И молодой Король отослал всех прочь, кроме одного пажа, отрока, который
был моложе его на год и был оставлен им себе в сотоварищи. Его оставил он
служить себе, и, совершив омовение прозрачной водой, открыл большой крашеный
сундук, и оттуда достал кожаную тунику и накидку из грубой овчины, которые
носил, когда стерег на склонах холмов длиннорунных коз пастуха. Он надел
тунику и плащ и взял грубый пастуший посох.
И маленький паж, удивляясь, широко раскрыл синие глаза и с улыбкой
сказал ему:
- Государь мой, вот одеяние твое и скипетр, но я не вижу короны.
И молодой Король сорвал побег дикого вереска, обвившего балкон, и
сделал из него венец и возложил его на голову.
- Вот корона, - ответил он.
И, так облачась, он вышел из своих покоев в Большой Зал Дворца, где
ждали его придворные.
И развеселились придворные, и иные закричали ему:
- Государь, народ ждет короля, ты же явишься ему нищим. И разгневались
другие и сказали:
- Он навлек бесчестье на наше королевство и не достоин править нами.
Но он не сказал им ни слова, а пошел далее, и спустился по лестнице из
блистающего порфира, и вышел из бронзовых ворот, и сел на коня, и поскакал к
Собору, а маленький паж бежал следом за ним.
И народ смеялся и говорил:
- Вот едет королевский шут, - и потешался над ним. И он натянул поводья
и сказал:
- Не шут я, но Король.
И он поведал им три своих сна.
И вышел из толпы человек, и обратился к нему, и с горечью сказал:
- Государь, не зиждется ли жизнь бедного на роскоши богатого? Ваше
великолепие кормит нас, и ваши пороки дают нам хлеб. Работать на хозяина
горько, но когда работать не на кого - еще горше. Думаешь ли, что вороны нас
прокормят? И знаешь ли от этого лекарство? Велишь ли покупающему, да купит
за столько-то, и продающему, да продаст за столько-то? Не может такое
статься. Потому воротись во Дворец и облачись в пурпур и тонкие ткани. Что
тебе мы и наши страдания?
- Не братья ли богатый и бедный? - спросил молодой Король.
- Братья, - ответил тот, - и имя богатому - Каин.
И глаза молодого Короля наполнились слезами, и он тронулся в путь под
ропот толпы, и маленький паж испугался и оставил его.
И когда он достиг соборных врат, стражи выставили свои алебарды и
- Чего тебе надобно здесь? Никто, кроме Короля, да не войдет в эти
И лицо его покраснело от гнева, и он сказал им:
- Я Король, - и он отвел в сторону их алебарды и вошел.
И когда старый епископ увидел его, одетого пастухом, то в изумлении
поднялся со своего места, и пошел навстречу ему, и сказал:
- Сын мой, в королевском ли ты облачении? И какой короной буду венчать
тебя, и какой скипетр вложу в твою руку? Воистину се день твоей радости, а
не унижения.
- Должно ли Радости облачиться в сотканное Горем? - спросил молодой
И он поведал ему три своих сна. Епископ же, услыхав их, нахмурил брови
и сказал:
- Сын мой, я стар и на склоне лет знаю, что много зла творится в мире.
Беспощадные разбойники спускаются с гор, и уносят малых детей, и продают их
маврам. Львы подстерегают караваны и набрасываются на верблюдов. Дикие вепри
вытаптывают посевы на равнинах, и лисы обгладывают виноградники на склонах
гор. Пираты опустошают морское побережье, и жгут рыбацкие лодки, и отнимают
у рыбарей сети. Прокаженные обитают в солончаках и плетут тростниковые
хижины, и никто не смеет приблизиться к ним. Нищие бродят по городам и едят
вместе с псами. Можешь ли ты сделать, чтобы этого не было? Положишь ли к
себе в постель прокаженного, посадишь ли нищего с собой за стол? Послушает
ли лев твою просьбу и покорится ли тебе кабан? Разве Тот, кто создал нищету,
не мудрее тебя? Потому не хвалю тебя за то, что ты содеял, но прошу: поезжай
во Дворец, и да будет на лице твоем веселье, и на тебе - одежда, подобающие
королю, и я возложу на твою голову золотую корону и вложу в твою руку
жемчужный скипетр. Что же до твоих снов, не помышляй о них более. Бремя мира
сего не вынести одному человеку, и скорбь мира сего не выстрадать одному
- В чьем доме говоришь ты это? - сказал молодой Король, и прошел мимо
епископа, и поднялся по ступеням алтаря, и предстал перед ликом Христовым.
