Утро в сосновом лесу - это, безусловно, шедевр. На первый взгляд- это  перевод - Утро в сосновом лесу - это, безусловно, шедевр. На первый взгляд- это  английский как сказать

Утро в сосновом лесу - это, безусло

Утро в сосновом лесу - это, безусловно, шедевр. На первый взгляд- это не просто картина, это сюжет русско-народной сказки. Первыми, кто бросается в глаза - конечно медвежата. Это опасные хищники, но как мило они смотрятся.
Медвежата резвятся, они встречают новый день. Для них это не просто сосновый лес - это их дом, где они играют, находят пищу, учатся быть самостоятельными. Издавна считалось, что медведь - это хозяин леса. Присутствие медведей на картине делает более полное представление о дикой природе - как живет лес утром и как в нем все оживает. На картине видно, как переживает за своих малышей мама-медведица, оглядываясь вокруг - нет ли опасности рядом.
Утро в лесу немного туманное, полусонное. Автор картины удивительно талантливо смог отобразить насыщенность, сказочность, загадочность леса. Очень хочется пойти дальше, зайти в глубину и обязательно найти что-нибудь таинственное. Играет воображение. Глядя на картину начинаешь представлять, как прохладно в лесу на рассвете, как рычат медвежата, треск веток под лапами медведицы, пение птиц, разные незнакомые звуки где-то далеко, в глубине леса. И хочется хотя бы на минуточку превратиться в невидимого обитателя соснового леса, чтобы увидеть всю эту красоту воочию.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Morning in a pine forest-this is definitely a masterpiece. At first glance-it's not just a picture, it's the story of the Russo-folk tales. The first who catches the eye of course bear cubs. This dangerous predators, but how cute they look. Bear cubs romp, they meet a new day. For them it's not just a pine forest is their home, where they play, find food, learn to be self-sufficient. Since ancient times it was believed that the bear is the master of the forest. The presence of bears in the picture makes a more complete picture of the wild-life of the forest in the morning and how it all comes alive. In the picture you can see how going through for their babies Mama-bear, looking around-isn't it dangerous there. Morning in the woods a little misty, polusonnoe. The author of the picture is amazingly talented could display saturation, fabulousness, mysterious forest. I'd like to go further, go deep and be sure to find something mysterious. Is imagination. Looking at the picture you will be as cool in the forest at dawn, as the bears Growl, the crack of branches under the feet of the bear, singing birds, assorted unfamiliar sounds somewhere far away, deep in the forest. And I want to at least wait a minute turn into invisible occupant of pine forest to see all this beauty firsthand.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Morning in a Pine Forest - this is definitely a masterpiece. At first vzglyad- is not just a picture, it is a plot-Russian folk tale. The first who catches your eye - of course bears. This is dangerous predators, but how cute they look.
The cubs frolic, they meet a new day. For them it is not just a pine forest - this is their home, where they play, find food, learn to be independent. It has long been thought that the bear - a master of the forest. The presence of bears in the picture makes a better idea of the wild - as living the woods in the morning and how it all comes to life. In the picture you can see how worried about their kids mother-bear, looking around - there is danger nearby.
Morning in the forest a little hazy, half-asleep. Author picture amazing talent could show saturation, fabulous, mystery forest. I'd like to go further, to go in depth and be sure to find something mysterious. Plays imagination. Looking at the picture you begin to imagine how cool in the forest at dawn as growling bears, crackling twigs under-bear paws, singing birds, various unfamiliar sounds somewhere far away, deep in the woods. And you want at least a minute to turn into invisible inhabitants of a pine forest to see all this beauty firsthand.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Art print on canvas - this is, of course, a masterpiece. At first glance, this is not just a picture, this is the story xix-people's fairy tales. The first, who is conspicuous in the eyes - of course castles. This is a dangerous predators, but how sweet they look great.
Castles boulevard, they are greeted the new day. For them it is not just a pine forest is their home, where they play, find food, learn to be self-reliant. It has long been thought that Medved is a forest owner.The presence bears from the picture makes a more complete picture of the wild nature - living as a forest this morning and as it all comes to life. The picture can be seen, as well as undergoing a for their babies mom-whosoever heareth,Looking around - there is no danger.
Morning in the forest a little art print on canvas --- agniart.ru, полусонное. The author picture surprisingly talent able to display color saturation, сказочность, Wolford forests. I would like to go further,To go in depth, and it is essential to find something mysterious. Is your imagination. Looking at the picture of gizmos to represent, as well as cool in the forest at dawn, as well as lift the castles, creaking branches under the sweeps thence,The song of birds, different unfamiliar sounds far away, in the depths of the forest. And I would like to for a moment become the invisible metaphor pine forests, to see all this beauty at first hand.
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