diverse: Travelers wait parched savannas, ancient forests and mysterious mountains. A distinctive feature of the province - an abundance of rivers (the largest of them - Limpopo and Olifants Luvuvu). Wild animals are found here in the set - you can see all the "big five" (It includes elephant, buffalo, rhino, leopard and lion). Especially a lot in Limpopo feline predators. From the west the province borders the Kruger National Park. The lands adjacent to the park, there are several private game reserves. In Limpopo there are State Reserve - Marakele National Park. It is located in the east of the province, in the Waterberg Mountains. The natural world of the park is unique: Waterberg mountains are located in the transition zone between the arid western and more humid eastern part of South Africa. The most important thing here in the wild grow watermelons! But if the holidays are still far, a taste of the mysterious savanna fyus watermelon will help you!

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The Limpopo province come enjoy the pristine African nature. Here, in the northern part of South Africa, there is little industry. Many of the provinces have so far have been preserved in the formWhich they had prior to the emergence in the human rights field. Limpopo nature is diverse: travellers are waiting, and burned the sun savannah, ancient forests and mysterious mountains.The distinctiveness of the province - the abundance of rivers (the largest of them - Limpopo, Олифантс and Лувуву). Wild animals walrus here in many - here you can see all the "big-five" (to it are classified as an elephant, buffalo pox,Rhinoceros horn, leopard and lion). Especially many in Limpopo plaque predators. From the west province borders the Kruger National Park. On the lands adjacent to the park, there are several private reserves.The Limpopo and state reserve - the national park Маракеле. It is located in the east, in the mountains Уотерберг. Natural world this park is unique.The mountains Уотерберг are located in the transition zone between an arid west and more moist eastern part of South Africa.And most importantly the Lord here in the natural environment grow watermelons! But if before the maternity leave was still far from being achieved,Feel taste weird savannah you will help фьюс watermelons!
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