Он стоял перед ликом Христовым, и ошую и одесную от него были чудесные
золотые сосуды - потир с янтарным вином и чаша с миррой. Он преклонил колени
перед ликом Христовым, и ярко горели высокие свечи вкруг усеянной
драгоценными камнями святыни, и благовонный дым курясь поднимался к куполу
тонкими голубыми венчиками. Склонив голову, он молился, и священнослужители
неслышно отошли от алтаря в своих неуклюжих ризах.
И вдруг в дверях послышался страшный шум, и в храм вошли придворные с
обнаженными мечами, и перья покачивались на их шляпах, а стальные щиты
- Где этот сновидец? - кричали они. - Где этот Король, ряженный нищим,
этот мальчишка, покрывший позором наше королевство? Воистину мы убьем его,
ибо он недостоин править нами.
И молодой Король вновь опустил голову, и молился, и, окончив молитву,
встал, и, обернувшись, печально смотрел на них.
И вот через оконные витражи на него хлынул солнечный свет и лучи солнца
соткали вокруг него облачение прекраснее того, что сделали ради его роскоши.
Мертвый посох расцвел, и на нем распустились лилии, которые были белее
жемчуга. Сухой шип расцвел, и на нем распустились розы, которые были краснее
рубинов. Белее отборных жемчужин были лилии, и стебли их были чистого
серебра. Краснее кровавых рубинов были розы, и листья их были чеканного
Он стоял в короле
Результаты (
английский) 1:
And the young King sent everyone away, but one of the pages, the LAD thatwas his junior year and was on them myself in him. He left itserve yourself and completing ablution transparent water, opened a large paintedchest and pulled out a leather tunic and Cape of sheepskin, whichwore when cling to hillsides dlinnorunnyh goats Shepherd. He woretunic and cloak and took a rough herding. And the little page, marveling, widely opened blue eyes and with a smilesaid to him: -Sir, here is your robe and sceptre, but I see no Crown. And the young King plucked escape wild Heather, obvivšego balconymade of it a Crown and put it on the head. -Here is the Crown, he said. And so oblačas′, he came out of his Chambers in the great Hall of the Palace, wherewaited for his courtiers. And the real fun was the courtiers and other cried out to him: -Sir, people are waiting for the King, thou âviš′sâ him a pauper. And the angerothers said: -He incurred infamy on our Kingdom and not worthy to rule us. But he did not say to them a Word, but went further and descended the stairs from thebrilliant porphyry, and left the bronze gate, and sat on the horse, and galloped to theThe Cathedral, and the little page ran behind him. And people laughed and said: -Here goes the Royal jester, and made fun of him. And he pulled the reinsand said: -Do not fool me, but the King. And he told them three of their sleep. And came out of the crowd of people, and turned to him and said bitterly: -Sir, not whether the poor life rests on the luxury of the rich? Yoursplendor feeds us and your vices give us bread. Work on the hostbitter, but when not work on anyone even more bitter. You think that the Ravens usand these sprat feed? And you know from this medication? Veliš′ whether in conventional, yes buyfor so many, and sells, yes sell for so much? Could not such aarticle. Because the vorotis′ into the Palace and feelin in purple and fine fabrics. Thatthee we and our suffering? -Not whether brothers rich and poor? -asked the young King. -Brothers-answered one-and the name rich-Cain. And the young King's eyes filled with tears, and he drove off the road under thethe murmur of the crowd, and the little page freaked out and left him. And when he reached the Cathedral gates, guards put their halberds andsaid: -What you seek here? No one, except the King, Yes in thesedoors. And his face turned red with anger, and he said to them: -I am the King, and he took aside their halberds and entered. And when the old Bishop saw him wearing a shepherd, in amazementrose from his seat and went to meet him, and said: -My son, the Royal vestments, did you? And what the Crown will marryyou and what sceptre put in your hand? Verily behold the day of your gladness, andnot humiliation. -Whether the joy of being put on the grief? asked the youngKing. And he told him three of his sleep. Bishop same hearing them furrowed his eyebrowsand said: -My son, I am old and on the slope of years know that much evil going on in the world.Ruthless robbers come down from the mountains and kill small children and sell themthe Moors. Lions lurked in caravans and snatch on camels. Wild wild boarstread crops in the Plains, and foxes pick vineyards on the slopesmountains. Pirates ravaged the coast and fishing boats, tow and takerybarej have a network. Lepers live in salt marshes and weave Reedhuts, and nobody dares to approach them. The poor roam the cities and eatalong with the dogs. Can you do to prevent this? Put theyour bed whether plant leper, beggar at the table with you? ListenLi Lev your request and you resign boar? Is it the one who created the poverty,no wiser than you? Therefore not praise thee for what thou he made everything, but ask: goin the Palace, and yes there will be on the face of the your fun, and you-the clothes befitthe King and I will entrust to your head a Golden Crown, and put in your handPearl scepter. As far as your dreams, not thinks about them more. The burden of peaceThis doesn't make one person, and the grief of the world not suffered oneheart. -In whose house you say you do? the young King said, and passedBishop, and climbed the steps of the altar, and appeared before the face of Christ. He stood in front of the face of Christ, and ošuû and right from it were wonderfulGolden Chalice vessels with Amber Bowl with wine and myrrh. He kneltbefore the face of Christ, and burned brightly high round candles littered withprecious stones, and blagovonnyj smoke kurâs′ raised to the domethin blue aureoles. Bowing his head, he prayed, and priestsquietly retreated from the altar in its clumsy vestments. And suddenly in the doorway I heard a terrible noise, and the temple entered the Court withnaked swords, and feathers bobbing on their hats, and steel shieldssparkled. -Where is this snovidec? They shouted. -Where the King, râžennyj,This boy, covering shame our Kingdom? Verily we kill him,because he is unworthy to rule us. And the young King once again lowered his head, and prayed, and, having finished the prayer,got up and turned, sadly watched them. And through window stained glass poured on him sunlight and sun rayswoven around it more beautiful vestments that were made for the sake of his luxury.Dead staff blossomed, and dissolve the lilies that were whiter thanpearls. Dry thorn blossomed, and it blossomed roses that were redderrubies. Whiter than the choicest jewels were lilies, and stalks them were pureSilver. Redder bloody rubies were the roses and leaves them were chasedGold. He stood in the King
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
And the young King sent away all but one of the page's servant, who
was his junior year and was left them his companions. He left it
to serve yourself, and taking a bath clear water, opened a large painted
chest, and took out a leather tunic and cloak of coarse sheepskin who
wore when guarded hillside dlinnorunnyh goat herder. He put on his
tunic and cloak and took a rough shepherd's staff.
And the little page, wondering opened wide blue eyes and with a smile
- My lord, here is Your apparel and scepter, but I do not see the corona.
And the young King plucked runaway wild heather , obvivshego balcony, and
made him a crown and put it on his head.
- That's the crown, - he said.
And so attired, he went out of his chambers in the Great Hall of the Palace, where
waiting for his court.
And cheered the court, and other cried him
- Sir, people are waiting for the king, you yavishsya it to the poor. And angry with
others and said:
- He brought dishonor upon our kingdom and not worthy to rule us.
But he did not tell them anything, and went on, and went down the stairs of
shining porphyry, and left the bronze gate, and sat on the horse, and rode to the
cathedral, and the little page running after him.
And the people laughed and said:
- Here goes the royal jester - and laughed at him. He reined in
and said:
- Do not Fool me, but the King.
And he told them his three dreams.
And he went out from the crowd of people, and spoke to him, and said bitterly:
- The Emperor, not based there life of the poor in the luxury of the rich ? Your
magnificence feeds us, and your vices give us bread. Work on the master
is bitter, but when does not work for someone - even more bitter. Think you that we crows
feed? And do you know from this medicine? Wilt thou that I buy, but will buy
for so much, and sell, but sell for so much? Can not this
article. Because turn again to the Palace and clad in purple and fine fabrics. What do
you we and our suffering?
- Not to take any rich and poor? - Asked the young King.
- Brothers - he replied - and the name of the rich - Cain.
And the eyes of the young King were filled with tears, and he set off under the
murmur of the crowd, and the little page grew afraid and left him.
And when he reached the cathedral gate, the guards put their halberds, and
- What do you want here? No one except the King, let it not come into the
And his face flushed with anger, and he told them:
- I am king - and he took the side of their halberds and went in.
And when the old Bishop saw him dressed as a shepherd, then in amazement
he rose from his seat and went to meet him, and said:
- My son, if you are in the royal attire? And a crown will marry
you, and I will put a scepter in your hand? Indeed behold the day of your joy,
not humiliation.
- Should Joy woven dress in Goreme? - Asked the young
And he told him his three dreams. Bishop had heard them, frowned
and said:
- My son, I am old, and in his declining years I know that a lot of evil going on in the world.
Ruthless robbers come down from the mountains, and carry off the little children, and sell them
to the Moors. Lions lie in wait and attack the caravans of camels. Wild boar
trample crops in the plains, and the foxes gnaw the vineyards on the slopes of
the mountains. The pirates lay waste the sea coast, fishing boats and tow, and take away
their nets from them. The lepers live in salt marshes and weave reed
huts, and no one dares to approach them. Beggars roam the city and eat
with dogs. Can you do that it was not? Put you in
your bed leper, put there with a beggar at the table? Listen to
a lion your request and if you submit to a wild boar? Did He who made misery
wiser than thou art? Because I do not praise you for what you hath made, but I ask: you go
to the Palace, and may be on the face of your fun, and you - clothes befitting
the king, and I will put it on your head a golden crown and put it into your hand
the scepter of pearl . As for your dreams, think no more about them. The burden of the world
this is not one man to bear, and the sorrow of this world do not suffer the same
- In whose house did you say? - Said the young King, and passed by
the bishop, and climbed the steps of the altar, and was brought before the image of Christ.
He stood in front of the face of Christ, and oshuyu at the right hand of him were wonderful
golden vessels - chalice with the yellow wine and bowl with myrrh. He knelt
before the image of Christ, and tall candles burned brightly dotted round the
jewels of holiness, and the sweet smoke rising to the dome kuryas
thin blue corolla. Bowing his head, he prayed, and priests
silently away from the altar in his clumsy garments.
And suddenly the door was heard a terrible noise, and in entered the nobles with
drawn swords and feathers bobbing on their hats, and steel shields
- Where is this dreamer ? - They shouted. - Where is the King, apparelled like a beggar,
this boy who brings shame upon our state? Surely we will kill him,
for he is not worthy to rule over us.
And the young King bowed his head again, and prayed, and, having finished the prayer,
he stood up and turned around, looked at them sadly.
And through the stained glass windows it poured sunlight and sun
woven around the beautiful vestments that made for his luxuries.
The dead staff blossomed, and bare lilies that were whiter than
pearls. The dry thorn blossomed, and bare roses that were redder than
rubies. Whiter than fine pearls were the lilies, and their stems were of pure
silver. Redder than rubies were the roses, and their leaves were of beaten
He stood in the king
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